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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Power rankings after game 12
Instead of attacking each other, can we attack my spelling and grammar?
You all let me spell loss, lose. Dang, what will become of the kingdom!?!?
Originally posted by Bull Rush
Actually chronic he is my son who is younger than you, and obviously who acts a lot more grown up at his age than you at yours. He made a joke about his name being jock strap and showing his avatar as a guy in a speedo as a joke. You continue to display your ignorance with each post you make so keep it up good job. You are a little snot nosed punk who obviously has little to no intelligence what so ever. You never ever answer any of the challenges put in front of you instead you side step, and respond to a very miniscule part that you think makes you look good.

Go back to the original post by my son and recognize what he as well as many others have pointed out. Compton Cougars are at best a mediocre team you guys don't deserve any recognition better than what you are getting. Also instead of attacking someone who has taken the time and effort to provide these rankings which not one of you Compton dipshits was willing to do thank him for doing it.

Can't wait for the response to show your ignorance once again.

Good Luck

is your son a homosexual? guys in speedos are funny?
Acting older is making jokes about jock straps, and posting pictures of guys in speedos, i see. And how are we attacking the guy, we are asking why other peoples rankings are higher than ours.
Last edited May 18, 2008 20:38:26
lol i noticed that i read that line like 3 times cuz it sounded funny in my head. that was written on the number 8 team i think?
Originally posted by sf49r09
yea you need to watch your son, giviing his player a name like "bend u over"

that adds to the theory, and posting guys in speedos...hmm....
Fortaleza Longhorns was the team
Thanks for these weekly (every other day) power ranking gtbice
Originally posted by gtbice
Instead of attacking each other, can we attack my spelling and grammar?
You all let me spell loss, lose. Dang, what will become of the kingdom!?!?

If it wasn't for that fact you showed mercy by giving Fortaleza a (-)... while trying a funked up gameplan that backed fired vs. that ferocious Crush... I'd say you are a hack!!

*sorry if the smilies are a bit gay for this thread...
Bull Rush
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
Originally posted by Bull Rush

Maybe the Compton crew is a bit Homophobic that you would be threatened by something that we see as funny as well as many others. Yet once again you guys avoid the topic at hand.

big squirrel nuts = funny
guy in thong = sick and wrong

Big squirrel nuts = very funny

David Hasselhoff in a speedo / for a agent named Jock Strap = funny as well.

Sorry if we have a sense of humor, and yes I find it ok to laugh at a guy in a speedo. I gaurantee if anyone sees the fat guy or hairy guy in a speedo you would laugh your ass off at him. Unless you're in the closet and find it attractive then yes you are acting exactly the way you should.

Once again though you are off topic though and talking about something that is completely irrelevant to the topic of you (the Compton Cougars) constantly crying why no one here except for the Compton Cougars themselves sees you as a good team. If you don't like the ratings then make your own. If you don't like the MVP's then make your own. I gaurantee you this though no one I repeat no one will take them seriously. So yes my squirrel has big nuts my sons agent jock strap has David Hasselhoff in a speedo both of which were jokes, but you sir and your Chronic buddy there will continue to destroy any respectability at all that you may have had the more idiotic posts you make.

As well I guess I would rather instead of my son having a sense of humor with a name like BendU Over instead having a name like "Chronic". I am sure the reference would not have anything to do with smoking weed. I am glad that your parents have taught you so well. Where as my sons things can be seen as a joke how do you explain your very well mature chosen name?
Last edited May 18, 2008 20:52:49
i don't think anything can make this thread gayer =P
we got men in thongs
squirrels with there package hanging loose
and whoever chronic has as his icon/avatar looks gay too
so dont worry about the smiley's.
Bull Rush
I am sorry that this has gotten out of hand, but I am as well as I am sure many others are just tired of seeing the Compton Cougars ruining good forum threads. This will be my last post on the matter I have said my piece. Sorry qtbice and keep up the good work.
Originally posted by gtbice
Fortaleza Longhorns was the team

What did we do now...? Did our mascot dryhump some opponants cheerleader again? He's a horny bull ya know... simpathies and condolenses are sent

lol, I had a spelling error there. It's gone now, so I'll pretend that it never existed.
he made the spelling/grammatical error in his description of your team.
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
i don't think anything can make this thread gayer =P
we got men in thongs
squirrels with there package hanging loose
and whoever chronic has as his icon/avatar looks gay too
so dont worry about the smiley's.

Ah you just proved a point, you know nothing about football , that picture chronic has is of the best CB in the game right now , a guy by the name of champ bailey
Originally posted by gtbice
lol, I had a spelling error there. It's gone now, so I'll pretend that it never existed.

its to late for that =) we all know its there i think u should bring the error back and take punishment like a man!

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