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Currently, the bottom 4 of each conference plus whichever teams went CPU drop. Depending on how many extra spots are open because of teams going CPU, they remaining spots are determined on record and points scored. However, most would agree this is a pretty flawed system...the majority of the worst teams Gold got into gold b/c they scored a lot of points in the weakest silver leagues.

I don't see any need to drop any more than that number of teams...even if they do have a losing record. Because as was previously stated...a 5-11 gold team could beat the VAST majority of silver teams and likely win multiple silver leagues.

Comparing points scored in gold and silver is night and day. Look at the South Park Cows...they averaged 100+ points in silver and won their league...this year they are 2-14 in gold and averaged less than 10 points. They're still a pretty good team, and would have done well in silver league, but scoring 200 points against a CPU doesn't really mean as much as scoring 20 against a stout defense.

On the flip side look at the Boston Goat Warriors who last year in gold won just 2 games...this year they're 15-1 and have a decent shot at getting back up to gold. OR...look at Montpelier, they won only 1 game in gold last year...this year they lost only 2 games in what is easily the deepest conference in silver.

Beatdown used to get beat down every game in Gold, look at them in Silver *Perfect*
I have to admit, I got blown out in the 3rd round of the S13 Official GLB PeeWee Tourny by Miss Mud Dogs. I rebuilt my entire OAI and Defense because of that game. I also learned a lot this season about scouting & player build and watched A LOT of Gold games to learn what some of the better teams do in situations. I know it will probably take a few more seasons to make it to gold, and by the time I do get there.. the amount the top gold teams have learned it will be really tough to do well there.
Too bad they don't consider the tourneys as spots to recruit the extra Silver teams from as I think the tourneys are often harder for a Silver team to win than their own league.

Wood Village Whistle Pigs = Winner of the Silver Tourney AND Halo's Tourney(IMPRESSIVE!)
Maine Grenadiers = Winner of the Mid-Major Invitational Tourney
Chicago 85'Bears = Winner of the Air Attack Tourney

While this might be a little self serving, it does make logical sense to use any tourney winners who don't win their league as the non-champion teams to promote as winning a tourney is as hard, if not harder, than winning a Silver league championship. Consider the Pigs, even if they stumble and don't win their league, how could you say they are not ready for Gold after TWO tourney wins and a perfect season to date, including scrimmages???

But in the end, Bort makes the call, so until he tells people exactly how he picks those extra teams, I am under the presumption that if you don't win your league, it is highly unlikely you will go Gold.
No Fear
Originally posted by Gerr
Too bad they don't consider the tourneys as spots to recruit the extra Silver teams from as I think the tourneys are often harder for a Silver team to win than their own league.

Wood Village Whistle Pigs = Winner of the Silver Tourney AND Halo's Tourney(IMPRESSIVE!)
Maine Grenadiers = Winner of the Mid-Major Invitational Tourney
Chicago 85'Bears = Winner of the Air Attack Tourney

While this might be a little self serving, it does make logical sense to use any tourney winners who don't win their league as the non-champion teams to promote as winning a tourney is as hard, if not harder, than winning a Silver league championship. Consider the Pigs, even if they stumble and don't win their league, how could you say they are not ready for Gold after TWO tourney wins and a perfect season to date, including scrimmages???

But in the end, Bort makes the call, so until he tells people exactly how he picks those extra teams, I am under the presumption that if you don't win your league, it is highly unlikely you will go Gold.

The Pigs?!?!? Never heard of them!!!
can I be the old man telling you all to get off my lawn and say pee wee gold will never be the same as it was the first few seasons now?
Originally posted by ericb45696
can I be the old man telling you all to get off my lawn and say pee wee gold will never be the same as it was the first few seasons now?


Meanwhile, tourneys sound like a great way, but how many teams do not enter tourneys because of game planning time requirements? I know the DSBM (and yes, we're already GOLD) do not put much effort into scrims. It just takes too much time.
Originally posted by juiceweezl

Meanwhile, tourneys sound like a great way, but how many teams do not enter tourneys because of game planning time requirements? I know the DSBM (and yes, we're already GOLD) do not put much effort into scrims. It just takes too much time.

