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Last edited May 2, 2009 12:45:02
Originally posted by cherrie
Funny thing here is: You do all that work trying to screw your way to an easy gold trophy, and you still won't get it, LOL.

oh by the way have you looked at my profile? I have plenty of trophy's I have no reason for me to cheat to add another. Now you on the other hand could use some help your cabinet looks pretty bare with your two silvers and 1 lonely gold. I have plenty of trophy's as a Gm if you would like I could lone you a few so you can see what it feels like to be good at this game.
Oh and here is a little something for you all to think about.

Oceania AA#4
Lv 1-100, 32-55 Suggested

Now go look at my roster every player on my team is within the suggested levels. As the season goes on I will have players go past the 55 mark but that be about the same as what half you ladies did when you bought your level 13 cap teams signed a bunch of level 13 players then boosted them to level 16 after signing them (do not act like none of you did this I am not stupid). What I did was simple:

1. ask to be sent to a different league (like South America) because I have alot of friends in Oceania and we help each other out with our teams so I did not want it to come to a point where we would all be in the same league and then have our personal players playing against our own personal teams in the playoffs. It would work better to try and spread the teams between leagues (South Africa, South America, Europe, etc).

2. Recruit for the upcoming season replacing 15 players who went inactive and some guys who did not check in on tactics and such

3. Wake up to see we were moved but not to South America like I hoped but to AA #4

4. Check suggested levels and keep recruiting accordingly. By doing so filling my team with the best agents and talent I can find. At no point did I check and see what level your teams were at because to be honest it is not my problem. I am trying to field the best team I can if you guys can not recruit the same level of players as we can then tough (we are within the suggested levels after all)

5. Set new Depth chart bring in a couple of my own player for depth. At the last minute was asked to release a few guys who were higher level then my current starters so I did since they were to high for this league anyways.

6. Watch you guys piss allover yourselves because I guess you never checked suggested levels and must not of put much time into recruiting.

7. started kicking the shit out of you guys so we can move back to AAA and maybe so if in the off season tech can send us to a different league like South America like we had originally hoped for.

There that should clear up our intentions, hopes and desires for being here. No if we make the playoffs and someone beats us in the Championship game then congrats to them for out game planning us and good luck to them in AAA. If we win the Gold then great another trophy for me and my GM's to add to our very full display case.
Originally posted by gameface25
Awww lookie, Chuck and his twin avatar is snuggling up with vets

Hey Smart guy... I don't need to defend Vets... he's able to do that himself, but, why don't you let your GLB prowess speak for itself, instead of just sniping on this forum. Send me a friendly invite. Since your team is older than mine, you really should beat me handily. My lowly little team was just created in Season 6, while yours was started in Season 4. You really should be much better than a AA team by now, don't you think? Let's see what you can do, besides talk.
Growing up in A8 I had a lot of respect for you guys but damn sorry to say that you all are showing yourselves to be a bunch of azz hats. You have created a 4 page thread absolutely about nothing. If your so pissed about something talk to Bort about the realignment. BTW geniuses if he dumped his team to get relegated and then added a bunch of new guys in how come his chemistry is 100 across the board? Oh chit that's right he asked Bort to reset his Chem to 100s. Got it, you guys are soooo smart
Originally posted by gameface25
Awww lookie, Chuck and his twin avatar is snuggling up with vets

oh look it's another member of Mensa. He was actually able to figure out we had the same avatar. Next time with Gameface he tells us all the sky is blue. You go super genius.
I remember a time when I owned a team and the relegations started. I saw several teams get relegated down to the lowest league full of lvl 40+ players in the rosted with the rest of the league sitting at lvl 32 - 33. Everyone called foul and turned them in. They were moved back. Now there are stipulations on this.
Originally posted by Seric
I remember a time when I owned a team and the relegations started. I saw several teams get relegated down to the lowest league full of lvl 40+ players in the rosted with the rest of the league sitting at lvl 32 - 33. Everyone called foul and turned them in. They were moved back. Now there are stipulations on this.

I remember when that happen. This is not the case here however my time is within the suggested levels.
Originally posted by vetsgt02
Originally posted by cherrie

Funny thing here is: You do all that work trying to screw your way to an easy gold trophy, and you still won't get it, LOL.

oh by the way have you looked at my profile? I have plenty of trophy's I have no reason for me to cheat to add another. Now you on the other hand could use some help your cabinet looks pretty bare with your two silvers and 1 lonely gold. I have plenty of trophy's as a Gm if you would like I could lone you a few so you can see what it feels like to be good at this game.

o snaps.

i heard dat. 0_0
Originally posted by vonbearsalot
Originally posted by vetsgt02

Originally posted by cherrie

Funny thing here is: You do all that work trying to screw your way to an easy gold trophy, and you still won't get it, LOL.

