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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Ozmosis night out last night story
the story was funny. Only part I don't understand is why you left your friend at that chick's place

Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by bighookworm

Whatever. If you act like an idiot, be prepared to be treated like one. I actually enjoy posts that talk trash or are somewhat humorous. This is neither.

I can understand where you are coming from but from another point of view. some of the constant belittling of people's grammar and spelling is not only rude but also uncalled for.The way I see it you and a few others here have a complex you have to try to tear down people to make yourselves feel better about yourself. which is pathetic you need to get the stick out of your ass and try to have fun and remember this isn't English 101 this is a FANTASY GAME where we come to forget the real world not have some jackass belittle us for having some fun.

Then stop belittling people who are belittling people for fun. IMO, you just sunk down the the levels you didn't want to be at.

You do not make any sense what so ever and no matter how much someone tries to respectfully ask you guys to tone down this constant belittling of people in this forum you guys are gonna keep coming back with even more crap. If you guys have to try to do this to make yourselves feel better then fine. but there is no need in any disrespect like you guys are doing. this was a fun forum last season this season it is just loaded with juvenile bullcrap.

Let me if I get this straight.
"The rest of us" asking for proper grammar and spelling, or at least an honest effort, is out of the question. Not to mention belittling people.
You insulting "us" is okay though?
You're damn straight I'm going to question your intelligence if I have to read something more than twice to try to figure out what it says.
Yes, this is an online forum.
Why should spelling and grammar matter, you ask?
1.) Well since this is a forum, I like many other people get an opinion by how and what people write.
2.) Everybody here who has or has had a job has paid into taxes. Taxes go towards schooling. Indirectly, I have paid for people's schooling. Every time someone writes something such as:
Originally posted by Rickey-P
wat u dont kno about dis forum is that i run this. ma spotlight, ma league. you cant compare to the Grizz or to Ozmosis. as for u Mecca imma score another Touchdown with u markin me for the usual one play wen u go one on one with the great one.

LXA and Blue. ur annoyin skeeeeeeet is a drone, u only repeat tha same shit, and it has no relevance. all that matters is once this season is done, Ozmosis is MVP, THE YCGs are tha champions, and ur shit ass teams gon be back down in the BBB wer u weak ass fuckas belong.

let the trash talk begin homies. peace x

It's a punch in the face. My hard earned money went to this clown or someone like him.
I really don't care if it hurts your feelings if I think that I'm better than you because I know how to type and present myself as a somewhat intelligible character.

The fact that I actually put the time into what I write(most of the time) to present something that can be easily understandable to the masses instead of slapping that (see quotation above) together in a matter of seconds does make me a better person. If you disagree please free fill out something with some context rather than just bitching like you have.

Last edited Apr 14, 2009 15:52:05
Originally posted by Doug_Plank
the story was funny. Only part I don't understand is why you left your friend at that chick's place

I got a kick out of the story, too! His friend is probably getting violated by that guy right now.
p shitty friend IMO
Originally posted by sirallan
p shitty friend IMO

You kidding?
His friend was fucking the shit out of the passed out bitch while Oz was getting the shit kicked out of him.

Thats a pretty good friend IMO.
Originally posted by Aholewanker

It's a punch in the face. My hard earned money went to this clown or someone like him.
I really don't care if it hurts your feelings if I think that I'm better than you because I know how to type and present myself as a somewhat intelligible character.

The fact that I actually put the time into what I write(most of the time) to present something that can be easily understandable to the masses instead of slapping that (see quotation above) together in a matter of seconds does make me a better person. If you disagree please free fill out something with some context rather than just bitching like you have.

lol u genuinely get worked up bout some internet typing, u need to find urself a new hobby, maybe play footballl?! probably not your thing though, you prefer to create yourself on NCAA and Madden and pretend its you living your dream and since wen dus any of ur dickish comments hurt my feelings? they actually make me laugh, ur a funny guy to laugh at.
and im proud that you can present urself as a intelligible character, thats really important on a football game, just like everyone who plays football tries to present themselves as intellects with perfect grammer and spelling................oh and all the money i got from your taxes are put to fuckin good use, i appreciate your continued support.
Outlaw Dogs
Good thread, would read again.
Originally posted by Rickey-P
Originally posted by Aholewanker

It's a punch in the face. My hard earned money went to this clown or someone like him.
I really don't care if it hurts your feelings if I think that I'm better than you because I know how to type and present myself as a somewhat intelligible character.

The fact that I actually put the time into what I write(most of the time) to present something that can be easily understandable to the masses instead of slapping that (see quotation above) together in a matter of seconds does make me a better person. If you disagree please free fill out something with some context rather than just bitching like you have.

lol u genuinely get worked up bout some internet typing, u need to find urself a new hobby, maybe play footballl?! probably not your thing though, you prefer to create yourself on NCAA and Madden and pretend its you living your dream and since wen dus any of ur dickish comments hurt my feelings? they actually make me laugh, ur a funny guy to laugh at.
and im proud that you can present urself as a intelligible character, thats really important on a football game, just like everyone who plays football tries to present themselves as intellects with perfect grammer and spelling................oh and all the money i got from your taxes are put to fuckin good use, i appreciate your continued support.

3 square meals a day and an hour to walk the yard?
Originally posted by hatchman
It is so freaking funny how some of you want to act like you are so much smarter than other people on this game. Calling someone a peon or cracking on their intellect isn't making you look smart or even remotely funny. it makes you look like a jack-ass you people with your freaking grammar police and your downgrading of others is what hurts games like this. Rickey-P wrote this to have fun and you all screw that up with your constant disrespect. this forum has actually gotten worse than last season and the season before just due to you asshats. And to shed some light on some of you your shit does stink.

