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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Bringing up league structure again
Nooooooooooooo I WANT TO VOTE too.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

With that said, it's also important this doesn't become a reason for top teambuilder networks to have "more" teams. If for example RC decided to now make 8 pro/cl teams for more chances, that would hurt the upside here.

I can assure you that will never happen, but would say the proposed format does give more incentive to having 4 teams than the current format (one per Pro conference)
Probably NGTH but if we randomize pro conferences each season, I like the idea of banning conference swap requests between pro leagues/conferences.

If someone wants 4 teams to give 4 chances at the ship, ok, but why should we let them press their advantage by putting one in each conference?
I like making it simple as "teams cannot request to swap leagues or conferences within the same tier, only team swaps to different tiers will be processed by support".
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
I like making it simple as "teams cannot request to swap leagues or conferences within the same tier, only team swaps to different tiers will be processed by support".

I do agree with this if that

Jack n Coke Do It. Personally if the feeling is we keep 32+ teams at the top level and it seems like we are growing slightly (until we see our 8th season at plateua. Bigger is better.

Positives are quickest route up (previously stated).
For Upper Echelon teams not having to gameplan continually in the regular season (get some easy games)
Dilution of the large orgs (ie RC having 4 of 12 in CL this year).
More guys get to say they are in CL
For trophy hunters give divisional trophies (e-trophies are free)
Limited demotion (Keep 1 or more 12 team AAA league with current promotion).
Back to a 16 team playoff.

Personally would like a reshuffle of divisions/conferences each season. Getting a really bad draw you can't get away from could cause teams to give up. Make the pain temporary.
32 teams is a great idea. Makes it feel like the NFL and still the cream will rise to the top come playoffs anyways. Make it happen.
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
32 teams is a great idea. Makes it feel like the NFL and still the cream will rise to the top come playoffs anyways. Make it happen.

+1. Give the "little fish" a chance to get their asses kicked by the elite. Only way they get a chance to learn.

32 is too much. The ladder is good,we are just talking about flattening the top 2 leagues at the top.
King of Bling
Food for Thought?

Total teams: 16 in CL

Breakdown: 2- 8 team Conf.

Playoff Format: Top 2 in each Conf get byes, Seed 3v6, 4v5.
Teams 7 and 8 in each Conf get demoted

Promotion options: 1 pro league w/ Final Four Promote,
or 2 pro leagues andTitle Teams Promote

Edited by King of Bling on Jul 24, 2024 02:49:25
OC/DC Guru
Here is the forms:

Feel free to give your vote:
There are two options to choose from:
Option A: Stay as is (1 CL(0/4), 1 Pro(4/4), 2 AAA(4/8), 2AA(8/0) with Promotion/Demotion
Option B: 2-Tier ProCL (2 Pro leagues, 4 conferences, 4 Playoff games day 34,36,38,40) (2 Pro(0/8), 2 AAA(8/8), 2AA(8/0) with Promotion/Demotion

For Option B, you can make suggestions on the 2nd page.

Thanks and poll will stay open two days, then I will provide Bort the feedback
Edited by Tomcic on Jul 24, 2024 04:44:41
TJ Spikes
I don't care enough to vote.

There's never going to be a great option. GLB is too hard for newcomers to get good at.

Look at CL now

4 - RC26 teams
3 - Mauler teams

Over half the league is 2 agents


KC has been the biggest success story of the reboot.

But Wise and Tomcic aren't strangers to WL either.

That's 10 of 12.

Venom Coach isn't exactly a stranger either, and keeping 55 builds on track and making it to CL is a whole new kind of feat in an of itself.

Making that 10 of 16, or even 10 of 32 isn't going to make a difference.

Forcing these guys to play goofball games against everyone else isn't going to be fun for them.

Feeding 2nd and 3rd tier teams to the lions isn't going to be fun for those guys either.

I would actually suggest stop automatically demoting teams out of CL. Let it grow and be the exclusive league. The only way out of CL should be to reset the team to rookie.

Make winning Pro the goal for everyone else.

If an established "network" brings another team up, then they can go directly to CL or reset for the next batch of dots.

Edited by TJ Spikes on Jul 24, 2024 08:47:15
I want to stress to everyone that there are 50 ways to skin a cat, but only 1 way can be presented to Bort.

If we all agree on 1 change which is better than the current system, it gets changed and we win.

If we all argue about 35 slightly different versions of the 1 change, nothing will change. Things like dynamic league sizes, or putting half of all active teams in 1 league, are not actionable and are too decisive to ever reach consensus, so what are we doing here.

I think Tomcic's suggestions are a well thought out improvement and should be that version that is presented to Bort if everyone approves. Discussing slight deviations of it at this point isn't going to lead to anything exact a lack of change.
Edited by WiSeIVIaN on Jul 24, 2024 11:49:58
Fwiw Tomcic, I think the title "2 tier ProCl is confusing", and "2 Pro leagues as top tier meeting on d40 Cross Pro Championship" or something would be less confusing. But I digress. SInce Currently Pro+CL = 2 tiers, and we are suggesting to combine them into 1 tier.
I have to disagree with you here TJ. War Machine got demoted, and they wouldn't be "thrown to the wolves" Jackals got demoted and beat Asau and OPT last season. The Mustangs are that same caliber, and others. Some 2nd tier teams (or underdogs) can hold their own.

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