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Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by g-bay-be

I'm fairly sure chemistry has no effect on scrims. and the fact that you guys are moving players from a AAA team to try and improve your A team is pretty damn pathetic. You guys sent the challenge not BLPP, go look up some more excuses on why that team will be a failure. Why don't you guys sell that team and just win a bunch of BBB trophies

Ummm... we didn't move players to improve our A team. Get your facts straight.

It was our second season in BBB8 and we were hoping we could make a run to get out of BBB8.

Does it matter who sent the challenge? No, not at all.

Why don't you try GM'ing for more teams to get meaningless trophies. Oh I forgot, you're too busy trying to play the role of the internet tough guy. Let me know how that works out for you. *rolls eyes*

oh shit I ran into a gem here. can't believe I missed this one... What teams do I gm that are meaningless?

Why don't you do a little research and ask around for who does the defnsive work for those teams. actuall why dont you do some research and realize the teams i GM for are from two main groups of agents. They either stem from BLPP (Hungary canibals, LXA) or Kalahari Night Riders(tar river, guppies, fort wayne, and ash balls.)

KNR won a AAA championship in season 6 - I was the DC and I owned the starting FS

Tar River won a championship in season 7 - I DCd that one too

LXA won a championship in season 8 - guess who wrote that DAI? DT and punter

BLPP - well you can go ask joe87 what i do there. I have had an OT there since season 2 also...

Internet tough guy? Nah, I'll leave that to snaza

Last edited May 6, 2009 23:50:55
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

Can you idiots read at all? Sanaza makes wild claims, sends out a challenge, gets his ass handed to him, then claims victory, and we are the assholes? Bookworm admits to being a pathetic slug dropping his AAA guys to an A League and we are arrogant? Whatever. You are are almost too stupid to make fun of. Where is Boltz?

Okay, I've actually tried to be nice and civilized here.

What did I do that was so pathetic and or arrogant? I moved 4 or 5 of MY guys that were backups off of a AAA team to a team that was in BBB. I understand the point that you're trying to make but the pathetic part was that the players that I brought down were still out leveled by their competition. Really? We need level 40 players in a BBB league? I'm not that guy who feels the need to cheat or beat up on lower leveled teams, contrary to your belief. Labatt took their lumps early and often and held firm with the belief that we were going to be a force sooner than later. Sadly enough, we lost a few players along the way and it's damn near impossible to recruit slowbuild players, because they've bought into the system and the team for the long term, so I just brought a few guys down to fill out my squad. Again, call me pathetic slug if you want to, but I don't regret it, I don't feel that it was pathetic and would do it again if I was in that situation. As far as your claim that I am arrogant, you couldn't be further from the truth.

If Snaza talked trash to you or other teams in that league, he deserves to take his medicine. You stomped us and have earned the right to let us know about it. You have a good team in SEA Pro and here in Canada A. No one is disputing that. I read over in SEA Pro (not trying to troll) that said that you should walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk. Same goes for you here in Canada A #4. If you're going to tell us how good your team is, walk the walk. Don't blame the sim. Don't blame the fact that you didn't game plan. Don't blame the rain. Again, I'm not lumping all of LXA together, because I know for a fact that I did see some credit given to the teams that beat you. I hope that EVERYONE from Labatt is able to congratulate anyone that beats us and wish them good luck the rest of the season. We will probably continue our winning streak for a few more games and then it is our turn. I wouldn't know that if I was truly arrogant.
Originally posted by Snaza


what the fuck is going on guys?

Are you still talking about that shit from before?

Oh my god you guys are fucking PATHETIC!!!!

Apparently I really stuck a STICK up LXA's collective ASS.

Hope it feels as good as the stick I stuck up BLPP's ass.

I hope they felt REAL good when they only beat an average AAA team (in sea no less) by 60 when they're supposed to be a TOP 25 GLB team... give me a fucking break.
If I'd have game planned at ALL.. it'd have been a LOT closer. Like 15-30... maybe if the sim gods were on our side, even a victory.