A word to the wise if you live in a glass house you shouldn't be the first to cast stones.

Shit, I read ALL of it and understood it, well... I am black (which shouldn't mean anything really) , so it's not hard to read this no matter how "gangstafied" this is... lol
Originally posted by Rickey-P
Originally posted by Aholewanker

It's a punch in the face. My hard earned money went to this clown or someone like him.
I really don't care if it hurts your feelings if I think that I'm better than you because I know how to type and present myself as a somewhat intelligible character.

The fact that I actually put the time into what I write(most of the time) to present something that can be easily understandable to the masses instead of slapping that (see quotation above) together in a matter of seconds does make me a better person. If you disagree please free fill out something with some context rather than just bitching like you have.

lol u genuinely get worked up bout some internet typing, u need to find urself a new hobby, maybe play footballl?! probably not your thing though, you prefer to create yourself on NCAA and Madden and pretend its you living your dream and since wen dus any of ur dickish comments hurt my feelings? they actually make me laugh, ur a funny guy to laugh at.
and im proud that you can present urself as a intelligible character, thats really important on a football game, just like everyone who plays football tries to present themselves as intellects with perfect grammer and spelling................oh and all the money i got from your taxes are put to fuckin good use, i appreciate your continued support.

ROTFL!!!!! I bet he'd give himself all 99's!!!
Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by bighookworm

Whatever. If you act like an idiot, be prepared to be treated like one. I actually enjoy posts that talk trash or are somewhat humorous. This is neither.

I can understand where you are coming from but from another point of view. some of the constant belittling of people's grammar and spelling is not only rude but also uncalled for.The way I see it you and a few others here have a complex you have to try to tear down people to make yourselves feel better about yourself. which is pathetic you need to get the stick out of your ass and try to have fun and remember this isn't English 101 this is a FANTASY GAME where we come to forget the real world not have some jackass belittle us for having some fun.

Then stop belittling people who are belittling people for fun. IMO, you just sunk down the the levels you didn't want to be at.

You do not make any sense what so ever and no matter how much someone tries to respectfully ask you guys to tone down this constant belittling of people in this forum you guys are gonna keep coming back with even more crap. If you guys have to try to do this to make yourselves feel better then fine. but there is no need in any disrespect like you guys are doing. this was a fun forum last season this season it is just loaded with juvenile bullcrap.

Let me if I get this straight.
"The rest of us" asking for proper grammar and spelling, or at least an honest effort, is out of the question. Not to mention belittling people.
You insulting "us" is okay though?
You're damn straight I'm going to question your intelligence if I have to read something more than twice to try to figure out what it says.
Yes, this is an online forum.
Why should spelling and grammar matter, you ask?
1.) Well since this is a forum, I like many other people get an opinion by how and what people write.
2.) Everybody here who has or has had a job has paid into taxes. Taxes go towards schooling. Indirectly, I have paid for people's schooling. Every time someone writes something such as:
Originally posted by Rickey-P

wat u dont kno about dis forum is that i run this. ma spotlight, ma league. you cant compare to the Grizz or to Ozmosis. as for u Mecca imma score another Touchdown with u markin me for the usual one play wen u go one on one with the great one.

LXA and Blue. ur annoyin skeeeeeeet is a drone, u only repeat tha same shit, and it has no relevance. all that matters is once this season is done, Ozmosis is MVP, THE YCGs are tha champions, and ur shit ass teams gon be back down in the BBB wer u weak ass fuckas belong.

let the trash talk begin homies. peace x

It's a punch in the face. My hard earned money went to this clown or someone like him.
I really don't care if it hurts your feelings if I think that I'm better than you because I know how to type and present myself as a somewhat intelligible character.

The fact that I actually put the time into what I write(most of the time) to present something that can be easily understandable to the masses instead of slapping that (see quotation above) together in a matter of seconds does make me a better person. If you disagree please free fill out something with some context rather than just bitching like you have.

I just want you to know that, while I am receiving my education, upon reading your belittling of my teammate I will proceed to wipe my ass with your part of the taxes paid!!!!
I'm actually on the side of proper grammar here.

Sure, in character posts are one thing, but outside that this is a forum. On a forum you communicate via the written word and by reading. Surely if that's your primary form of communication they must have some importance. Not to mention, most people have shit for reading comprehension, which leads to many arguements and much bad feeling.
Originally posted by Nephyte
I'm actually on the side of proper grammar here.

Sure, in character posts are one thing, but outside that this is a forum. On a forum you communicate via the written word and by reading. Surely if that's your primary form of communication they must have some importance. Not to mention, most people have shit for reading comprehension, which leads to many arguements and much bad feeling.

I see where you're coming from, but I feel that if you can't understand what you're trying to read, just leave it at that and don't make it a big problem.
Then not to many people would post at all. Very few people can understand half of what is written like that and it does agitate some. Luckily, I used to have some illiterate friends and it helps me understand it.
Originally posted by BabyTigas
Originally posted by Nephyte

I'm actually on the side of proper grammar here.

Sure, in character posts are one thing, but outside that this is a forum. On a forum you communicate via the written word and by reading. Surely if that's your primary form of communication they must have some importance. Not to mention, most people have shit for reading comprehension, which leads to many arguements and much bad feeling.

I see where you're coming from, but I feel that if you can't understand what you're trying to read, just leave it at that and don't make it a big problem.

Personally I can read Rickey-P and understand it on the first read through. Just saying communication skills are important, and I appreciate when people put effort into it.

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