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Originally posted by driftinggrifter

I'm signed on for three this a way I can actually go to a fun team? OK, i'll take off my EQ and set my tactics to give the WR's a chance to catch the ball.

Hmmmmm, Lake Eerie, looking for a CB?

Knowing your players, I'm pretty sure that even if you leave your EQ on and keep your tactics as is, they will still catch the ball. As a matter of fact, they'll probably all have to go on the disabled list because of fatigue from all of those 90 yard TDs.
Originally posted by g-bay-be
well this escalated quickly

This had the potential to become an epic thread, but it was killed fairly quick.
Originally posted by Boltz
again wrong, i congratulated the team i dislike the most, LAX, not cuz of all their guys, but driftinggrifter, your 20-40 years old and arguing with me, 14 years old, about my conduct on an internet game; i dont care if im a jerk or the nicest guy, this is an internet game, i dont know you, you dont know me

Who the fuck is LAX?
Originally posted by BabyTigas
Originally posted by Boltz

and i have not posted im 12, ive said im 14 and 15 cuz im almost 15, and i am very, extremely polite in rl, this is not rl, and you could be 14, you dont suck up to kids your age

Nahhhhh, but this all could have been avoided had you not went at our team about the score.

And just as a general statement, everyone on this game contradicts themselves. Even with the lil bitty things like grammar. They say things like "He types like an idiot, so in essence, he must be an IDIOT".... stuff like that... then they turn around and say "show some respect", or "you have no room to speak" or "lead by example" stuff like dat....

I don't got a problem with you Boltz, but whenever you come at me, I come back at you.... simple, isnt everyone like that???

Cuz dat how we be on da skreets, aint dat right dawg.
Originally posted by g-bay-be
well this escalated quickly

I challenge you for getting here late.

Originally posted by sirallan

Who the fuck is LAX?

Ya' know, LAX...airport code for Los Angeles International Airport.
Last edited Apr 29, 2009 20:00:13
Originally posted by sirallan
Originally posted by Boltz

again wrong, i congratulated the team i dislike the most, LAX, not cuz of all their guys, but driftinggrifter, your 20-40 years old and arguing with me, 14 years old, about my conduct on an internet game; i dont care if im a jerk or the nicest guy, this is an internet game, i dont know you, you dont know me

Who the fuck is LAX?

its a club in vegas, drift owns it... boltz doesn't know anything about it because he's 12. on a side note he still isn't tall enough to ride splash mountain either. his family vacation was ruined
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

I'm signed on for three this a way I can actually go to a fun team? OK, i'll take off my EQ and set my tactics to give the WR's a chance to catch the ball.

Hmmmmm, Lake Eerie, looking for a CB?

Knowing your players, I'm pretty sure that even if you leave your EQ on and keep your tactics as is, they will still catch the ball. As a matter of fact, they'll probably all have to go on the disabled list because of fatigue from all of those 13 yard TDs.

Fixed your post. After the fat signing bonus, Violater bought a shit load of Cuban cigars and chain smokes them now. No way can he run past 15 yds at a time.

wow when LXA plays on normal instead of relaxed we are actually p good
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by g-bay-be

well this escalated quickly

I challenge you for getting here late.

I was in class man, and i got another one in 30 mins, i only broke out my lap top to check the score of our game because i over hauled the DAI and then BAM, epic bolts thread
skip class IMO
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by BabyTigas

Originally posted by Boltz

and i have not posted im 12, ive said im 14 and 15 cuz im almost 15, and i am very, extremely polite in rl, this is not rl, and you could be 14, you dont suck up to kids your age

Nahhhhh, but this all could have been avoided had you not went at our team about the score.

And just as a general statement, everyone on this game contradicts themselves. Even with the lil bitty things like grammar. They say things like "He types like an idiot, so in essence, he must be an IDIOT".... stuff like that... then they turn around and say "show some respect", or "you have no room to speak" or "lead by example" stuff like dat....

I don't got a problem with you Boltz, but whenever you come at me, I come back at you.... simple, isnt everyone like that???

Cuz dat how we be on da skreets, aint dat right dawg.

i haz taco!
Originally posted by sirallan
skip class IMO

Originally posted by Boltz
i haz taco!



boltz has a vagina
Looks logical to me.

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