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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Official Super Bowl Thread
Only reason heavy passing wouldn't work was because we apply way too much pressure w/ our front four.. and our secondary rakes in on any type of passing mistake... hence the 5 INTs.

Was great playing against you all.
Originally posted by prthdinhoc
Guess what guys, we were out rated by Windy City, Madden, and the Windsor Dipshits, and we went 5-0 against all of them with heavy passing, why wouldn't we try it again in the championship? Another game in which we were out leveled. We got blasted for sure, but I wouldn't go back and change our pregame settings even if I could.

ill give you a hint...


You cant pass like that on a team that actually has a defense.

I know all you east teams are confused by the concept, but over here in the WEST we play defense....
Originally posted by prthdinhoc
Guess what guys, we were out rated by Windy City, Madden, and the Windsor Dipshits, and we went 5-0 against all of them with heavy passing, why wouldn't we try it again in the championship? Another game in which we were out leveled. We got blasted for sure, but I wouldn't go back and change our pregame settings even if I could.

Nah, you guys certainly did great all season, you must have. You were the best team in the East all year and will do well in AA.

That being said. . .say what you want about Phirehawk. . .but he WAS right.

Good luck to both of you.
Rocky Top
Thanks man, I had no idea there was defense in GLB
there's defense in GLB!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

where the fuck was I????

Just to let you know we had the best defense in the east so that was a stupid ass comment. The better team won today. simple as that
Rocky Top
Originally posted by Beaker

That being said. . .say what you want about Phirehawk. . .but he WAS right.

Right about what?
We didn't get this far for no reason. We'll take this lost and we'll learn from it. There is always room for improvement.

Obviously we lack balance in our offensive side but there is no need to rub it our faces especially from one who is still bitter about there lost... TWICE! We'll make the adjustments as needed until then I'll leave my jock strap on the field for you all to remember and hope we don't have to meet again. Needless to say we are still the Eastern Conference Champs.

Good game Outlawz! See you on the flipside!
Jesus. Ground game tore you guys up. Good job getting there though, both teams earned it and were the best in their respective conferences all year imo. Good luck in AA, just don't pull an OKC and troll down here. Makes you seem a bit.. what's the word.. insecure.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by IHasUsername
Jesus. Ground game tore you guys up. Good job getting there though, both teams earned it and were the best in their respective conferences all year imo. Good luck in AA, just don't pull an OKC and troll down here. Makes you seem a bit.. what's the word.. insecure.

Don't worry, I'm out next season. We'll see some of you guys again season 5.
Originally posted by makbeer
Webzoners are freaking nasty. Luckiest win ever.

You guys beat us in the playoffs with a last min 65 yard catch and run ( only play over 25 yards we gave up all season)

Last year Golden State beat us in the playoffs with a 57 yard FG in overtime.

We have had VERY close games with the Superbowl winners in the playoffs the last 2 years.

We have never been able to beat the Navs, so even if we had gotten luckier against the two SB winners we cant claim to have been able to beat the navs....but.... It feels damn good to know we are right on the cusp.

Congrats to both teams advancing. I'm sure you will both give those guys in AA#1 hell.
We beat the Super Bowl winners.

We're still in A

Isn't there a saying that talks about Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades?
Originally posted by PhireHawk
We beat the Super Bowl winners.

We're still in A

Isn't there a saying that talks about Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades?

Teams are so close in talent.... Effort counts, i am sure of that.....but luck.... Any team that wins out and does not think luck is involved is fooling themselves.

This game is going to be VERY diffrent next season.

With the re-vamp of the AI , the carry and fumble/tackle changes....ect.

Players and coaches are going to get GREATER control over "random chances" next season.
Congrats to both teams. Great game Sin City. Knew you had a big one in you.

Good luck next year. Enjoy the AA forums...they've got to be a hell of a lot better than these.
Originally posted by MDterpsBBall03
there's defense in GLB!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

where the fuck was I????

Just to let you know we had the best defense in the east so that was a stupid ass comment. The better team won today. simple as that

Yes, there is defense in GLB. See Lincoln Navigators.

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