EDIT - but I forgot... I'm supposed to be talking shit about LXA... the team that's LOST TWO FUCKING GAMES!!!
Half of your GM's are retarded.
Half your GM's are GM's on a team they don't have players on (or just 1).
TRY and tell me they do something MEANINGFUL on that team.
And then TRY and tell me they don't suck DICK for a living. ... Yeah... both will be just as sad an argument.
LXA is going to TRY and make it to the playoffs this year. As it is right now... they're really struggling though...

I really hope you guys make it though.
So then you can pay attention while we make our run to our conference championship game vs the Leviathans, while you guys are knocked out in the first round, whining about ... *sniff* Winnebago should've ran more *sniff*
*sniff* It was the weird sim, good job, you guys exploited it more *sniff*
*sniff* My vagina had some sand in it! I wants a do-over Bort-san! *sniff*


PS - watch the retards run around in circles screaming now

all i see are loud noises and a lot of crying...need a tissue?
Originally posted by durakbane
Back on topic....

Who are these, "Bandar Lampung Pigskin Pirates?" They seem like a really good team.

@ bookworm:

Nothing I've written or said ever implied you..just wanted you to know that. I get the feeling that you are an upstanding owner.

@ Snaza:
Talk about getting a stick stuck......every time you write in this thread and the SEA Pro thread, it is like words get vomitted all over the screen. Hopefully you do not suffer from high blood pressure because its known as the 'silent killer' for a reason.

EDIT: Last I checked, there aren't too many teams that go undefeated in a season, so I wouldn't be so quick to use 'two loses' as a way of putting us down.....I'm pretty sure you are going to get a few L's hung onto your record Especially since this:

Greatest game EVER played:
Last edited May 7, 2009 16:14:46
Originally posted by durakbane
Especially since this:

Greatest game EVER played:

Yeah... we didn't even game plan for that...

And it was all the sim!

And the sim screwed us!

We haven't adapted quickly enough yet!

You cheated!

Bort doesn't like us!

We weren't ready!

We call a do-over!



Scrim us again then
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by durakbane

Especially since this:

Greatest game EVER played:

Yeah... we didn't even game plan for that...

And it was all the sim!

And the sim screwed us!

We haven't adapted quickly enough yet!

You cheated!

Bort doesn't like us!

We weren't ready!

We call a do-over!

I'll take those two. Thank you.

And you didn't deny:

Greatest game EVER played:
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by durakbane

Especially since this:

Greatest game EVER played:

Yeah... we didn't even game plan for that...

And it was all the sim!

And the sim screwed us!

We haven't adapted quickly enough yet!

You cheated!

Bort doesn't like us!

We weren't ready!

We call a do-over!



Scrim us again then

Scrimmages don't count for anything remember? You had your chance and well.... It wasn't pretty.
And cheetah wasn't even on the DC for that the game.

TBH we probably would have shut them out.

Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by durakbane

Especially since this:

Greatest game EVER played:

Yeah... we didn't even game plan for that...

And it was all the sim!

And the sim screwed us!

We haven't adapted quickly enough yet!

You cheated!

Bort doesn't like us!

We weren't ready!

We call a do-over!



Scrim us again then

Amazing how you take so little and make so much. I don't recall us saying but one thing in this list so whomever you are trying imitate, well, it isn't us.

Originally posted by
We haven't adapted quickly enough yet!

This isn't a excuse, it is a reality. Thats the way GLB works. And if anything, it is more considered a knock on someone instead of a excuse. Inability to adapt is ones own fault.

Greatest game EVER played:
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

Scrimmages don't count for anything remember? You had your chance and well.... It wasn't pretty.

Besides, everyone knows that sequels are rarely ever better than the original. In this case, it is:

Greatest game EVER played:
To be completely honest guys, I've watched about 5 or 6 times in the past 2 days. I mean that game, was by far, the greatest game ever on GLB.
Last edited May 7, 2009 18:05:40

Last edited May 7, 2009 19:03:50
wait...are you guys talking about this game?


this game?
Originally posted by bhall43
wait...are you guys talking about this game?


this game?

you got it wrong bhall.

its this game. easily greatest game ever
Last edited May 7, 2009 23:34:31

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