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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > I Hate This Frakking Game
Originally posted by markm6770
60 is only 37% of 160.

Actually in this game 60 is not only 37% of 160, because there are soft cap on attribute.
Compare 60 and 100(since 160 is not possible as natural value), 60 is about 71 sp value, where 100 is about 373 sp value.
It's a very big difference.
Originally posted by yello1
Build system shouldnt let an 8 strength exist outside of the kickers locker area.

You can not have a simulation that lets impossible situations exist. Thats not a simulation. Thats feaeires and wizards fantasy crap.

Why not?
It's player's choice to keep an attribute remain 8, not system fault.
This game is very fair, all player have same amount of sp and tp, you choose build your stuff and make them do their own work.

I can't understand why you think range of attribute is an issue, people spend so much sp on one attribute, they should gain something.
Originally posted by yello1
This one is really not bad except for the return of the FF lunacy.

Care to elaborate on this so-called "lunacy"?

We are on pace for basically the same fumble stats as the NFL and GLB games have more snaps per game. If anything dots are not fumbling enough, especially when you take into consideration that teams could easily do more to prevent fumbles from happening. Take your team for example, you have a fumbling problem with your returner. You waited 8 games (9 fumbles) before making some weak half-assed tweaks to your return depth charts. You know all the ways to limit fumbles, we have been over it before, and yet you still would rather bitch in the forums that the game is broken instead of taking responsibility that you are the reason for your fumbling problem.
Originally posted by beenlurken
Care to elaborate on this so-called "lunacy"?

We are on pace for basically the same fumble stats as the NFL and GLB games have more snaps per game. If anything dots are not fumbling enough, especially when you take into consideration that teams could easily do more to prevent fumbles from happening. Take your team for example, you have a fumbling problem with your returner. You waited 8 games (9 fumbles) before making some weak half-assed tweaks to your return depth charts. You know all the ways to limit fumbles, we have been over it before, and yet you still would rather bitch in the forums that the game is broken instead of taking responsibility that you are the reason for your fumbling problem.

hey that's not being completely fair

he also makes a ton of shit suggestions to fix his weaknesses as well
Edited by geekor on Jul 12, 2012 17:24:21
Lead Mod
Originally posted by yello1
Build system shouldnt let an 8 strength exist outside of the kickers locker area.

You can not have a simulation that lets impossible situations exist. Thats not a simulation. Thats feaeires and wizards fantasy crap.

You know there is way to prevent players having 8 strength. Wait for it... Players can add more strength!!!

Actually ALGs exist for the very situation you are describing. Bort wanted players to get better at supporting attributes overall as they got older. The new archetypes are a tradeoff because they have limited ALGs for many positions like WRs, but I think the positives of archetypes outweigh the negatives.

I know you are not a bad builder because I have seen some of your builds. It is just that for some of the positions what you thought was "enough" was not. I think everyone in this game has experienced that frustration, and I almost said "including the best builders", but really the truth is ESPECIALLY the best builders. Building players and playing this game is a lot like life in many respects, not least that the people who really succeed are the ones able to leave their egos at the door and take a realistic look at what they are doing, and when they see that it isn't working, they don't make excuses for it, they try to improve in that area. Then they evaluate again and find another weakness, address it and move on. Then they do it again and so on. This may be a revelation, maybe it's not, but people who are really good at this game are usually good BECAUSE they experienced a lot of build frustration and instead of viewing it as a negative they found a way to learn and grow from it. Now the analogy divulges from real life because GLB is a lot fairer than real life in the sense that everyone has much more equal opportunity to succeed, but hopefully you can see the limited real world application to what I am saying.
Originally posted by aaasahi
Why not?
It's player's choice to keep an attribute remain 8, not system fault.
This game is very fair, all player have same amount of sp and tp, you choose build your stuff and make them do their own work.

I can't understand why you think range of attribute is an issue, people spend so much sp on one attribute, they should gain something.

I think its an issue because the game allows a level of imbalance that is not possible in the game that is being simulated.

The lousiest dot in GLB should be no worse than the lousiest player in the NFL, because its a simulation of american pro football. And simulations are supposed to be as close as possible to the thing being simulated.

Yes you can choose to build crappier dots in the current system. But the simulation should not give you that choice, any more than a flight simulator should let you drive a train. Its just not supposed to be a part of such a game by the definition of what the game is.
Edited by yello1 on Jul 13, 2012 13:00:29
Originally posted by tpaterniti
You know there is way to prevent players having 8 strength. Wait for it... Players can add more strength!!!

Actually ALGs exist for the very situation you are describing. Bort wanted players to get better at supporting attributes overall as they got older. The new archetypes are a tradeoff because they have limited ALGs for many positions like WRs, but I think the positives of archetypes outweigh the negatives.

