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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > So maybe I am slow but I just realized that...
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by po

The stingers arent even near your caliber and no one came within 13 points of them, and that was only after the stingers were very tired.

I still say if you want to stay the XP penalty should be very severe (cuz right now its completely garbage) and your stadium should be taken down to at max 2 corners not fully built or 1 fully built corner.

You better check your facts.

Facts were checked.

Thanks for your input.

Unless you were talking playoffs. Which I wasnt.
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 16:30:55
Hey po,
I took ownership of a sorry ass team midway through last season, I knew NO ONE on the Brawlers or anyone else on GLB for that matter. I tried to hire some good GM's and bring in some good players. One of my Gm's said he knew alot of guys off a pro team that wanted to stay together, and if I would sign them. I said sure!!! I broke no rules and this was not planned, you are such a pussy, bottomline.
this thread is so confusing. is Bora Bora moving to a different conference? up the league?
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
this thread is so confusing. is Bora Bora moving to a different conference? up the league?

from what it looks like we are either going back to Eastern Europe or South America Pro
Originally posted by BallCoach6
Hey po,
I took ownership of a sorry ass team midway through last season, I knew NO ONE on the Brawlers or anyone else on GLB for that matter. I tried to hire some good GM's and bring in some good players. One of my Gm's said he knew alot of guys off a pro team that wanted to stay together, and if I would sign them. I said sure!!! I broke no rules and this was not planned, you are such a pussy, bottomline.

Pussy? And you did break a rule, but thats been proven and done with.

Like I said I dont care any more. Its not about being a pussy. That doesnt make any sense and is name calling, but regardless its me realizing whats the point of playing this season?

I mean whats the point of this game? Its to win and move up right? Well this season is done for already and we arent even to the preseason.

I mean honestly the best we can hope for right now is to make the conference finals. That realistically is as good a goal as any team can have in this league besides you guys.

It just seems there are SO many ways this could have been handled prior to this. That didnt involve invading the lowest league you could possibly invade.

I still dont know how I am a pussy. Is it because I realize that my team has zero shot vs a good pro team?
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 16:46:10
No, I did not break one rule, I signed some good players to try to turn my horrible team that I just took over into a contender. When I took over my team it was AAA, I did not plan to get relegated, and I did not choose what team I took over.

Your initial post in this thread, you acted like this was a big plan, which is not true by any means.

How are you a pussy??? Well I am guessing you are a kid from you constant whining and bickering that you have done since us moving to AA4, you have turned this into an issue when it is not, I got admin approval to sign those players before I did. And now since some crybaby has caused a stir they have changed their minds and gave in to your shit.
for those that really care about how things went down on Budapests side of this all here is a brief explanation

Bengals said he was selling the team and gave us all expiring contracts.

Porky mentions he is a GM on a rebuilding team and that anyone looking for a team would be welcome there.

Players start inquiring about jumping to that team and eventually it was the majority of us.

Porky gets confirmation from the new owner (ballcoach) that all the players who want to come can and that things would be ran similar to the team we were on

Me and Bengal get confirmation from Admins that what we are doing is allowed

We all make the jump looking forward to a fresh start in the new league.
Ballcoach.....I respect your opinion bro. But watch the name calling, cursing, etc. They will ban you in a heartbeat.
Originally posted by BallCoach6
No, I did not break one rule,

-Rule 1: You cannot transfer teams from one region to another - instituted to prevent people from taking teams with high level players and moving into a low level league where they can dominate
-Rule 2 : Farm teams are allowed but you cannot dramatically enhance one team at the expense of another - that means you can move a few players (up to 6-8 but cannot totally transfer a roster). This has been a rule since the end of season 1
-Rule 3: You can only trade 2 times per season with the same team, and only 3 players per trade - also instituted to prevent wholesale roster swaps between teams

You broke at least rule two, possibly rule 1.

Originally posted by
How are you a pussy??? Well I am guessing you are a kid

Constant? You mean because I just keep pointing out how you broke the rules??? And how I think things should be fair.

Also dont guess. Its not a good look for you.

Originally posted by
crybaby has caused a stir they have changed their minds and gave in to your shit.

Again with the name calling? And you call me a kid? Let your balls drop then come talk to me.

And they havent given in to anything. He said he would need approval from the team. That would be you.

We will see if you guys really wanted to stay in a pro league or if you just wanted to pick on smaller prey by your answer.

You guys should be happy to be moving back up not trying to fight it. It really hurts your case that this wasnt a gutting. Cuz it was.

Wether you left them money, to try and make it not look like a gutting, or not. Its still at least breaks rule number two.

And yeah as a paying customer I should be able to speak my peace. I wont just sit here and let it be ruined, because of someone like yourself.
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 17:10:25
Originally posted by king_ar15
Originally posted by shield.bearer

I'm still perfectly willing to take you on. But I fully expect you guys to win the league if you stay, simply because of the ability to wait all season, then boost to counter almost any moves we can make.

Again, I think you are misunderstanding. No one is afraid of your team. Several people are ticked that all the work they did to improve their team will be for naught if you stay.

Guadalcanal, Fiji, Newcastle, and ASRW are the top returning teams in Zeta. Do any of the rest of you guys feel like you have a legitimate chance of promotion now?

I can understand that... I just hope we get a clean slate whatever league we go too.. was bout to get a logo.. and uniforums this is gay

btw: heard they may want to put scrimmage games together with FP on the line... Teams in different leagues...

I ll be down to play anyone here next season... Those who are not afraid that is

I already made the first challenge to you guys, either in this thread or another.

