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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Playoff Analysis Lion Conference: Round One
Originally posted by atm490

But maybe... just maybe...

they should be.

Forgive and forget people. That garbage happened over 40 days ago.

The problem with this statement is that time does not heal all wounds. Especially when it is now play off time, they are 16-0 by virtue of bringing in a fully intact team where others started with an empty roster of CPU's and they are found tooting their own horns like they are the uber team.

Ofcourse they are the uber team... they did what no other team was able to do, transfer a team from one league to another fully intact and ready to go.

40 days ago, yes... but the playoffs are about to begin, the chickens are coming home to roost... and if they win the championship there will be a * next to it in most peoples eyes.

Regardless of what they did or didn't do and the reasons why. When another team cheats or does something that is perceived as giving them a competitive advantage over the rest of the field (which they have by virtue of the way their team entered Africa) then there is going to be a lot of resentment from the players in the African leagues that built their teams up in this league via hard work and recruiting and didn't have a pre-existing organization already intact.

It devalues the efforts of every other team in this league and basically is a slap in to the face to 31 other teams rosters full of players that also want to win a championship, but went about it in a honest and transparent way on an equal playing field with the rest of the teams.

And the "punishment" these teams received was a joke as the Coyotes went 16-0 with ease. Doryano's Kinsasha Assassin's went 15-1, his only loss coming in week 2 when his chemistry was shot... and he now has 95 chemistry just in time for the playoffs.

Last edited Jul 14, 2008 11:57:17
Originally posted by Sulfadias0
Originally posted by atm490

But maybe... just maybe...

they should be.

Forgive and forget people. That garbage happened over 40 days ago.

The problem with this statement is that time does not heal all wounds. Especially when it is now play off time, they are 16-0 by virtue of bringing in a fully intact team where others started with an empty roster of CPU's and they are found tooting their own horns like they are the uber team.

Ofcourse they are the uber team... they did what no other team was able to do, transfer a team from one league to another fully intact and ready to go.

40 days ago, yes... but the playoffs are about to begin, the chickens are coming home to roost... and if they win the championship there will be a * next to it in most peoples eyes.

Regardless of what they did or didn't do and the reasons why. When another team cheats or does something that is perceived as giving them a competitive advantage over the rest of the field (which they have by virtue of the way their team entered Africa) then there is going to be a lot of resentment from the players in the African leagues that built their teams up in this league via hard work and recruiting and didn't have a pre-existing organization already intact.

And another person misunderstands.

See, that would be a VERY good statement and all, but it's not even true.

This is the last time I try to defend from distorted statements and tell the truth.

We didn't cheat and we don't care about perceptions. You guys have shown that you do not even WANT to know the truth. You want to be angry, and you want to think that the only reason we're 16-0 is because we took two teams and combined them.

You guys perceive it because you guys aren't being rational and want to perceive things that way. And I'm supposed to care about that? I'm supposed to respect you despite your blatant disregard for truth?

This is why we aren't on here to make friends. This is why we don't care about our image. You guys think that we'd want to be friends with any of you guys that act like this? Even if you offered the Olive Branch I'd turn my back.
Look man, I don't care what your reasons for it was. You took a fully intact team, player for player over here.

Whether your intent was to gut that team or just to keep your lovely little group of 40 friends together in a new league...

The fact remains you came into Africa with a massive advantage over every other team in this league.

To me that is bull shit.

In a new league like this, everyone should have had to play by the same rules. That means starting with a full roster of CPU players and only a small amount of cash to sign players. Then having to navigate the treacherous and unforgiving free agent market and fight to sign every damn position on the roster just like everyone else.

Instead you guys just took one team that had already existed in Season 2 and plopped it right down in Africa.

Again, I don't give a shit what your reasons for it were... whether they were truly innocent or malicious in nature. Your team and the way it entered Africa immediately made you the front runner to win the championship and completely devalues 31 other teams and 100's of players efforts and desires to win a championship as well.

Thats the bottom line.

You don't think all of these other teams don't want to win too?

None of your players, coaches or GM's should brag about going undefeated or how their players are performing, or the rank of your offense or defense etc etc... you should be keeping the lowest possible profile ever and just be content in knowing you got a slap on the wrist and most of the league would take your entire team and feed them to the lions or chuck spears into your guts then cannibalize you.

Hey, we are in Africa...
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 12:10:33
In that vein, there will be quite a large * next to ORG if they win, since they traded a load of unboosted players in before the deadline.
Originally posted by Sulfadias0
Look man, I don't care what your reasons for it was. You took a fully intact team from SE Asia and moved it player for player over here.

Lol'd and stopped reading.
I won't pretend to know about the situation or make judgments because nobody really knows exactly what happened, exactly why each party acted as they did, or exactly why the Coyotes were fined.

However, I'm willing to forgive/forget/ignore anything that might've happened for several reasons.