I know you are not a bad builder because I have seen some of your builds. It is just that for some of the positions what you thought was "enough" was not. I think everyone in this game has experienced that frustration, and I almost said "including the best builders", but really the truth is ESPECIALLY the best builders. Building players and playing this game is a lot like life in many respects, not least that the people who really succeed are the ones able to leave their egos at the door and take a realistic look at what they are doing, and when they see that it isn't working, they don't make excuses for it, they try to improve in that area. Then they evaluate again and find another weakness, address it and move on. Then they do it again and so on. This may be a revelation, maybe it's not, but people who are really good at this game are usually good BECAUSE they experienced a lot of build frustration and instead of viewing it as a negative they found a way to learn and grow from it. Now the analogy divulges from real life because GLB is a lot fairer than real life in the sense that everyone has much more equal opportunity to succeed, but hopefully you can see the limited real world application to what I am saying.

I get all of that and trust me I have been trying to adjust my thoughts on what is a good build or not since season 1, including trashing builds mid stream when not working out.

And if they would replace the rumor mill with a decent game manual I probably would be pretty good at it by now, but I have spun my wheels on some really horrible advice on many builds. Not to mention the game changes.

BUT none of that is the point. Been is simply wrong. I am not making these points because my dots suck and I want them to be better. I am making them because the GAME sucks and I want it to be better.

No game is going to succeed over the long term with any broad player base if it has the level of imbalance in it that GLB has.

Especially since GLBs primary audience are football enthusiasts, who would reasonably expect an "American Football Simulation" with pro teams to give them a product that resembles NFL or at least NCAA football play.

The concept of "build your player" needs to be tailored to those realities.

Otherwise the game needs to be renamed and remarketed as Roller Ball or some other fantasy silliness, because its selling a lie right now and no one wants a lie.

But that wont work either - because no one wants to lose 100-0 and have to throw money away because their dot was crap and can not compete.

Fiurbuild can not be an excuse for the shtty game balance inherent in the system now. The market will not stand for it.

See the dwindling player base and vacant forums if you have any doubts about it. Gamers are already voting with their digital feet on the issue.

I am just the one staying around trying to make someone understand why its getting so lonely in here.

Originally posted by beenlurken
Care to elaborate on this so-called "lunacy"?

We are on pace for basically the same fumble stats as the NFL and GLB games have more snaps per game. If anything dots are not fumbling enough, especially when you take into consideration that teams could easily do more to prevent fumbles from happening. Take your team for example, you have a fumbling problem with your returner. You waited 8 games (9 fumbles) before making some weak half-assed tweaks to your return depth charts. You know all the ways to limit fumbles, we have been over it before, and yet you still would rather bitch in the forums that the game is broken instead of taking responsibility that you are the reason for your fumbling problem.

We were talking about the return game, not over all. Fumble rates in regular play, such as you cite, are up I think but not so much it seems wrong. Don't know what the numbers are to say for sure.

But in the Special Teams game its still way way silly high. The dynamics of STOP play and STOP builds are to blame, and the end product is unrealistic and due to the nature of a turnover on a return it can be bad for game play as well due to it causing easy scores.

Newly created dots with low attributes, when equally coordinated, play in incredibly competitive games.

Advanced/plateaued dots with superior builds, when equally coordinated, also play in incredibly competitive games.

The problem is that there are too many instances of poorly built dots with low attributes playing against advanced dots with superior builds.

The building process is not a problem. This is a ROLE PLAYING GAME and there should be NO RESTRICTIONS on how a dot can be built. If I want a weak-ass offensive tackle and can find an owner who will sign and play him... more power to me. I have that freedom and right.

Parity is the problem. A team that cannot compete should demote and rebuild. I OC multiple teams that have done this (See Austin Wineswilling Fancyboys and Barossa Grapestompers). We are back and stronger than ever. Some teams feel that playing in Pro is their God-given right when they obviously do not belong. The very best teams should be in Pro (which needs to be contracted, but that's another story for another time).

Originally posted by yello1
We were talking about the return game, not over all. Fumble rates in regular play, such as you cite, are up I think but not so much it seems wrong. Don't know what the numbers are to say for sure.

But in the Special Teams game its still way way silly high. The dynamics of STOP play and STOP builds are to blame, and the end product is unrealistic and due to the nature of a turnover on a return it can be bad for game play as well due to it causing easy scores.

