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Forum > Pro Leagues > Discussion: Who is the greatest World League franchise of all-time and why?
Originally posted by jdbolick
No one else has won a title with fewer than two losses.

Actually someone did a season later. Blaze.
Get at me when you get all your facts straight. Otherwise just shut the front door.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
I like when glbs strongest network says they don't have top quality dots. Adds a fantasy element to the discussion.

Our builds have never been as strong as the teams I mentioned. It's true. I never said they weren't top quality builds.
This has turned out to be an interesting thread.

idk, when the word "franchise" is used, I assume that this indicates a well known brand that still exists - so while Vahalla certainly kicked ass and took names in the infancy of WL, and left records that might never be broken, it's not a franchise with staying power.

US Steel used to be THE major player in the steel industry, now they're just an after thought in a world that has changed...
QB Eater
Originally posted by MadMustaff
Mojo has the most wins in WL Playoffs and has best playoff winning % by far. The Most Golds and Championship game appearances as well. All this has been done in a shorter span than HHWC. Also.. Mojo has won more Golds from less VA stacking (before the nerfs) than HHWC and Vahalla. So.. when considering Playoffs. Mojo's coordinators have out game planned some of the best in this game consistently for many seasons with lesser dots imo. Everyone knows our dot power was never at the same level as Vahalla, Blaze, HHWC, jdbolicks teams... even creek/hood builds. People can also mention about no cares the last 10-15 seasons... but I guarantee great coordinators like creek, snakes, etc have been staying up late at night trying to come up with a game plan to knock us out.... Mojo is the best... just ask showboat

8 WL Golds

Mojo but I give credit to HHWC as a close second.
: popcorn :
Edited by Farlig on Mar 5, 2015 13:54:06
Originally posted by MadMustaff
Everyone knows our dot power was never at the same level as Vahalla, Blaze, HHWC, jdbolicks teams... even creek/hood builds.

Valhalla sure, compared to the competition, but that was SO long ago and really was before the rest of WL caught up. Blaze on their first championship run probably as dpride got carried by a ton of amazing dots he inherited from +10 cheating mentors. Aside from that, and I hardly thing "everyone" would agree that for instance HHWC dots, especially in recent history, are a level above Odessa dots.

I think you underestimate the power your dots play, especially compared to the state of GLB you're last 4 championships have occurred during. You get an endless supply of aura o-linemen for instance, which most teams don't have access to. I'm not faulting you guys for planning and making tons of farm teams, my hat is truly off to DS for being the best run network in GLB. My point is however, you can't have it both ways, organize to have a huge pool of high quality dots, then say "well we don't win cuz dots". Yes of course having among GLB's best all-time coordinators plays a role, but to pretend you haven't had a ++dot advantage in the last few seasons especially, is laughable.
I didn't want to poisen the OP if this thread with my thoughts, but since we're a few pages in, here goes.

All 3 contenders for best GLB franchise of all time, have arguments to be made for them being #1. Many of these arguements have been made in this thread, but to summarize...

-Highest WL win%
-3 straight completely dominant WL championships

-Too short a timespan
-Not enough championships ('only" 3)
-Lack of recruiting/replenishing a roster for continued excellence
-Rest of the game was not "caught up" with valhalla's builds. Not sure facing weaker competition makes you the best.

-7 WL Championships throughout the longest period of time and largest number of sims
-3 WL Silvers
-Won many Championships in what most would be considered GLB's "prime"
-Most wins in WL history
-Missed the playoffs last season
-Neither the most WL championships, nor the most dominant stretch

-9 WL Championships
-2 WL Silvers
-Won many championships during GLB's "prime"
-Extremely dominant currently
-Are the four S40+ championships worth as much as earlier championships?


I think the above if the fair representation of the 3 teams, and why an argument can be made for and against them. Let me also say that I think S40+ WL championships are still worth a definite shitload in my eyes, otherwise I wouldn't still be on a personal quest for one. However whether those championships are worth as much as say a S21 championship, is a fair question.