I'm interested to see the results...

But anyhow like i said stay. I dont care.

I only have to play you once. I just dont think its fair and completely defeats the purpose of trying to move up and relegate leagues.

At least I know now that on day 24 I can sign all the playesr on my team to 10 day contracts.

That way if I dont make the playoffs all our guys can jump ship to BDR and give them a much better chance of winning in the playoffs.

Of course they will do the same to help me out. It does back fire if we both make it past the first round of the playoffs but its a good thought.
What this boils down to is Bort wouldnt allow a move if he thought everything was done in a kosher way. He has already gotten burned by the team moving and wouldn't risk it unless he thought it should be done.

Like I said earlier, I blame Bort and GLB for this. There should have been rules preventing this and there wasnt. The interesting thing is whether they use this to fix a problem that will only get worse....or ignore it like they do so many other things.
Originally posted by Modok
What this boils down to is Bort wouldnt allow a move if he thought everything was done in a kosher way. He has already gotten burned by the team moving and wouldn't risk it unless he thought it should be done.

Like I said earlier, I blame Bort and GLB for this. There should have been rules preventing this and there wasnt. The interesting thing is whether they use this to fix a problem that will only get worse....or ignore it like they do so many other things.

The problem we arent the only team to have ever given players contract that run out at seasons end due to an ownership change. Thats the only reason the contracts were done like that. At that point we become free agents, so by forcing us to move its basically saying

"as a free agent sign wherever you like, unless it makes that team appear loads better then other teams in the league that thought they had a chance to win it" If this was a level capped league i could understand all the comotion, but it isnt.
Originally posted by GoBrowns
Originally posted by Modok

What this boils down to is Bort wouldnt allow a move if he thought everything was done in a kosher way. He has already gotten burned by the team moving and wouldn't risk it unless he thought it should be done.

Like I said earlier, I blame Bort and GLB for this. There should have been rules preventing this and there wasnt. The interesting thing is whether they use this to fix a problem that will only get worse....or ignore it like they do so many other things.

The problem we arent the only team to have ever given players contract that run out at seasons end due to an ownership change. Thats the only reason the contracts were done like that. At that point we become free agents, so by forcing us to move its basically saying

"as a free agent sign wherever you like, unless it makes that team appear loads better then other teams in the league that thought they had a chance to win it" If this was a level capped league i could understand all the comotion, but it isnt.

Yes but did those teams take 95% of the team to a new team in a much lower level?

I mean do you realize the can of worms this opens up?

This does nothing from two teams doing exactly what I said above and signing all their players to contracts ending on day 32 or 34 and jumping them to the other team.

I mean 5 to 6 players could make the difference between a championship and 4th place.

It also just sets the stage for any team that feels they cant hang in the pros any more and have a GM just get a team sit it out a year in the capped level and then bring in the cavalry, and just own and move right back up 2 or 3 levels for the next couple of seasons.

I mean I dont know if thats why you did this but it really doesnt matter. This opens up a whole mess of things that would blatantly be called cheating but what are you going to do?

This is why it was made that only 6 players pre season could go to the same team.

Of course there are loopholes, there are loopholes to everything. Its just a matter of wether or not its let go.

If it is thats fine, I know how I ll set up my playoff roster.

Would it be in the best interest of the game if everyone just had two teams and then combined them at playoff time due to them being magically FA at the end of the regular season?
Originally posted by po
Originally posted by GoBrowns

Originally posted by Modok

What this boils down to is Bort wouldnt allow a move if he thought everything was done in a kosher way. He has already gotten burned by the team moving and wouldn't risk it unless he thought it should be done.

Like I said earlier, I blame Bort and GLB for this. There should have been rules preventing this and there wasnt. The interesting thing is whether they use this to fix a problem that will only get worse....or ignore it like they do so many other things.

The problem we arent the only team to have ever given players contract that run out at seasons end due to an ownership change. Thats the only reason the contracts were done like that. At that point we become free agents, so by forcing us to move its basically saying

"as a free agent sign wherever you like, unless it makes that team appear loads better then other teams in the league that thought they had a chance to win it" If this was a level capped league i could understand all the comotion, but it isnt.

Yes but did those teams take 95% of the team to a new team in a much lower level?

I mean do you realize the can of worms this opens up?

This does nothing from two teams doing exactly what I said above and signing all their players to contracts ending on day 32 or 34 and jumping them to the other team.

I mean 5 to 6 players could make the difference between a championship and 4th place.

It also just sets the stage for any team that feels they cant hang in the pros any more and have a GM just get a team sit it out a year in the capped level and then bring in the cavalry, and just own and move right back up 2 or 3 levels for the next couple of seasons.

I mean I dont know if thats why you did this but it really doesnt matter. This opens up a whole mess of things that would blatantly be called cheating but what are you going to do?

This is why it was made that only 6 players pre season could go to the same team.

Of course there are loopholes, there are loopholes to everything. Its just a matter of wether or not its let go.

If it is thats fine, I know how I ll set up my playoff roster.

Would it be in the best interest of the game if everyone just had two teams and then combined them at playoff time due to them being magically FA at the end of the regular season?

We honestly didnt bring 95% of our roster over here. Plenty of guys decided they didnt want to make the trip and so they didnt. However those of us that did make the move had been assured there wasnt a problem with it as we were FA's. It would be absolute crap to go "ya know what, since people bitched about it were gonna force you guys to move"

We didnt make any changes to a roster during the season, all the season ending contracts were sent by July 4th which was well before we even knew of this team. Again think what you will but we didnt do a damn thing wrong.

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