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None of my Players have PM'ed you. Your a liar and a cheater,lol.
Originally posted by sehorn31
Glad to see that you guys got everyone to come in here and say how true you all are but the bottom line is that was bullshit. I find it hard to believe when I didn't Post a thread in the Reg. Season we Win 44-23 and then in the Play-Off Game I say what I did with ST's D and O and you guys hold us to 6 Points with a Roster littered with 55-60+ Level Guys. Come on now, I was born at night but not last night. I'll let you guys talk all the shit you want but at the end of the day I do know what I'm doing and it will take much more than you bunch to keep me off the Field!! I'll look forward to facing everyone of you in the future.

How do you explain the other had the Ryno's outleveled by a grip
maybee everyone else was cheating too seahorn just suck it up u lost in dot ball LOL
Originally posted by sehorn31
Glad to see that you guys got everyone to come in here and say how true you all are but the bottom line is that was bullshit. I find it hard to believe when I didn't Post a thread in the Reg. Season we Win 44-23 and then in the Play-Off Game I say what I did with ST's D and O and you guys hold us to 6 Points with a Roster littered with 55-60+ Level Guys. Come on now, I was born at night but not last night. I'll let you guys talk all the shit you want but at the end of the day I do know what I'm doing and it will take much more than you bunch to keep me off the Field!! I'll look forward to facing everyone of you in the future.

Obviously better gameplanning. It is very possible for it to happen. Lvls dont mean everything. Im not sticking up for him cuz im buddy buddy with him. I've know him for a while but not best friends or anything. Im on defense so we really dont have many convos. I just know how good he is and wat kind of person he is. Previous experiances and situations that have came up is why I dont believe this claim.

Unless you have proof then you're grasping at straws. Even if you feel things are shady....You dont go blasting someone on pure speculation.
Originally posted by sehorn31
If I was wanting an excuse I would tell you all how I got locked out on accident and wasn't able to adjust the DC and the Energy Tactics like I wanted before the Game. Which is the truth. If you want to put something in writing, Put this in writing. "GEELONG WILL NEVER LOSE TO THE RAZOR NATION AGAIN!!!"

That's funny! So we are to believe you are a superior game planner, but not capable of keeping track of your keys?
Originally posted by sehorn31
None of my Players have PM'ed you. Your a liar and a cheater,lol.

O yes they have . They are signed thru next season, they are embarrassed with you. But you keep thinking that. I am like alot of other people, you talk this mess, where is some proof of this, get mods involved have them data mine my post and pms and such. Also you did not answer the question, did anyone have access to the AI that your accusing. Also, you have shown how good you are, when you "can't" get in and change your own stuff....... We don't believe that, your a piss poor sport and bigtime loser.
plus u dogged a A+ agent in my book MIGHTY MOLES... he has no reason to be tagged they way u talked... hes a standup guy..

if anyone ever is looking for a mighty moles created player...ill stand by the build and the agent with my name.... he is not what this guy is trying to make u guys beleive.. hes top notch...
Originally posted by getmoreho
plus u dogged a A+ agent in my book MIGHTY MOLES... he has no reason to be tagged they way u talked... hes a standup guy..

if anyone ever is looking for a mighty moles created player...ill stand by the build and the agent with my name.... he is not what this guy is trying to make u guys beleive.. hes top notch...

PLUS 1........
oh my. so let me get this straight? he's accusing someone of cheating with no proof just cos his team didnt perform so well? rofl
I have been on a few teams with jlrock - He is a great manager and OC, he wouldnt ever cheat, he doesnt need to! Hes a stand up guy and ANY team would be lucky to have him on their side. Whoever this putz is saying stuff about him should crawl back until his hole, in shame. this thread is seriously lame.
Edited by gracelesscharm on Jul 26, 2009 22:24:44
Sehorn ... teams can lose without being cheated ... and good builds will beat levels (espacially with the help of a good gameplanner like JLRock.

As many here have said ... I've known him for 3 GLB seasons now and always found his character impeccable.

His GLB skills have also helped me to make my RB a 2 time League MVP .. he knows his stuff.
LOL @ sehorn.

This is embarrassing for you.
I don't chime in often, but I thought I would just sum up a few points.

1.) accusation without any basis provided.
2.) good owner being thrown under the bus because he beat a team.
3.) Sehorn makes predictions all the time (we were never suppose to beat his team last year, and we did twice)

and the biggest one...

4.) This is a game. Let's put the accusations away, and enjoy the fact that we are playing a GAME!!!!

I remember saying early in the season that this year would be based on matchups and game planning. I think the ZETA side was fun, because there were games that went certain ways, based on those two facets. I call that good, fun football. Let's try to remember that we all play a game, and it's suppose to be good fun!
I appreciate the backup guys. It cracks me up how the owner, sehorn, and even sehorn's brother, gifford16, all send me accusatory and threatening emails and then all of them block me from sending any kind of reply back. What a bunch of cowards they all are. If you're gonna accuse somebody of something then stand there like a man and let him defend himself. True colors shining through.
I'm going to the Super bowl and I'm suppose to be so mad that G-Long lost, Whatever, and the fact that the Agent or the Front Office from the Razor Nation never said anything is reason enough to not trust them and I don't care who likes me and if they didn't, that's fine. My hats off to them but the fact remains I'll never know and I'm not taking any chances of that happening again. I'll stay out of these Forums and let you guys talk about me all you like. And no one on our Team was Signed through next Season that felt that way about me so just keep lying J-Rock because everyone's Contracts was up at the end of this Season and they wouldn't have Resigned if they felt that way. And for your Info Strick, the fact they said nothing is grounds for accusation in my book.

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