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It should have been stated right up front if known by the person offering the trade.
Originally posted by Laggo

well like I said, tell him either take the 140K trade to his own team so you can cut your losses or he can ride the bench until his contract. It's really a holdout right now but he can't refuse to play, just refuse to use his equiptment and everything else that makes him good
Thats my point, why whould I pay 140k for a shitty CPU?
If there is a problem here, its not a big one.

You paid 140k. The agent's team is offered 100k. Pretty sure you can negotiate to recover what you paid.

You're the team owner, holding his player on what is a contract that will last 2-3 seasons. Simple really. If the agent really wants his player on that team, he'll deal.

Otherwise, he'll have to compete for all the other level 11-13 LBs out there, and you've got a cheap ST player for the next 2-3 seasons. If he bitches, ban him from the forum.

You really want him off your team, take the 100k he offered Angola. 40k loss is not that bad, just take it as a lesson. Hell, I'm gonna lose 100k cause I had 2 RBs sign both contract offers within 2 minutes of each other. Can't keep both on the team.
Originally posted by seorang
If there is a problem here, its not a big one.

You paid 140k. The agent's team is offered 100k. Pretty sure you can negotiate to recover what you paid.

You're the team owner, holding his player on what is a contract that will last 2-3 seasons. Simple really. If the agent really wants his player on that team, he'll deal.

Otherwise, he'll have to compete for all the other level 11-13 LBs out there, and you've got a cheap ST player for the next 2-3 seasons. If he bitches, ban him from the forum.

You really want him off your team, take the 100k he offered Angola. 40k loss is not that bad, just take it as a lesson. Hell, I'm gonna lose 100k cause I had 2 RBs sign both contract offers within 2 minutes of each other. Can't keep both on the team.

+1, I didn't make the deal but I know SheVegas pretty well and I can tell you he wasn't out to get you or screw you over.
First off: Buyer beware.

Secondly: She Vegas, did you really think he wouldn't be a malcontent after you traded him? I mean, seriously?

Finally.. I will release players from my own team, within reason. If I paid for lvl 24 upgrades then I expect them to play out their contract. A lvl 11-13 LB, though? Is it worth the headache?

I already offered the release of my lvl 18 WR after signing 2 more lvl 20s. He chose to stay as the #4 because he enjoys it in Moga. Granted, I had the backups to cover his absence, but I'd like to think he stayed because he likes working with a fair and transparent owner. Not saying you aren't. We just have different philosophies on dealing with this sort of thing.

This isn't the NFL. These players do not depend on us paying them for their livelihood. Treating them as if that were the case doesn't really work, imho.
this whole thing stinks and i believe the blood diamonds owner is in it up to his armpits.
well for all of you:

now lock this thread coz there is loads of shit hitting the fan and i'm getting it in my hair.
Now, Grid and his new owner want to bring me up, so I will chime in. Here is what Grid told me: "They are your players, do what you want with them." Translated, to me, this means you can trade them if you want, and I will move on with my team without them. But, since he was not willing to pay FAR below market value for them as other players on our team who have received teams have, we decided to take a different approach. He seemed fine with it, and since we had these talks SheVegas and I decided in was in everyone's best interest not have him back. Now, his new owner, who is truly coming off as an ass and quite naive (to put it nicely!) is trying to bash us? Again, do your homework. I always get to know the player, as every good GM/owner does. In fact, I am able to bring in great additions to our team by telling them exactly where they will fit in and explaining our team philosophy.

Must be pretty effective because people buy in and are ready to perform. Isn't this the case there throughhyperspace, I mean I landed someone you really wanted this year! Also, we are completely "transparent." In fact, you will not find a more open team forum than ours, and that is why our players come out to defend us. Where else do you see that? That is why I am proud to GM the Diamonds. We have a great core group and those are the guys we are working hard for.

caveat emptor
Originally posted by etonblue

caveat emptor


and now try again in english
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 08:32:07
Originally posted by etonblue

caveat emptor

Well put eton
Chet Avery
Originally posted by etonblue

caveat emptor


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