True, but a lot of Silver teams that have something to prove like to enter them as a proving ground. Thus it's often a good gauge of which Silver teams have the best chance of going Gold. For the most part, Silver#1 dominated the tourneys with Silver#7 putting up a decent showing as well, and those are the two top Silver leagues in terms of quality teams.

And like in any longer running MMO, people will always look back to the early days and say those were the best.
The Utah Pumas out of Silver #1 didn't enter any tournies.

We did get smacked in the regular season to the Pigs, but we'll have our chance at revenge..

If we get it, do we earn a spot?
Originally posted by Gerr
True, but a lot of Silver teams that have something to prove like to enter them as a proving ground. Thus it's often a good gauge of which Silver teams have the best chance of going Gold. For the most part, Silver#1 dominated the tourneys with Silver#7 putting up a decent showing as well, and those are the two top Silver leagues in terms of quality teams.

And like in any longer running MMO, people will always look back to the early days and say those were the best.

Many strong silver teams never entered any tourny, and some teams had bad showings in the tournys that went through the Christmas Holiday and it really isn't fair to judge a teams quality because the Holidays take up a lot of time. That said your only speculating that Silver 1 and 7 are the strongest.

Edited for content
Edited by MikeInFl on Jan 14, 2010 10:48:31
Originally posted by MikeInFl
Originally posted by Gerr

True, but a lot of Silver teams that have something to prove like to enter them as a proving ground. Thus it's often a good gauge of which Silver teams have the best chance of going Gold. For the most part, Silver#1 dominated the tourneys with Silver#7 putting up a decent showing as well, and those are the two top Silver leagues in terms of quality teams.

And like in any longer running MMO, people will always look back to the early days and say those were the best.

Many strong silver teams never entered any tourny, and some teams had bad showings in the tournys that went through the Christmas Holiday and it really isn't fair to judge a teams quality because the Holidays take up a lot of time. That said your only speculating that Silver 1 and 7 are the strongest.

Edited for content

As far as depth of talent, I don't think that is mere speculation.

But I do agree that tourney's are not a very good way to judge who should advance. For example, the year that the Strain won the official tourney, they didn't even win silver7 b/c there was a team who went 16-0 and didn't play a single scrimmage that beat them in the championship. Some of the really good teams don't play scrimmages. Not to mention, that scrimmages cost flex...therefore, you're basically requiring teams to pay for a chance to get a wildcard gold spot (granted, they could still win their league and make gold...but that still doesn't make it fair).
Have there been ANY teams (other than the first gold season) to get an at-large gold promotion (IE: didn't win league) that did not go 16-0 and make it to the championship game?

My gut says no...but I could be wrong.
I never said all good Silver teams enter tourneys, many don't. But when you do, you prove yourself against other Silver teams not in your league,and not all leagues are created equal. Going 16-0 or 15-1 in an average league doesn't mean you are high end Silver, only that you are better than the other Silver teams in your league. That's why it's good to face other high level Silver teams in tourneys. When you don't, you can't say your team or league is one of the stronger ones in Silver as you have not proven that against anyone other than the teams in your league. S1 & S7 have teams that have done that, which is why I said they are stronger.

I also never meant to imply that all other Silver leagues outside of #1 & #7 were weak, only that those leagues had a higher number of high end Silver teams, thus making them more competitive than other Silver leagues. I would bet that some of the 2nd-4th place teams in S1 & S7 could take the top spot in some Silver leagues. But that doesn't mean the top seeds in other leagues couldn't hold their own in S1 or S7.

Edited by Gerr on Jan 14, 2010 12:41:12
I think they should reshuffle all Silver teams each season. Would suck to get stuck in a league where there is no hope of ever making it to gold.
Originally posted by LordEvil
I think they should reshuffle all Silver teams each season. Would suck to get stuck in a league where there is no hope of ever making it to gold.



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