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Originally posted by Lionsfan14
Yea Bush was a fucking great Pres.!!! I'm not going to argue political views with you tho.. Not on GLB.. You have yours and i have mine.. When a Democrat and a Republican argue nother ever gets solved, it'd be the same thing if 2 small children bickered about whose dad is stronger (obviously mine is but..) so i won't bash Bush in the forum anymore..

Yet you have no problem bashing the living shit out of simple logic when hamfistedly pounding out your incoherent thoughts.
^ Big words do not make your point any less ignorant.

**For the Record: I have never, and will never vote, but we haven't had a good Presidential Regime in quite a while, maybe never in my lifetime as a 25 year old man. I remember some good periods, but always a lot of bad. Being President of the United States will always come with ridicule, too many diverse trains of thought.
Originally posted by skinzfan08

**For the Record: I have never, and will never vote.

Then shut the fuck up, no one cares what you think.

Do you need to vote to have a political view? Skinz mearly voiced an opinion about us not having great options.. Which i believe is the reason he doesn't vote.. Wouldn't you say? Telling ppl to shut the fuck up is clearly the way to act like a tough guy.. It takes balls to run your yap over the computer.. Let your team do the talking! You GM GHB? I recall those guys being class acts who put together a team that won games!

I don't really have a response for Boges, i don't like Bush and if you don't like that fact then i guess i can't help you..

No if you don't vote then no one cares about your opinion and you should shut the fuck up because you don't matter.

Guess what genius every election has a lot more choices than President or any other office with many of them being bonds, taxes, laws and other items that do effect his every day life.

If he chooses to be uneducated idiot then he should shut his fucking hole.

As for the rest being someone that has served to provide him that freedom and I don't really need him or my computer to know that my balls are in tact and hang low.

I am not sure however what the competency of my fucking fake football team has to do with him babbling on about stuff he knows nothing about.
Originally posted by Porch
No if you don't vote then no one cares about your opinion and you should shut the fuck up because you don't matter.

Guess what genius every election has a lot more choices than President or any other office with many of them being bonds, taxes, laws and other items that do effect his every day life.

If he chooses to be uneducated idiot then he should shut his fucking hole.

As for the rest being someone that has served to provide him that freedom and I don't really need him or my computer to know that my balls are in tact and hang low.

I am not sure however what the competency of my fucking fake football team has to do with him babbling on about stuff he knows nothing about.

Porch, you are the biggest ITG I've ever come in contact with, honestly.(In case you were wondering ITG = Internet Tuff Guy)

Point #1: I was speaking of voting for President, but way to blow that out of proportion to stroke your own ego.

Point #2: You served, I am currently serving, and guess what? We are currently under the worst Presidential Regime maybe in the History of the United States......and guess who feels it first? Those of us serving our Country to protect the rights of the Citizens. Let's keep downsizing the military, cutting spending, and causing more and more incompetence in the Middle East, costing more and more lives of American Soldiers and Sailors. Great Idea Mr. Obama.

Point #3: Being a non-voter != being Uneducated. Quite the contrary, I'm quite a bit more educated than the Average Joe, and quite a bit more intelligent. My vote would normally go for the Independent Party, if I ever felt like our Country could vote for the right person, rather than swaying a Vote toward one of the two Major Parties...............but we're not a smart country, a very distinct reason why we are no longer the world's leading Super Power. That distinction falls squarely on the shoulders of the Chinese, who own more than 60% of our National Debt. We are falling behind, and doing so very quickly.

Anymore brain-busters?
Edited by skinzfan08 on Oct 4, 2009 19:51:21
Originally posted by MV Thunder
Originally posted by valakar

You are right you have heard this before yet this time you have to realize the agents you are up against and the pure talent we possess! It is okay to fear us.

No fear here matter of fact I love when teams and players do these then when things go bad .We all get a good laugh at your expense.

Hey I have no problems if you laugh at my expense. As long as you are willing to understand he who gets the last laugh has the most to enjoy! We may or may not suck this season but long-term I promise you we will not suck.

Fear the Whores
MV Thunder
Rubber Duck
Originally posted by valakar
Originally posted by MV Thunder

Originally posted by valakar

You are right you have heard this before yet this time you have to realize the agents you are up against and the pure talent we possess! It is okay to fear us.

No fear here matter of fact I love when teams and players do these then when things go bad .We all get a good laugh at your expense.

Hey I have no problems if you laugh at my expense. As long as you are willing to understand he who gets the last laugh has the most to enjoy! We may or may not suck this season but long-term I promise you we will not suck.