Chico High Panthers 7... 0 ST... 0%
Indianapolis Gurupies 17... 1 ST... 5.8%
Banzai Pipeline 'Nites 12... 1 ST... 8.3%
Hawaiian Kings 12... 1 ST... 8.3%
Smooth Criminals 12... 1 ST... 8.3%
Gold Coast Vipers 19... 2 ST... 10.5%
Northeast Arrowheads 9... 1 ST... 11%
Tasmanian Muskrats 25... 3 ST... 12%
Southern Cross Veritechs 24... 3 ST... 12.5%
A7 Jungle Stalkers 21... 3 ST... 14%
Pen Island Barrio 7... 1 ST... 14.3%
Java Brewers 13... 2 ST... 15.3%
Razorback Nation 13... 2 ST.. 15.3%
Black Hand Goal Line Mafia 19... 3 ST... 15.7%
Christchurch Fighting Maori 21... 4 ST... 19%
Bayou Blue Roux-Ga-Roux 10... 2 ST... 20%
Atlantis Aquatic Apes 19... 4 ST... 21%
Texas Aztecs 14... 3 ST... 21.4%
Asau Assassins 9... 2 ST... 22.2%
Sin City Spoilers 9... 2 ST... 22.2%
James Island Rams 21... 5 ST... 23.8%
Orlando Prime Timers 11... 3 ST... 27.2%
Black Sea Serpents 17... 5 ST... 29.4%
Barossa Grapestompers 12... 4 ST... 33.3%
Sydney Pelicans 6... 2 ST... 33.3%
Buda Pests 8... 3 ST... 37.5%
A7 Jungle Warfare 13... 5 ST... 38.4%
Texas Hogsnakes 17... 7 ST... 41%
Easter Island Moai 19... 9 ST... 47%
OffTopica Miracle 18... 10 ST... 55.5%
LIL KIFI 13... 8 ST... 61.5%

Yello... fix your returner build and ST's. There is not a problem with fumbles on ST's. Your problem with fumbles on ST's is YOU. Stop whining that the game is broken and fix your shit.
Edited by beenlurken on Jul 13, 2012 17:42:05
Originally posted by yello1
Been is simply wrong. I am not making these points because my dots suck and I want them to be better. I am making them because the GAME sucks and I want it to be better.

I never attributed your struggles to just your dots. It is every bit your coordinating skills (if not more) than the lack of build quality you have on your teams. You have a shitty returner build (fumble prone) and instead of taking measures to mask his deficiencies you choose to spend half the season bitching in the forums before you attempted to address the issue. There are still several more things you could do to limit the fumbles (things I have told you to do in the past) and you still have yet to do them (IE why the hell are you still returning the ball out of the EZ with a shitty returner build?). You want to complain that there is no repeat play adjustment yet you have a problem on STs and you wait 8 games to try anything to address it... and still have not completely addressed it. Again, stop whining and start working on your team.

Originally posted by yello1
Especially since GLBs primary audience are football enthusiasts, who would reasonably expect an "American Football Simulation" with pro teams to give them a product that resembles NFL or at least NCAA football play.

You do realize that this is a game played outside of the US and pretty much the rest of the world thinks soccer when talking about football? There is a reason to specify it as an "American" style simulation. I am so glad you said the bold. You must not watch college football then because the talent gap between the elite NCAA football teams and the absolute worst is HUGE. The talent gap between the best and the worst NCAA football players is even more extreme. There are often huge blowouts (that would be even worse it the better teams didnt pull starters and play 3rd and 4th strings).

Originally posted by yello1

The lousiest dot in GLB should be no worse than the lousiest player in the NFL, because its a simulation of american pro football. And simulations are supposed to be as close as possible to the thing being simulated.

Why should the lousiest dot in GLB be no worse than the NFL?
We aren't playing NFL sim game, man.

Originally posted by yello1

Yes you can choose to build crappier dots in the current system. But the simulation should not give you that choice, any more than a flight simulator should let you drive a train. Its just not supposed to be a part of such a game by the definition of what the game is.

just reading this thread .... wow

yello, you are wasting the best thing you have going for you in this game. TIME. those that put in more time than others play the game better and win. instead, i generally see you making suggestions or arguing sim mechanics rather than focusing on the components of the game day to day. you are on here way too much to not have success. therefor, you are doing it wrong.

pick one team and focus. watch that team, watch how one dot behaves compared to another dot of yours, figure out the differences in behavior and why. then you start understanding what it takes at the dot level. watch WL games and figure out what is working AND why. try and replicate. when it doesn't work, figure out why.

this is much more productive and i'd wager better for your enjoyment of this game than making suggestions or arguing points to address issues you are having within the game.
Lead Mod
yello I think you are misunderstanding the concept of a simulation.The simulation simulates what actually occurs on the field. That means it is designed to accurately simulate tackles, throws, catches, etc. It does not simulate WHAT you put onto the field. The only way you could do that is if every player were pre-made and the game were only tactics. That would not be much of a game.

And indeed the simulator you chose is not a game at all, it is a flight simulator. GLB would be like if each user could create their own plane model and cockpit design then run them through the flight simulator. Some people would be good at it and their planes would fly great. Others would be horrible at it and their planes would crash. But if that happened, no one at the flight school would think that something was wrong with their flight simulator because in it horribly built planes won't fly.

The simulation part of the game is supposed to accurately simulate the mechanics of the game, not the end result and not the product you put on the field. The more I read the more it seems you are either just upset because you are not better at the game or you want the game to do the player building for you. Probably someone will come up with a game like that. Quickhit was like that in a way. But GLB was never designed to be tactics only and if it were 90% of it's users would quit because making players and trying to make them good is what most people here enjoy the most.
Edited by tpaterniti on Jul 14, 2012 16:07:39

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