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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > THUNDERDOME - Burnt Orange style
I thought OU was the nut-grabbing school? Ask the Longhorn who had his ripped off! LOL I agree that the Aggies are nothing, and have been nothing. I don't know if Sherman is the right guy. As far as TTU being the 2nd best, I'm not too sure. TCU is right up there as well.
As for TCU, they would be dominated in the Big 12. The results you see from them are due to being part of a very weak conference. Say you replaced Baylor w/ TCU. TCU would have to face the likes of OU, UT, Tech, and A&M every season. On top of that, facing Mizzou, Nebraska, and the rest of the north. TCU would be better than Baylor, but not by much. TCU would be lucky to win 3-4 Big 12 games per season. Sorry, but I'm not jumping on that bandwagon.
I hear what you're saying about them being in a weaker conference, and I'm not taking anything away from Tech's success. They are a great team, but every season, they do not live up to the hype that Tech fans create. They lose games they shouldn't. This season is probably the best they've looked, so I'm curious to see the outcome. As far as schedules go, TCU does typically play a much stronger OOC then what Tech does too. You don't really see them playing high school teams.

I'm a fairly biased person when it comes to the Big 12, as I not only root for my Huskers, but I root for the conference as a whole. I despise the SEC, and want to see their reign over. That said, good luck to Tech this season, as well as the rest of the Big 12. I cannot wait for CFB to start!
Yeah, trust me, I know what you mean about losing games we shouldn't. It's tough being a Tech fan because it really gets old losing to teams we shouldn't. The difference this year is that we actually have a good defensive coordinator that actually cares about stopping people. I've never seen so much buzz around our D. Hopefully that will push us past the let downs of previous years and live up to the hype.

Regarding the non-conference schdeule, I agree. It gets really old playing nobody's to start off the season. I wish we would play some quality opponents but I kind of understand we why don't. The Big 12 is tough enough as it is without having a tough OOC. With that said, I belive there are plenty of teams out there that we can beat without having to play Division 2 schools.

Is September here yet?
I believe the first game of the season is almost 2 mos. to the day! I can't wait to sit on my couch with my Coors Light cooler box for 10 hours every Saturday and watch football!
Originally posted by lc512
Two teams enter, one team leaves.

Easily the biggest regular season game of A#3 this year. The last remaining undefeateds in the league, now that Vegas has gone down. Austin got us last year, so we're looking for a little payback.

Good luck to you guys, Kemp, Longhorn1976, and the 37 other GMs . I'm sure we'll meet again in the playoffs, but we want that home field.

The bad news is that someone has to lose. The good news is that a Longhorn team will win =).

Back OT...

Getcha Popcorn Ready!
So, any of you guys like Big XII football?
Originally posted by Iceman16
So, any of you guys like Big XII football?

I sense just a hint of sarcasm there! LOL
and AUSTIN WINS!!!!!!
Great AI there, Mr. Computer. We're down 6 and driving late, and it spits out this series of plays:

3:53 1st & 10 OPP 28.5 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Bitey of Brackenwood] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 25.5 Joseph Lawrence rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Beef Rockmoore] Replay
2:25 3rd & 3.5 OPP 22 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Robert A. Berry] Replay
2:13 4th & 5 OPP 23.5 40.5 yd field goal attempted by Kelly Leadfoot, made [FG]

Brilliant! Let's kick a field goal down 6 with 2 minutes left.

Anyway, not taking anything away from Austin. Great game guys. It was an instant classic as I figured it would be. Back and forth all day, lots of big plays, etc. Hell of a team ya'll got going. We'll see you in the conference championship =). Congrats.
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by lc512
Great AI there, Mr. Computer. We're down 6 and driving late, and it spits out this series of plays:

3:53 1st & 10 OPP 28.5 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Bitey of Brackenwood] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 25.5 Joseph Lawrence rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Beef Rockmoore] Replay
2:25 3rd & 3.5 OPP 22 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Robert A. Berry] Replay
2:13 4th & 5 OPP 23.5 40.5 yd field goal attempted by Kelly Leadfoot, made [FG]

Brilliant! Let's kick a field goal down 6 with 2 minutes left.

Anyway, not taking anything away from Austin. Great game guys. It was an instant classic as I figured it would be. Back and forth all day, lots of big plays, etc. Hell of a team ya'll got going. We'll see you in the conference championship =). Congrats.

That was BS, lc. I don't understand how the sim can be so stupid. The result might have been the same, but I would feel much better about this win had the AI not cheapened it.

Great game, and we will indeed see you in the CC... Bort almighty willing.

Originally posted by txag2k
oh yeah. ou sux. 2002 was one of my favorite games EVERR!!!

5-8 since I've been alive but Coach Sherm will fix that

Hey agg....just trying to remember the score of that 03 OU vs. A@M game! think you could help me out?
Who let the dirt thief in here?? And furthermore, who let the SMARTY Dirt Thief in here who named one of his players after a HS Lb that will be mediocre at best in D1 College ball?
Hah, I have been away from this forum for two days and you guys kept on eh?

Man, you guys are easy.

I had to post to keep you busy for the next few days.
Big 12...isn't that the conference that is ALMOST as good as the SEC?

Flame on...I just needed a change in the conversation.

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