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Originally posted by dalpoas83
This is a prime example why you shouldnt be tied in with more than one team in a league. I dont know who is on what team and I dont care to look. All I know is Nsab is part of MM and they did it to us and a lot of the people froma that team called us whiners and so on. Now that being said, REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD! I should have that written on the big gold trophy I will be getting soon

Whatever you need to feel good about yourself. It has and always will be about you or the Bootleggerz and not what is in the best interest of fair play, sportsmanship, or GLB as a whole. I was against this publicly in this forum and the main forum. Blitz and myself did the scouting and gameplanning for the most part (with aid from many people on the team) and neither of us were affiliated with MM so we had no say in their game against you. Either way the main issue is the double standard and hypocritical way you wish to present yourself. We tried to make you look like an ass on the forums (mostly joking) and failed miserably as you just enjoyed it too much. However, you did SO MUCH better and making yourself look like an ass then we ever could have. Enjoy your gold trophy for what it is worth. All I know is the gap between your team and Philly continues to shrink each season since the beginning when you were VERY much ahead of us. I believe we caught and passed you by and will continue to view you in the rear view mirror in season 9. Best of luck gameplanning for tough matchups next season without the aid of the quick 5 minute gameplan that I call Islam
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 16:42:07
Ok I'm back in here. Anyways, I've read some of the things you guys have posted. I agree. I didn't really like that win. It's cheap. I didn't do the AI, and I've been against that. That was a gay win and I really think that we would of won more comfortably game planning like we usually used to. There was really no way we could have lost to them, and I think it could of been a 50-20 or 45-20 game if we game planned how we usually do. But now its a close score....... and a cheap way to win...... I'm not excited about this victory at all. I wanted to kick you guys asses, make you feel like shit after all that shit you talked but after that I really can't do anything except agree with you guys. GG phily.
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by willie2604

To be honest, nothing changed in the last 3 games as far as gameplanning went. Even against the MMs we had the same game plan as we did today, it just didn't show up heavily.

Nice try...but that was not honest.

Originally posted by willie2604

I will also say, the game plan left quite a few people ticked off, even when we were afraid the MMs would pull the same crap. Most chimed in that we wanted to play the game straight up.

Really, you honestly thought MM would do the same thing in the playoffs? Completely different situation then what appeared to be a hopeless game for us in the Regular season....that once again, no matter the outcome of that regular season game would not have changed the standings at all.....think about it.....

Originally posted by willie2604

He took care of business and what was in the best interest of the team, so I can understand exactly what he was doing.

You think that sticking you with this stigma is really looking out for the best interest of the team Good luck with that.

Originally posted by willie2604

From the first time this shit started, it didn't need to. I don't care if it was a 'meaningless game'. What is to stop someone from doing the same exact thing when that is the only gameplan shown to be successful versus us this year?

That's why it was stupid the first time it happened just as much as it was this time. When one person attempts the bullshit gameplan, of course someone else will want to follow suit. dalpoas just protected his team.

Keep trying to justify long as it makes you feel better.

Originally posted by willie2604

Now was it the right thing to do? Even I don't know that. But that's why this stupid bullshit didn't need to start weeks ago when it was just a joke or whatever else. It leads to more of this bullshit happening.

Thanks for giving us a little of your omniscience.

What it comes down to, is that Philly never used that gameplan....not even anything close to it. And you whiners went all out on it. Pathetic.

And I am NOT part of Philly, and really only know 2-3 agents that are over there. I would be saying the same thing had you done this to ANY team in this league.

The gameplanning vs MM was different. It was suppose to be all run like it was vs philly but I changed Dal's mind and he let me mess around with the AI and I changed it a bit. You guys should stop complaining though...... you gave Dal the thought that maybe any of the playoffs teams would try to pull this stunt on us. I don't like the way we won..... but I can't really sit here and complain about it to my owner because you guys were the ones that made him think the way he thought.

Philly and MM are practically the same damn team. Same GMS.
I would like a release... really disappointed with that game. I KNOW we could kick phillys ass and win by a lot of points.... this was disappointing. Release plz
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 16:49:26
lol funny that people are crying over OK doing something that people had no problem w/ a few weeks ago

GG Bootleggerz. You won a championship. We think we'll be able to get ours in season 9.

Edited: for accuracy
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 18:52:32
Originally posted by sharkey28
lol funny that people are crying over OK doing something that people had no problem w/ a few weeks ago


That was pure cheeze, it was funny during the regular season when it didn't mean anything but that was a fucked up championship.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 18:47:32
I thought it was pathetic both times it was used.
Originally posted by Shalubis
GG Bootleggerz. Well done on a championship. We think we'll be able to get ours in season 9.

You mean Cheesed their way ,don't you?
In terms of winning a championship - they won. I'm glad we didn't run the cheese in a championship game that's for damn sure. Perhaps this would be more accurate:

"GG Bootleggerz. You won a championship. We think we'll be able to get ours in season 9."
Originally posted by Horncolio
Originally posted by sharkey28

lol funny that people are crying over OK doing something that people had no problem w/ a few weeks ago


That was pure cheeze, it was funny during the regular season when it didn't mean anything but that was a fucked up championship.

While you may feel MM and Philly are the same would be greatly mistaken. There are many active people in Philly that said strait out we didn't want to be run like MM and we didn't want to do what they did a few times to get wins...even if they ddin't need to do it to win.

Saying we are the same team is just a cop out to justify actions that you feel ashamed of after doing.
Originally posted by randoljr
While you may feel MM and Philly are the same would be greatly mistaken. There are many active people in Philly that said strait out we didn't want to be run like MM and we didn't want to do what they did a few times to get wins...even if they ddin't need to do it to win.

Saying we are the same team is just a cop out to justify actions that you feel ashamed of after doing.

Agreed. Totally different teams. There is some overlap, but to just assume they are the same teams is presumptive.

Also, for the record, MM used it once against the Bootleggerz in the regular season. Check the MMs playoffs game stats and every other game this season - played it straight every time. We know we couldn't have beaten the Bootleggerz without it. And we didn't run it against the Bootleggerz when it counted in the playoffs.

Again - this is just for the record. I totally respect the fact that you have been vocally opposed to ever using it and I'm not in any way trying to stir things up.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 21:32:43
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
I would like a release... really disappointed with that game. I KNOW we could kick phillys ass and win by a lot of points.... this was disappointing. Release plz

If this is true, I was absolutely wrong in my first judgement. I thought dalpoas was the respectable one. Turns out to be the exact opposite, at least your standing on your opinions of when MM ran it and don't agree with your team doing it. Dalpoas, you're just worthless and hypocritcal. Sad.

And not that is hasn't been said enough, but MM and Philly are NOT the same teams at all. AND MM didn't run that bullshit in the playoffs or against any other team, we only ran it against the most arrogant and hated team in USA A2...and you just proved in this Championship Game why your the most hated. The majority of you are worthless hypocrites.

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