Fear the Whores

Long term is something totally different then coming in here now and saying nothing more then-fear the whores.That says you are going to do something so long term sure I can see that.You guys have some good builds and GMs it looks like but for now.I see no need to fear nothing.GL this season.
MV Thunder
Rubber Duck
Originally posted by skinzfan08
Originally posted by Porch

No if you don't vote then no one cares about your opinion and you should shut the fuck up because you don't matter.

Guess what genius every election has a lot more choices than President or any other office with many of them being bonds, taxes, laws and other items that do effect his every day life.

If he chooses to be uneducated idiot then he should shut his fucking hole.

As for the rest being someone that has served to provide him that freedom and I don't really need him or my computer to know that my balls are in tact and hang low.

I am not sure however what the competency of my fucking fake football team has to do with him babbling on about stuff he knows nothing about.

Porch, you are the biggest ITG I've ever come in contact with, honestly.(In case you were wondering ITG = Internet Tuff Guy)

Point #1: I was speaking of voting for President, but way to blow that out of proportion to stroke your own ego.

Point #2: You served, I am currently serving, and guess what? We are currently under the worst Presidential Regime maybe in the History of the United States......and guess who feels it first? Those of us serving our Country to protect the rights of the Citizens. Let's keep downsizing the military, cutting spending, and causing more and more incompetence in the Middle East, costing more and more lives of American Soldiers and Sailors. Great Idea Mr. Obama.

Point #3: Being a non-voter != being Uneducated. Quite the contrary, I'm quite a bit more educated than the Average Joe, and quite a bit more intelligent. My vote would normally go for the Independent Party, if I ever felt like our Country could vote for the right person, rather than swaying a Vote toward one of the two Major Parties...............but we're not a smart country, a very distinct reason why we are no longer the world's leading Super Power. That distinction falls squarely on the shoulders of the Chinese, who own more than 60% of our National Debt. We are falling behind, and doing so very quickly.

Anymore brain-busters?

What does it matter ,really its not like your going to do anything but tap the little keys and argue with another key tapper.Let it go all of you but if you feel the need to fight over something that nether one of you can control nor fix then make your own thread or get a pvt forum and piss up the wall all you two want.Not everyone wants to fight on GLB at least not like this most of us let our dots speak for us.
Originally posted by Porch
No if you don't vote then no one cares about your opinion and you should shut the fuck up because you don't matter.

Guess what genius every election has a lot more choices than President or any other office with many of them being bonds, taxes, laws and other items that do effect his every day life.

If he chooses to be uneducated idiot then he should shut his fucking hole.

As for the rest being someone that has served to provide him that freedom and I don't really need him or my computer to know that my balls are in tact and hang low.

I am not sure however what the competency of my fucking fake football team has to do with him babbling on about stuff he knows nothing about.

I think your "Fucking Fake Football team" is honestly the only thing that truely matters in the forum since this is in fact a forum for your "Fucking Fake Football Team".. My bottom line is simple, we're all going on about political shit in a GLB forum and it's stupid.. Obviously everyone has their opinion and talking tough in an internet forum probably isn't going to keep anyone from saying what they want despite how fucking bad ass you believe you are.. And that basicly goes for anyone (myself included).. Let your fucking teams do the talking, that is the point of this whole game, correct? I'm glad the forum is alive this season.. New teams have really upped the entertainment value of this forum but, if your team can't win games then nobody will give a fuck if you vote or if you have a fucking education! Winning games is all that matters in this forum, if your team sucks then nobody cares about your opinion and you should shut the fuck up because you don't matter!

Since when does calling people fucking idiots qualify as talking tough on the internet? You should get out more.
Originally posted by dook
Since when does calling people fucking idiots qualify as talking tough on the internet? You should get out more.

Would you say it (no joking around) to the face of a guy who could beat your ass? If the answer is yes, then i consider it tough talking.. I'm in no way saying i could whoop your ass, just stating what i believe is tough talk?

Originally posted by Lionsfan14
Would you say it (no joking around) to the face of a guy who could beat your ass? If the answer is yes, then i consider it tough talking.. I'm in no way saying i could whoop your ass, just stating what i believe is tough talk?

I am tough, and I do talk tough, cuz I do do tough things. Goonie Goo Goos!!!!
Originally posted by Lionsfan14
Would you say it (no joking around) to the face of a guy who could beat your ass? If the answer is yes, then i consider it tough talking.. I'm in no way saying i could whoop your ass, just stating what i believe is tough talk?

You're a fucking idiot.
That was the original point.

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