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Forum > Oceania > Oceania AA Leagues > The Fiji Storm = the best team in Oceania
Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
I have reported Shield Bearer for flaming and making personal insults at the Fiji Storm people, despite him getting warned by the mods to keep it civil. I take great offense at your language and tone.

To all our Fijian brothers at the Storm:

We here at Suva want to congratulate you in advance for joining a great conference. Unfortunately, we have moved up, but we still intend on maintaining a presence here to keep up with old friends and bitter rivals.

I would like to point out to you in advance, as you have already probably figured out. The members of ASRW, especially Ming Sao and Shield Bearer, are EXTREMELY good at making promises their asses can't keep. They talk huge trash and lose every single big game they play. They make up stupid nicknames that for some reason they believe are funny and keep using them over and over again despite the fact that the general public has no idea what they are talking about.

A mere four days ago Ming Sao swore that he would never again post in a thread that I was posting in. Well, looky looky, here he is posting and flaming away. They are the kings of talking big and walking small. Perhaps ASRW should be changed to TBWS.

You should feel honored though, they pick fights with the teams they feel the most threatened by. Last season it was our team. This season it seems to be you.

Stomp them into the ground and rub it in their faces every day, I say.

Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by GoBrowns

Originally posted by shield.bearer

Originally posted by king_ar15

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Porky = another Perch. Love it.

Let me ask you Porky, other than your Punter, what other Pro "caliber" player is coming down to "slum" in AA and the next question would be, why?

Listen Before you stick you whole leg in your mouth so you can kiss your own Buttox..

We had no control over the old team getting relegated ... If you don't want to play us its okay.. you should have beaten the Fiji Stingers to move up last season... Sorry were in your division...Maybe next season... only thing we are doing is pronouncing what everyone is thinking... A complete dominance of this league..

Well, everyone on your roster (and probably some of the weaker teams in our league) are thinking it.

I can guarantee Alice Springs isn't planning to roll over for you. I suspect Guadalcanal, Newcastle, and FFF won't either.

You boys expect to dominate because you have a few levels on us. I'm telling you it's not happening.

I hope you don't get too butthurt about staying in AA#4 an extra season or two...

Unless you guys are the Gods of gameplanning we arent too worried. We faced top notch competition the past two seasons in a league with higher level teams and we did pretty well for ourselves (12-4 and then 14-2 this season) Our gameplanning carried us through that league, and along with our higher levels, should carry us through this league. I do hope its competetive though, we enjoy a challenge.

So who are the kings of reading comprehension now?

What I clearly said (and not in braille) was if all of the Budapest players were such high caliber men, why not stay and play in the Pro's? What does that have to do with being relegated? All that implies is the only team who wanted you was a new AA. Seemed so clear to me. Lost on the ignorant I suppose.

And as a few of my fellow Brawlers had pointed out the owner of that team was forced by real life circumstances to sell the team. Instead of deal with a new owner who could have been crap we all went to a team that one of our teammates GM'd and we were told would be ran the same way. Believe me EE Pro wanted us to stay, we were one of the top 5 teams easily. I hope we get you guys in week one though, looking over your roster it wont even be a close game. I hope you guys are recruiting some high level safeties and OLinemen. Maybe get a kicker that can hit outside 40yds too.
We actually chose the team based off the owner, it was not the only team that would have us. We wanted to find the right fit, plus we all thought it would be interesting to work our way up the ladder, as most of us have spent all our time in the Pros. It was more important to us to stay together than worry about who we would slaughter next. It is just an added bonus you get to take a beating

So ming Sao once again: Fail, but keep trying it's amusing
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

I'm reporting you for intentionally baiting and bringing up topics that the mods said to stay away from.

I own you so bad you can't even see straight. lol
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

Ok away from the trash talking and friendly bantering. Was all of this really said by someone?

Originally posted by porky
Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

Ok away from the trash talking and friendly bantering. Was all of this really said by someone?

Hell yes it was. By your leader above, GB. Aggies have a code, don't they? How do you feel about that now with your military traditions? Why do you think I am incensed by this guy? The reason I vowed never to post after him? And yet, what does the d-bag do? Bait.

So good luck to you all with GB and Sean. They aren't on my level or yours either. but they are soooo cool to have around.
Originally posted by porky
Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

Ok away from the trash talking and friendly bantering. Was all of this really said by someone?

I said it because I was trying to be inflamatory and shocking. Nothing was ever said about african americans though. Everyone was warned to stay off this topic and we were taking it too far.

I stopped. I am sorry, I took it too far and it was uncalled for.

I have reported this thread thru customer service and directly to Jed the moderator who warned us to stay off these topics and stop flaming.

I learned my lesson, they have not.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

I'm reporting you for intentionally baiting and bringing up topics that the mods said to stay away from.

I own you so bad you can't even see straight. lol

Report me for recanting YOUR phrases, hopes and sentiments? Bait you with your own words? Sounds to me like you regret it and I'm in your kitchen.

Report away man. Jed isn't stupid. He can read and comprehend what you are doing...again.
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by porky

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

Ok away from the trash talking and friendly bantering. Was all of this really said by someone?

Hell yes it was. By your leader above, GB. Aggies have a code, don't they? How do you feel about that now with your military traditions? Why do you think I am incensed by this guy? The reason I vowed never to post after him? And yet, what does the d-bag do? Bait.

So good luck to you all with GB and Sean. They aren't on my level or yours either. but they are soooo cool to have around.

What did i ever say that dropped me off your level? Ask Porky, im one of the more level headed but blunt posters on the team. Do I think my team is hands down better then yours? Without a doubt. Do I expect you guys to lay down and let us steamroll you? Not a chance. I hope you guys put up a fight, hell this game is always more fun when its competetive, but honestly I dont think your team would be one that kept it competetive with us.
Oh, Ming forgot to mention that I don't like Texans either. I figured you'd figure out sooner or later and jump on the hate train.

If we're going to derail this thread entirely due to ASRW's infatuation with me and Suva, we might as well go all out.
Not sure how to respond, yes Aggies have a code, that is very strong, but also can't judge without the facts. It seems like there is more to this than meets the eye, at least I hope so. Also seems like it got addressed somewhere, wasn't here. I would not call him my leader though, sort of an odd statement to make.

So my thought is to take it back:

You suck! We Rule: Go Fiji

EDIT: YOU DON'T LIKE TEXANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why? hahahahaha don't need to jump on a train

Back to the topic at hand: Everyone else will lose before the Storm that is Fiji! Unless we change our name....hmmmmmm
Last edited Jul 23, 2008 15:11:00
Wrong GB GoBrowns. Your Michigan friend is GB as well. Sorry to lump you into that category, sincerely.
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Wrong GB GoBrowns. Your Michigan friend is GB as well. Sorry to lump you into that category, sincerely.

Ah sorry, jumped the gun a bit. Teamates always refer to me as GB in the boards so i just assumed lol

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