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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I hope you guys are hungry...
Well, when it comes to the perspective of "team disrepect" rather than "Laggo hate", I really don't buy it.

It's one thing to have no respect for our team because of the way it was assembled, but to call our team and our owner a bunch of pedophiles and to constantly throw around insults and B.S. like that, that goes far beyond the nature of disrespect for someone's team.
Originally posted by victory88
And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar.

Posts like this are exactly why I made this thread. The ordeal with the Assassins was that this was a fully developed team coming with an upgraded stadium, support, and chemistry and all that.

It's one thing to bring over people from another league in the fashion that I did, but to take every aspect of a developed team is another.

Chet Avery
Hey. I said nice post.
Originally posted by Chet Avery
Hey. I said nice post.

Oh, I know. In those last couple posts, I wasn't angry or anything.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Well, when it comes to the perspective of "team disrepect" rather than "Laggo hate", I really don't buy it.

It's one thing to have no respect for our team because of the way it was assembled, but to call our team and our owner a bunch of pedophiles and to constantly throw around insults and B.S. like that, that goes far beyond the nature of disrespect for someone's team.

You make a good point, & when it comes to the insults & personal crap I agree that some people take it a bit too far, but I also realize that people are genuinely angry about the whole situation & to constantly see laggo all over the forums ALL THE TIME bragging & crap doesn't help matters any.
So some people react in different ways & that's when insults & personal attacks start flying. Maybe it has turned into more "laggo hate" than it was originally, but laggo brought that upon himself & the rest of you team, that's just the way it is.
Originally posted by Outlawz
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Well, when it comes to the perspective of "team disrepect" rather than "Laggo hate", I really don't buy it.

It's one thing to have no respect for our team because of the way it was assembled, but to call our team and our owner a bunch of pedophiles and to constantly throw around insults and B.S. like that, that goes far beyond the nature of disrespect for someone's team.

You make a good point, & when it comes to the insults & personal crap I agree that some people take it a bit too far, but I also realize that people are genuinely angry about the whole situation & to constantly see laggo all over the forums ALL THE TIME bragging & crap doesn't help matters any.
So some people react in different ways & that's when insults & personal attacks start flying. Maybe it has turned into more "laggo hate" than it was originally, but laggo brought that upon himself & the rest of you team, that's just the way it is.

Oh, well I understand that. I'm well aware that there are going to be people that will always have a level of disdain for the Coyotes organization, but I guess maybe I've never really been big into personal insults. So when people generalize our whole team as being a bunch of pedophiles, I think that's pretty fucked up.
It's funny how everybody says I wouldn't be gloating if I was 8-8 or something, but the funny thing is. I probably would be.

I was gloating before I was even on the waiting list for christ's sake.

I was gloating before I even had a player on the team.

I get pm's every day from free agents who want to play for me, either for my gloating or because you guys hate me so much. Gloating was how I basically got the entire team to start with.

Really, in the end it doesn't matter.

Everyone on my team is happy to play for me, and I'm happy to have everyone on my team. If anything, all the hate we get from the outside makes us a closer knit family. We've gotten to know each other, and I'll thank each and every one of you if that's the reason for it.

Make any excuse you want as to why your team isn't on our level,

Say we "cheat"
Say we're "pedophiles"
Say we "ruin the game"

but in the end, your teams are still worse :/.
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 20:34:45
I enjoy the shit talking aspect of this. Within reason, of course, as personal insults are out of place imo..

As for gutting/collusion: I am not naive enough to think it doesn't happen. But I cannot afford to get too wrapped up into it. I'll just bust my ass some more to find the necessary players to compete. Bust my ass some more to come up with a game plan that can win..

Did no one else have any connections when they came here? I spent countless hours on the the DLeague pages trying to find active agents with quality builds(not an easy feat, mind you), but I did know one guy who brought over 4 players that have instrumental in our (Moga's) success. If I knew more players that were available, they would have been recruited as well..

Just because I like Jorge Posada doesn't mean I'll root for the Yankee's. Know what I mean?

(speaking of which, did anyone see Josh Hamliton tonight: Fucking amazing)
Originally posted by throughyperspace

Just because I like Jorge Posada doesn't mean I'll root for the Yankee's. Know what I mean?

No, tbh.
Originally posted by Laggo
It's funny how everybody says I wouldn't be gloating if I was 8-8 or something, but the funny thing is. I probably would be.

I was gloating before I was even on the waiting list for christ's sake.

I was gloating before I even had a player on the team.

I get pm's every day from free agents who want to play for me, either for my gloating or because you guys hate me so much. Gloating was how I basically got the entire team to start with.

Really, in the end it doesn't matter.

Everyone on my team is happy to play for me, and I'm happy to have everyone on my team. If anything, all the hate we get from the outside makes us a closer knit family. We've gotten to know each other, and I'll thank each and every one of you if that's the reason for it.

Make any excuse you want as to why your team isn't on our level,

Say we "cheat"
Say we're "pedophiles"
Say we "ruin the game"

but in the end, your teams are still worse :/.

We aren't making excuses. You are.

- You did "cheat" or else your team wouldn't have been fined!
- We call you a "pedophile" because of your disturbing avatars. I later realized you are just a immature kid, therefore i guess it's okay for you to like little 11 year old girls.
- You did ruin the game for everyone that is in your conference that built their teams the right way.

No in the end, you turned to cheating to get an edge on everyone. You didn't have the ethics to do it the right way. I am proud of my owners and staff because they worked hard putting our team together and are also 16-0 but did it in a classy way and didn't go about boasting about it. Everytime i come to the african pro forum i find another ridiculous thread started by you or the people on your team. In this whole season, you've had 2 useful and contributing threads, the pre-season analysis and the playoff analysis. It's okay to trash talk, but you take it to another level where it just gets annoying and old. These forums could do fine without stupid useless threads like this started by you or the people on your team. This is my last post towards any thread that you or your team starts. Hopefully others will do the same and just ignore you like i plan on doing in hopes that maybe you will leave or atleast tone it down a little.
Your obviously an idiot, since we've explained 802785927592759275927 times the fine had nothing to do with cheating - Bort said so himself. You can complain to him if you don't believe me, lol.
Originally posted by victory88
- You did "cheat" or else your team wouldn't have been fined!

See, this is pretty much a test of my patience.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by throughyperspace

Just because I like Jorge Posada doesn't mean I'll root for the Yankee's. Know what I mean?

No, tbh.

Seriously? You're part of the evil empire, bro..
Originally posted by throughyperspace
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by throughyperspace

Just because I like Jorge Posada doesn't mean I'll root for the Yankee's. Know what I mean?

No, tbh.

Seriously? You're part of the evil empire, bro..

I guess I see where you're coming from. Haha. I recently took some sleep aids, so my cognitive functions are slightly...impaired.
I thought you were joking when you said you were going to bike and go get some sleeping pills.

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