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Forum > Position Talk > CB Club > why is it most CBs I see these days have poor tackling?
I do, and I know that my CBs have done fine with their Vision lower then their Jumping and Catching. We are not talking about a FS here... for a FS then Speed; Agility; and Vision are the three most important things to build as high as possible as fast as possible...

good tackling is also important for a FS since you never know what type of player they are going to have to stop... could be a WR that got past a CB going for a pick, could be a FB that just broke the tackle a MLB tried on him...

no way to tell so he has to be able to wrap a guy up, and has to be able to see the play develop early more then any other D player on the field... much more so then a CB.

Now for a KR CB, high Vision would be great to see where he will get good blocking on the return, but for other CBs it is less important.
Originally posted by einar_90808
I do, and I know that my CBs have done fine with their Vision lower then their Jumping and Catching. We are not talking about a FS here... for a FS then Speed; Agility; and Vision are the three most important things to build as high as possible as fast as possible...

good tackling is also important for a FS since you never know what type of player they are going to have to stop... could be a WR that got past a CB going for a pick, could be a FB that just broke the tackle a MLB tried on him...

no way to tell so he has to be able to wrap a guy up, and has to be able to see the play develop early more then any other D player on the field... much more so then a CB.

Now for a KR CB, high Vision would be great to see where he will get good blocking on the return, but for other CBs it is less important.

Yeah, no idea.
see you in Pro in 4 seasons. Whatever league your guy is in, I will seek out contracts to get him there.
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Yeah, no idea.

Did you see that hole open to the left? Can you see the goalposts? Vision helps ALL players know what is going on around them. It is very important for QBs "threading the needle" with passes. It's also sort of the "6th sense" of predicting what your opponent is going to do when blocking or trying to break blocks. It also plays a role in avoiding penalties like false start and offsides.

How fast your player can adjust their movement. If you want to dodge a tackle or head past a blocker you'll want high agility. Important for any player who needs to turn quickly...Lineman as well as speedsters. Agility also determines acceleration. You can have all the speed in the world, but without agility, you won't ever reach that top speed.

Need to lay out for a pass? Want to gain an couple extra yards on defense? Plan on swatting that ball away? Jumping is crucial to all of those things. It is also important when making diving tackles and diving for yardage when carrying the ball.

You'll need this if you are planning on catching any touchdowns or snagging any picks.

Tired of sloppy arm tackles? Well boost your tackling skill and wrap those ball carriers up! Tackling is a solid foundation for any defender.

So... without Agility a speedster is useless... and without Jumping, no PDs... and without Catching, no picks... low tackling, bad defender.

So pretty much everything I have already said.
Originally posted by einar_90808

Did you see that hole open to the left? Can you see the goalposts? Vision helps ALL players know what is going on around them. It is very important for QBs "threading the needle" with passes. It's also sort of the "6th sense" of predicting what your opponent is going to do when blocking or trying to break blocks. It also plays a role in avoiding penalties like false start and offsides.

How fast your player can adjust their movement. If you want to dodge a tackle or head past a blocker you'll want high agility. Important for any player who needs to turn quickly...Lineman as well as speedsters. Agility also determines acceleration. You can have all the speed in the world, but without agility, you won't ever reach that top speed.

Need to lay out for a pass? Want to gain an couple extra yards on defense? Plan on swatting that ball away? Jumping is crucial to all of those things. It is also important when making diving tackles and diving for yardage when carrying the ball.

You'll need this if you are planning on catching any touchdowns or snagging any picks.

Tired of sloppy arm tackles? Well boost your tackling skill and wrap those ball carriers up! Tackling is a solid foundation for any defender.

So... without Agility a speedster is useless... and without Jumping, no PDs... and without Catching, no picks... low tackling, bad defender.

So pretty much everything I have already said.

Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Yeah, no idea.

ok Longhornfan1024, you win. You have clearly proved you are the biggest troll here. I have been able to back up everything I have said with solid math, and REAL info from official sources, but you still think I am clueless... which pretty much proves that you like to act like a moron... or maybe that you are the one that has 'no idea'
Originally posted by einar_90808
ok Longhornfan1024, you win. You have clearly proved you are the biggest troll here. I have been able to back up everything I have said with solid math, and REAL info from official sources, but you still think I am clueless... which pretty much proves that you like to act like a moron... or maybe that you are the one that has 'no idea'

The guide you are using only gives about 30% of the information you need to make the correct build decisions. This, along with your inefficient building techniques will result in poor dots down the road.
Originally posted by einar_90808
Many CBs are by definition On Their Man, so if they have good catching and jumping they can get an Int, or PD regardless of visions. And I am not sure if you are insane or not when you say 'catching helps you stop the run'... I thought that would be Tackling, since without it a good HB or FB will just run you over... all vision will do there is help you see they guy coming to flatten you.

I guess along with failing to make a good dot you also fail to see sarcasm.

Also nice boosting at lvl 16 at day -8... Enjoy your dot always being behind.
Edited by Kanyeezy on Oct 24, 2011 15:29:20
Worker 3
Originally posted by einar_90808
I have been able to back up everything I have said with solid math
this is where i stopped reading

again, if you understand the ALG system (which you apparently dont, or at least not very well), then you would see how flawed your system is. yes, getting a ton of attributes (including minors) around the soft cap early will help your effective level early... its how ALGs work. but because of that very same system, it will make your build supbar and your effective level low later in the build. its all in the ALGs. that and a few training tips are the most important things to understand when setting out to build a good dot (assuming we are WL or at least pro.).
He didnt just say catching is > vision for a CB did he? Ok maybe this guy is handicaped. Let me put it in simple terms so u can follow along Einer, ur the only person who puts catching over vision = fact. According to u catching is > vision, true. Now lets annalise something here. There is a grand total of ZERO dots in WL (u know where real dot builders end up playing, not ur kind). Now enter the dragon (the dragon here happens to be your dots with incredibly high CTH and ubber low VIS). Question time, if your dots are the only ones with this advantage (Seeing as yours are the only ones built this way) wouldnt they all be getting invites to WL teams??? Oh wait they dont because they are trash. End of discussion.
There is no reason to theorize or say "we'll see in so and so seasons" , just download the VPB and compare end builds, with the codes attached so your numbers can be comfirmed.

Einar, you are absolutely wrong, there is NO substitution for high capping your first stat, even moreso in the newest APD. Circle capping less important things makes for a decent EL at lower levels, but quickly dimishes and becomes a deficit at higher levels. Tackling above 68 on most CB builds is a waste, and not a single person with moderate to high intelligence should be asking you for advice on builds. There is a large category below moderate, so it is possible.
Originally posted by Sellars
Ok maybe this guy is handicaped. Let me put it in simple terms so u can follow along

Originally posted by Sellars
didnt... Einer, ur... annalise

the underlined words are all misspelled... and you are implying that I am handicapped? You are either a stand up comic, or a complete idiot. I am leaning toward idiot since you cannot even spell.

Originally posted by Sellars
End of discussion.

Yeah it pretty much is since I see no point in fighting a battle of wits with an unarmed opponents.

Analyze that Moron.
Kid has now sunk to a new low. Now he's pointing out grammar... But atleast when you do point out that kinda crap, know how to capitalize.
Honestly just stop. You don't understand simple logic.

Analyze that... (Insert troll attempt here)
Play nice in here please.
Originally posted by Kanyeezy

Also nice boosting at lvl 16 at day -8... Enjoy your dot always being behind.

I like his day 0 level 7 dot better.

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