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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Good Game Razorback Nation
Originally posted by jlrock
yes it is. Your AAA team has the challenge sent to them....... Make sure to come in here crying when we tap that ass also. If you should pull and upset. Wait thats not happening... lol

I'll concede our AAA team is mostly the suck, largely due to the fact that those were our first attempts at building players. MCRG will be better when our players reach that age. Our team over in OAA3 is better than MCRG, but a season or two behind them in age. Our 21-cap team kicks massive amounts of ass and will destroy teams for many seasons to come as they level up.

Demoting is what it is. You can come down with level 60 players and win in AA. Just don't expect to be rolling in the pros in future seasons. I think jlrock gets this.

As for tregrimmd, stay in your lane and keep it in perspective there, slingblade. You should be confident about winning, but I'd dial the pride back a few notches.

If you're so cocksure about the Razorbacks, who outlevel MCRG by 13 levels, send a challenge from Norfolk'n Way to Fukuoka:

Fukuoka outlevels Norfolk's guys by about 6 levels, or half as much as the disparity in the Razorback/MCRG game. I'll bet Fukuoka wins over Norfolk by a larger margin than the Razorbacks beat MCRG. Maybe then you'll understand the impact of levels on the game.

Of course, I have no expectation you'll actually send the challenge, but I thought I'd put it out there just the same to see if it'll shut your piehole.
Edited by recockulous on Nov 6, 2009 11:55:26
Originally posted by jlrock
What do you guys run 6 plays total.

72 so far this year. Maybe you should do some scouting.
Tregrimmd is the kind of guy who would brag about winning a special Olympics medal.
Originally posted by Porch
Sure. Just keep trying to pound some silly fact. We bought and gutted a team. Not sure what that has to do with your team being at least a few seasons older playing in the same league. All I know is my level 60 guys would never dream of playing in some shitty AA conference.

Props to your team having no pride.

Was not always in the same area dumbass, when bort did the shift we were moved from EE to OC, but you don't check your shit b4 you "attempt" to talk shit.
But you are now, dipshit. You even moved out of a more competitive region just to get into Oceania? Brilliant. You are really nailing your point home buddy.
Originally posted by dook
But you are now, dipshit. You even moved out of a more competitive region just to get into Oceania? Brilliant. You are really nailing your point home buddy.

I had no control over it dumbass. You are brilliant, we were moved against our wishes.
Originally posted by jlrock
I had no control over it dumbass. You are brilliant, we were moved against our wishes.

I think the OA/EE region thing is largely meaningless, but the demotion to AA certainly isn't.
Mr. Dumass
Originally posted by jlrock
Originally posted by dook

But you are now, dipshit. You even moved out of a more competitive region just to get into Oceania? Brilliant. You are really nailing your point home buddy.

I had no control over it dumbass. You are brilliant, we were moved against our wishes.

It's Mr. Dumass! You should know this.
Originally posted by jlrock
Was not always in the same area dumbass, when bort did the shift we were moved from EE to OC, but you don't check your shit b4 you "attempt" to talk shit.

sure it did. You probably begged to be demoted because it was the only way your team had a shot to not be embarrassed this year.

All of which means instead of talking shit you your team should be embarrassed to be in this league. Not bragging about winning it.
Also your statement doesn't make much since your last season in EE was season 9.
Originally posted by Porch
Also your statement doesn't make much since your last season in EE was season 9.

Exactly dumbass, we got moved over from EE to OC then and went from A in EE to AA in OC then to AAA the following season. Keep up. Its not that hard.
Failing to keeping up with the history of a team isn't exactly worthy of a "dumbass" blast, tbh. IMO, it is hard. The way Bort shuffles teams between leagues, regions (in your case), caps, casual, pee wee, etc., it's very hard to determine where anyone was playing in prior seasons, or even what name they were playing under. For example, the first team you played in S8 is now a casual league team. Does that mean you were in the casual leagues then? Is there any way to know for sure?

I'm not giving you any shit for anything other than coming down from AAA to AA this past year.
Bort didn't move him from EE to Oceania. I know that for a fact.
I know for a fact they did when they did the damn reshuffle. Again, do your homework nub.
Originally posted by recockulous
Failing to keeping up with the history of a team isn't exactly worthy of a "dumbass" blast, tbh. IMO, it is hard. The way Bort shuffles teams between leagues, regions (in your case), caps, casual, pee wee, etc., it's very hard to determine where anyone was playing in prior seasons, or even what name they were playing under. For example, the first team you played in S8 is now a casual league team. Does that mean you were in the casual leagues then? Is there any way to know for sure?

I'm not giving you any shit for anything other than coming down from AAA to AA this past year.

Your first paragraph makes alot of sense for sure. But you already know I don't care what people think in your second one .

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