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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Going blind, an Obamacare critic now needs a bailout
Originally posted by Corndog
Because universal health care is socialism.

Is that what the GOP is going with ? By that logic, public school systems are socialism.

You have the public option that should cover the needs of the majority and then you would have the "better" insurance and top flight health care workers/facilities available for people who prioritize it and can afford better service, just like schools.
Originally posted by Cowpoker
Is that what the GOP is going with ? By that logic, public school systems are socialism.

You have the public option that should cover the needs of the majority and then you would have the "better" insurance and top flight health care workers/facilities available for people who prioritize it and can afford better service, just like schools.

Whoa, calm down Hitler.
Originally posted by Corndog
Whoa, calm down Hitler.

Are they seriously going with that rhetoric or was it just one dipshit from Tennessee or Alabama that thinks flushing toilets are the devil ?
I thought there were quite a few Republicans that supported universal health care, unless you are arguing that ACA=universal health care.

Didn't we basically have universal care prior to ACA ? The only thing that really changed is insurance. You still have the same basic care and people with policies are still restricted to what their insurance company signs off on. You still have state, private, non-profits, charitable organizations in health care.

I'm damn sick of the whole "majority of bankruptcies caused by medical expense" argument as well. That is an incomplete statement, I'm sure there are many examples where it is legit but if you are making a modest amount of money, over spent on your home, over spent on your vehicle, have a $9,000 extended credit card bill and suffered a head injury while falling off your ATV and are looking at a 25K medical bill and have no liquid assets or money saved, is it really the medical bills fault ? Those same folks are still likely to have a shitty and cheap policy with a large co-pay and high deductible and a $2,000 medical bill could be the straw that breaks the camels back and sends them in to bankruptcy.
my drizzt
I cant think of one republican that openly supported anything remotely close to "universal healthcare"
my drizzt
can someone google that for me.......
Originally posted by foshizzel17
I cant think of one republican that openly supported anything remotely close to "universal healthcare"

If so, now the only thing they openly support is getting fries with your meal.
Edited by Corndog on May 15, 2015 00:47:47
Originally posted by Corndog
If so, now they the only thing they openly support is getting fries with your meal.

I'm used to paying a little extra for that.
Originally posted by foshizzel17
I cant think of one republican that openly supported anything remotely close to "universal healthcare"

No, they supported the individual mandate all the way up until Obama used it.
Originally posted by Cowpoker
I can never tell when you are being serious or sarcastic, probably why I am a big fan.

The confusing part of people trying to use this situation as political ammo and thinking it is proof that one side got it right is that it shows huge failures that cover all the political bases and parties involved.

This guy was dumb, I am assuming he knew about the diabetes thing prior to missing the cutoff and at 49, you can't rule out any number of potential diseases. Who cares what you support and don't support.

Screw his state, leaving your citizens exposed to take some imaginary stand against a policy. People are not your political play toys.

Screw ACA. I thought the arguing point was that it was going to help people who didn't have insurance and had pre-existing conditions. Basically, it strongly suggests you participate in insurance meaning they want more people paying in to insurance companies and it was never about helping people that need medical help. I didn't understand the part about him not making enough money to qualify for the federal subsidy.

I don't see any angle of this story where Republicans or Democrats could claim victory and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to politicize a guy with a health problem.

Why am I the only one that up voted this?
Originally posted by Cowpoker
I thought there were quite a few Republicans that supported universal health care, unless you are arguing that ACA=universal health care.

Didn't we basically have universal care prior to ACA ? The only thing that really changed is insurance. You still have the same basic care and people with policies are still restricted to what their insurance company signs off on. You still have state, private, non-profits, charitable organizations in health care.

I'm damn sick of the whole "majority of bankruptcies caused by medical expense" argument as well. That is an incomplete statement, I'm sure there are many examples where it is legit but if you are making a modest amount of money, over spent on your home, over spent on your vehicle, have a $9,000 extended credit card bill and suffered a head injury while falling off your ATV and are looking at a 25K medical bill and have no liquid assets or money saved, is it really the medical bills fault ? Those same folks are still likely to have a shitty and cheap policy with a large co-pay and high deductible and a $2,000 medical bill could be the straw that breaks the camels back and sends them in to bankruptcy.

No we didn't have universal healthcare prior to the ACA and we still don't. We need to repeal the ACA, repeal employer mandated insurance (so they can offer it as a competitive benefit), and remove the over 65 exemption from medicare. That way people who can't afford coverage can sign up for medicare, and those that can afford coverage can enjoy throwing their money away on it.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
No, they supported the individual mandate all the way up until Obama used it.

Wow, that is some sort of fantasy you have going on there.
jumpin da snark
Tell me again why anyone believes universal healthcare would work in America?
Originally posted by foofighter24
Tell me again why anyone believes universal healthcare would work in America?

Tell me again why anyone believes it wouldn't?
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by Gart888
Tell me again why anyone believes it wouldn't?

Because it is not a part of our culture. The nation is too large and diverse. Illegal immigration problems.

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