oh by the way have you looked at my profile? I have plenty of trophy's I have no reason for me to cheat to add another. Now you on the other hand could use some help your cabinet looks pretty bare with your two silvers and 1 lonely gold. I have plenty of trophy's as a Gm if you would like I could lone you a few so you can see what it feels like to be good at this game.

o snaps.

i heard dat. o_O

because its really hard to get a GM spot and a trophy, SRS BIZNESS AMIRITE

When you GM 12-13 teams, you are bound to fall into some trophies now and then... seriously did you REALLY brag about that? LMAO
Last edited May 4, 2009 06:35:16
Originally posted by Willydacoach
Originally posted by gameface25

Awww lookie, Chuck and his twin avatar is snuggling up with vets

oh look it's another member of Mensa. He was actually able to figure out we had the same avatar. Next time with Gameface he tells us all the sky is blue. You go super genius.

oh look its another member of the brotherhood of toolbags... 3 simiilar avatars too

I bet they all 3 have the same color dildos as well
Originally posted by vetsgt02
Oh and here is a little something for you all to think about.

Oceania AA#4
Lv 1-100, 32-55 Suggested

Now go look at my roster every player on my team is within the suggested levels. As the season goes on I will have players go past the 55 mark but that be about the same as what half you ladies did when you bought your level 13 cap teams signed a bunch of level 13 players then boosted them to level 16 after signing them (do not act like none of you did this I am not stupid). What I did was simple:

1. ask to be sent to a different league (like South America) because I have alot of friends in Oceania and we help each other out with our teams so I did not want it to come to a point where we would all be in the same league and then have our personal players playing against our own personal teams in the playoffs. It would work better to try and spread the teams between leagues (South Africa, South America, Europe, etc).

2. Recruit for the upcoming season replacing 15 players who went inactive and some guys who did not check in on tactics and such

3. Wake up to see we were moved but not to South America like I hoped but to AA #4

4. Check suggested levels and keep recruiting accordingly. By doing so filling my team with the best agents and talent I can find. At no point did I check and see what level your teams were at because to be honest it is not my problem. I am trying to field the best team I can if you guys can not recruit the same level of players as we can then tough (we are within the suggested levels after all)

5. Set new Depth chart bring in a couple of my own player for depth. At the last minute was asked to release a few guys who were higher level then my current starters so I did since they were to high for this league anyways.

6. Watch you guys piss allover yourselves because I guess you never checked suggested levels and must not of put much time into recruiting.

7. started kicking the shit out of you guys so we can move back to AAA and maybe so if in the off season tech can send us to a different league like South America like we had originally hoped for.

There that should clear up our intentions, hopes and desires for being here. No if we make the playoffs and someone beats us in the Championship game then congrats to them for out game planning us and good luck to them in AAA. If we win the Gold then great another trophy for me and my GM's to add to our very full display case.

you just keep letting the entire point of most of the posts in this thread, toolbag. No one cares about your player levels! I for one am certainly not afraid of your team.

Everyones point is, you ASKED to be moved (you say across, I call bs) and you were moved DOWN while you were a playoff team at the tier above this league... why cant you grasp this fact? You couldnt win there, you were a middle of the pack team, and asked to be moved out of that obviously competitive league....

Originally posted by Willydacoach
Growing up in A8 I had a lot of respect for you guys but damn sorry to say that you all are showing yourselves to be a bunch of azz hats. You have created a 4 page thread absolutely about nothing. If your so pissed about something talk to Bort about the realignment. BTW geniuses if he dumped his team to get relegated and then added a bunch of new guys in how come his chemistry is 100 across the board? Oh chit that's right he asked Bort to reset his Chem to 100s. Got it, you guys are soooo smart o_O

who is soooo smart? no one said anything baout chemistry or adding players... if anything, vets made the point that he "recruited half his team AFTER he got here, which is a lie cuz then like you say, his chem woudl be shit....

the point everyone made here is, he was able to recruit at AAA level, then demoted to AA. Period
Originally posted by CoolChuck
Originally posted by gameface25

Awww lookie, Chuck and his twin avatar is snuggling up with vets

Hey Smart guy... I don't need to defend Vets... he's able to do that himself, but, why don't you let your GLB prowess speak for itself, instead of just sniping on this forum. Send me a friendly invite. Since your team is older than mine, you really should beat me handily. My lowly little team was just created in Season 6, while yours was started in Season 4. You really should be much better than a AA team by now, don't you think? Let's see what you can do, besides talk.

comparing apples and oranges... without doing your homework, you wouldnt know that tho....

I was blessed with being in very competitive leagues advancing up. The teams that have beaten us out for promotion each season have been very worthy teams (Sydney Sea Wasps for 1, who went from A to Pros in 5 seasons and beat us out twice, Decatur another who beat us out twice, etc)

Im very fine with where my team is, the # of playoff games played and won, etc.... I didnt ask to be demoted down to A so I could win a title
k 5 replies in a row, cuz I dont check league forum on weekends

Im done with this thread, have a nice day

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