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Originally posted by Time Trial
That's why you enroll your children in sports instead of letting the schools just give them track and field.

Half of the summer olympics aren't sports at all. How can you call running in a straight line a sport? Oh I'm the fastest at running in a straight line over a short distance, give me a fucking gold medal. Oh now I'm the fastest at running a slightly longer distance and around a bit of a bend in the track, give me another medal!

Seriously, if jumping high, running fast, or throwing something far should be considered sports, that's like saying cumming is equivalent to sex. In a real sport, you need to be able to run, jump, pass, dribble, skate, all the while trying to actually accomplish some task.

And why the hell is ski-jumping judged the way that it is? The winner isn't the one who travels the furthest, it is a combination of distance and technique. I don't care if the guy lands on his face, flailing his arms around like an idiot, so long as he lands the furthest.

And then you've got the 'sports' where artistic componant is a portion of the score. High-diving I can see it because they can actually judge how parallel, tucked, or piked the diver was, but it still isn't really a 'sport' it is a competition like the dunking competition at the NBA all star game.

But shit like figure skating where they judge how well the dancer moved to the music? Give me a break. Not a sport. Next.

So anyway... don't let your kids get too worked up over track and field. Tell them the only reason to get good at running, jumping, or throwing is to keep in shape for when they play a real sport.

That is one of the best rants I've seen in a while!

I'm with you 100% Running = Weight lifting = darts = a fat ass driving a car in a circle = who can piss the further
Edited by Lone Star Mercs on Mar 4, 2010 20:45:37
Edited by Lone Star Mercs on Mar 4, 2010 20:45:13
Originally posted by Time Trial

And then you've got the 'sports' where artistic componant is a portion of the score. High-diving I can see it because they can actually judge how parallel, tucked, or piked the diver was, but it still isn't really a 'sport' it is a competition like the dunking competition at the NBA all star game.

But shit like figure skating where they judge how well the dancer moved to the music? Give me a break. Not a sport. Next.

I Agree. Anything that needs a judges' score is not a sport, it's a hobby. Surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, etc. are just fun activities.
Originally posted by SmoothCaramel
I Agree. Anything that needs a judges' score is not a sport, it's a hobby. Surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, etc. are just fun activities.

Agree and disagree. Snwoboarding, Surfing, and some of those require skill. How many times have you seen a fat ass on a surf board/snowboard doing flips? How many normal people can get on ski's and do a 1080 backflip? Not many, so those do require skill and athleticism. High-Diving, the most work you get is climbing up the ladder to get up there.

I play lacrosse, football, and basketball, so I'm not really against or for TT's argument, but I agree Track and Field is a bit pathetic. Same with NASCAR/Car Racing. How can that be considered a sport?
Originally posted by chitchc2
We play baseball, football, basketball, football and football here in GA.

Nope but those guys are football fanatics by anyone's standards.
Start the kids at 5 years old.
Time Trial
Originally posted by enasty19
Originally posted by SmoothCaramel

I Agree. Anything that needs a judges' score is not a sport, it's a hobby. Surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, etc. are just fun activities.

Agree and disagree. Snwoboarding, Surfing, and some of those require skill. How many times have you seen a fat ass on a surf board/snowboard doing flips? How many normal people can get on ski's and do a 1080 backflip? Not many, so those do require skill and athleticism. High-Diving, the most work you get is climbing up the ladder to get up there.

I play lacrosse, football, and basketball, so I'm not really against or for TT's argument, but I agree Track and Field is a bit pathetic. Same with NASCAR/Car Racing. How can that be considered a sport?

Doing snowboarding tricks is a sideshow. I'm not saying that it doesn't require talent or athleticism, I'm saying that it is like the slam dunk competition. Entertaining to watch once a year, but its not a sport.

Unfortunatly NASCAR does kind of fall as a sport under my definition. I hate to say it, but stock car racing does require skill, there is a real winner that is defined by time and not by artistry... it is sort a quasi sport because it does a really good measure of driving under a very controlled environment. If they actually put in more twists and turns to measure the drivers ability to actually manuver his vehicle through something besides a left-hand turn I would probably call it a full sport.

Now if it were driving to accomplish sort sort of task, it would be even more impressive. Like capture the flag with full demolition car driving or something... :-)

funny stuff, nascar is a sport but snowboarding isn't.
Originally posted by Lone Star Mercs
+1 Our Middle school gives out ribbons and trophies like crazy... Kids can barely walk under the weight!

How the hell do you get 6 trophies in a year...

For crying out loud the Saints are the world chaps in FOOTBALL and only have two trophies.

Edit: And a baseball bat

Different cups and leagues.

For instance, the MLS just has one cup, which is their regular season. European teams have two seasons with multiple cups in their Country.

Whenever I see your name, all I can think of is Leslie Knope:
Time Trial
Originally posted by gruppo
funny stuff, nascar is a sport but snowboarding isn't.

Well snowboarding is when it is timed, but not when it is judged. Any time someone's perception can alter the outcome of someones final score it takes it out of that catagory... Officiating in football and hockey can slightly alter the outcome, but two teams don't play a full game and then the officials get together to figure out how to score the game.

"Oh well, the colts played really well, and they were the favorites going into this game. So I score the match 35-21 in favour of the colts. If New Orleans can prove that they can play at this level consistently and win a few world cup matches to climb the rankings, they just might deserve the Gold Medal in Football in a couple of years."
Originally posted by gruppo
funny stuff, nascar is a sport but snowboarding isn't.

Yeah, I think driving is a skill not a sport in my book. Don't get me wrong, drivers have tremendous skill but not a sport.

I've not thought about it too much but I'd say I'd call snowboarding (in competition) a sport before I'd call NASCAR a sport. Its an individual sport but the skill and athleticism to do what they do is significant. The potentially subjective judging part is what I don't like.

Originally posted by PING72

Whenever I see your name, all I can think of is Leslie Knope:

Exactly...NASCAR is NOT a sport.
Originally posted by PING72
Exactly...NASCAR is NOT a sport.

I'd rather watch flies fuck
OH-IO ~Cult~
Originally posted by LordEvil
I'd rather watch flies fuck

I'd rather watch grass die then watch cars... going fast... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.

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