As far as dominant stretches goes, Valhalla had a 3-peat in early WL, HHWC had a 3-peat in s17-s19, and Odessa currently has a 4-peat going s42-s45. In my eyes, HHWC had the toughest competition in that time period of the 3 streaks, as valhalla was a little earlier before all of GLB were on the right level with builds/VA/AE, and Odessa is in part benefiting from a dot shortage effecting many teams in GLB's elderly age. All 3 streaks are EXTREMELY impressive, as are all 3 franchises. However due to all of the above, I would rank GLB's top franchises of all times as follows.

2. Odessa
3. Valhalla

HHWC and Odessa truly is a neck-and-neck battle. As-is HHWC is GLB's greatest franchise, and has done so much for so long to exemplify greatness. Their accomplishments impress me the most, and hence why I gave them the #1 spot.

ib4 #wiseisdumb

I can agree with that totally
Yeah WL was pretty easy when Valhalla won lol wise

Odessa's team of dots have been top 5 since they got here imo but not sure why that is relevant

Competition in WL is at an all time low and gets worse every season so yeah, odessa's golds do have a little * to them

IF I had to vote it would be hhwc but mojo is right there

I do know that Hood had a lot more fun then the 3 mentioned so we ultimately win

Originally posted by bhall43
You are the confused one. Boomer was happy about being recruited to Valhalla and w_alloy was ready to go for another run but he opted out at the last minute.

That's not at all true and I posted the links proving it. It's fine that you didn't remember things correctly, but continuing to argue about it after someone proved that you didn't remember things correctly doesn't do you any favors.

Originally posted by bhall43
He ran the same plays as everyone else.

Again, not at all true. I DCed against Valhalla for several seasons while you never did. I know what I'm talking about on this while you do not.

Originally posted by bhall43
Actually someone did a season later. Blaze.

Fair point, my mistake. So Valhalla is the only team ever to go undefeated, which they did two times in a row. They and the Blaze are the only teams ever to win a title with just one loss. Every other WL champion in the history of GLB has had two losses or more.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Valhalla sure, compared to the competition, but that was SO long ago and really was before the rest of WL caught up. Blaze on their first championship run probably as dpride got carried by a ton of amazing dots he inherited from +10 cheating mentors. Aside from that, and I hardly thing "everyone" would agree that for instance HHWC dots, especially in recent history, are a level above Odessa dots.

I think you underestimate the power your dots play, especially compared to the state of GLB you're last 4 championships have occurred during. You get an endless supply of aura o-linemen for instance, which most teams don't have access to. I'm not faulting you guys for planning and making tons of farm teams, my hat is truly off to DS for being the best run network in GLB. My point is however, you can't have it both ways, organize to have a huge pool of high quality dots, then say "well we don't win cuz dots". Yes of course having among GLB's best all-time coordinators plays a role, but to pretend you haven't had a ++dot advantage in the last few seasons especially, is laughable.

still saying... our dots have never been considered best builds in GLB as the main reason we won Golds.. no way at the same level as Valhalla, Blaze, HHWC... yes..i'm talking more so in the early seasons. ssn 15-30 or whatever.. i get your points about recent season and dwindling GLB numbers.
GOAT = Beyoncé

Just ask Kanye
HHWC did win back to back in seasons 38,39. Was the competition so much more fierce then compared to season 42-45?

My hat goes off to HHWC. I have nothing but respect for showboat and the bunch. I'm just saying Mojo and HHWC are so close in accomplishments that you have to their WL numbers.. WL Gold Rings, PO winning % and the one time both teams face in the WL championship game, Mojo won.
I'm glad bolick is posting here despite having 0 dots, 0 teams, 0 coord jobs, and 0 GM titles in WL. I am truly not being sarcastic at all. It'll be nice is grand rapids promotes so the Hedgehogs can beat them, then I can beat jdbololick down in the forums yet again.

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