The first is that when teams commit serious transgressions in this game (blatant gutting, "stealing" large sums of money, etc.) the administrators fix it: typically in the form of bans, removal of ownership, etc. The administrators here thought that a fine of $250,000 was sufficient punishment for whatever may have happened. End of story. The administrators did not think that the team would have such a competitive advantage that players should be removed, or that the owners should lose the team.

The second is that I readily recognize that people are bashing the Coyotes for reasons far beyond the small fine they received: A) their owner is a divisive presence in the forum and B) they're undefeated. I firmly believe that if either of these two things weren't true, nobody would be talking about anything from the Season 2 off-season at all.

The fact is, the Coyotes are a very good team and will continue to win until teams figure out a gameplan that works against them. Player levels are not the end-all-be-all of this game. With all the time people spend criticizing Conakry in the forums, they could be watching their games to find potential weaknesses. That should certainly be the job right now of any of the 15 other playoff teams.

Good luck in the post-season, everyone. Better luck in the off-season, because lord knows that in Africa Pro every move you make will be watched.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by Sulfadias0

Look man, I don't care what your reasons for it was. You took a fully intact team from SE Asia and moved it player for player over here.

Lol'd and stopped reading.

I loled too. They're like 3 steps removed from reality now.

Edit: Thanks, atm. If you want to know all of the reasons and you're rational (which you seem to be), I'd be glad to discuss them with you, although I think RTJ would have the best explanations.
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 12:13:04
That was a typo and has been fixed.

I guess I'll make one more post before I get a shower and head out to do some stuff. Probably just because I'm in a good mood before of the Rock Band 2 set list.

In terms of...a lot of things, I understand why you guys feel the way you do. Sure, I've admitted in the past that what I did was a dick move, and I've said it numerous times. When I broke up by team and moved my players to different teams, I wasn't aware that Bort changed the rules with CPU FAs. My last knowledge was that Bort made it so CPU FAs were basically untouchable.

Had I known that, sure, I would have just signed a load of them and cut the players on my team. Sure, I still leave the next owner with not a lot to work with, but at least the whole ordeal of signing a bunch of low level people wouldn't have been such an issue.

As per the reasons of what I quit on my team, I'm not happy enough at the moment to delve into that (not that any of you care fucking anyways, you'll change your minds), as that would probably be a bit to type.

Of course, by making posts like this where I (for the millionth time) try to give some semblance of reasoning behind my actions, I don't expect everyone to be like "Oh, ok Geoff. It's cool.", but you people sometimes are ridiculous. It's a fucking internet football game. Mad because one dude decided to dump his team and create an "unfair advantage"? Then go do something else. No one is forcing you to play. It's just when people chastise Laggo day in and day out because "he" gutted a team, you're all wrong. Laggo did not do anything. Only thing he is guilty of is allowing my players to join his team. While sure, he does bring some of his criticism on himself with the things he says, he's not the evil cheater you people make him out to be.

I'm just trying (again) to help you guys have some kind of understanding.
Originally posted by Sulfadias0
That was a typo and has been fixed.

You're making shit up as you go along. You make it sound like we did that with everyone intention of merging the teams or whatever. You're acting like we moved every player from there to here.

That is comedy, and it's people like you that make us not care about what everyone here thinks of us.

In fact, when you think about it, since every team got players from somewhere, it's almost just as hilarious to think that, even if we did do things the way you guys want to believe we did, it wouldn't even really matter.

We weren't fined for bringing players to the APL at all. Were RTJ not a GM of the Yotes, I dunno if we would have been fined at all. You guys can make it sound like you want to... but realize that, since RTJ, Laggo, myself, and others know the whole story (and if you would actually look and see, you'd notice we've told you just about everything), it just makes us look at you guys with less and less respect every time you post.
Personally I dunno why this thread is full of all this crap anyway.

The initial post was actually one of the better pre-play off write ups I've seen to date and I'm not sure why this thread had to be derailed.

Sulf- Great posts......Everything you said was 100% correct...If the Oinks..or Yotes want to believe they both played the game the "right way" good for them.....RT, I will say I might have taken you wrong....As far as the olive branch goes to Soapontherope......You can stick it where Laggo likes it.
Originally posted by Sulfadias0
Personally I dunno why this thread is full of all this crap anyway.

The initial post was actually one of the better pre-play off write ups I've seen to date and I'm not sure why this thread had to be derailed.

That's true. When I get back from my bike ride/shopping, perhaps I'll throw on an album and write-up a history on RTJakarta. Starting with finding GLB and where I am today.
Originally posted by RTJakarta

That's true. When I get back from my bike ride/shopping, perhaps I'll throw on an album and write-up a history on RTJakarta. Starting with finding GLB and where I am today.

LOL...I can't wait for that...
Good post? I stopped after "The #1 seed and the only undefeated team in the Lion Conference". The only undefeated in the conference huh. No shit?

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