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Originally posted by Raider5280
Originally posted by gameface25

Originally posted by wiledaddy

Hmm sounds like Gameface just assumes he is going to walk through the league to promotion. I will go out on a limb and say you could have a shot at making the playoffs at least. Good luck with your fancy new players hope that works out for ya. We will be there waiting with all guns aimed right at your a$$ so we have a shot at taking out Sandshock at the same time.

can you seriously say that with a Vikings av, and keep a straight face bro?

you guys have no idea lol

.......said the dude with the "He-Man" Av.

Classic Douchebaggery.

may be dooshbaggin' it but he's got one thing right.

vikings fans exhibit a high degree of mental deterioration. it comes from extra long winters and pudgy women. they cognate at a degree only slightly higher than packers fans, who have the same symptoms only their women are plumper, fed a steady diet of cheese and beer.
Minnesota, hmmm, I remember a joke, what was it, oh, that's right...

A boy walks into a diner with his family. They were in town for a Vikings / Packers game, and the boy starts to trash talk the Packers to the waitress, and after a while of the boy doing this, the waitress takes the cup that the boy had been drinking out of, that is now empty, and turns it over on the table, the boy asks what the hell is that?

The waitress says "That is the Viking's Super Bowl Trophy Case!"

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