Originally posted by Meldlm
Originally posted by MattMan Firespot
They still dont look like a very good team yet.
Originally posted by MattMan Firespot
You have a good team you seem to be getting better though.
Dammit MattMan, make up your mind!
He makes sense to me. Fanboys are a good team, but not a very good team. Here is the FURY scale of team greatness, from top to bottom:
Elite teams Teams such as the Royals and Wolfpack who are likely to only lose once or twice at most and could go undefeated.
Very Good teams Teams who will make the playoffs with home field advantage, perhaps fielding three to four losses on the season. <HI Bugeaters go here>
Good teams Teams who are likely to make the playoffs, but will have to fight an uphill battle to do so. Five to seven losses anticipated. <Fanboys go here>
Average teams Teams that will consistently defeat the bad teams and consistently lose to good teams and above. They are on the bubble for the 7th and 8th seed in the playoffs.
Below average teams No playoff hopes, but at least they can defeat the shoddy teams.
Terrible teams Horrible losing streaks coupled with some humiliating losses. At least they avoid being relegated.
Abysmal teams One or two wins on the year and almost guaranteed to be relegated.
Colorado Ice At least the presence of Colorado Ice makes terrible and abysmal teams feel better.