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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > HOLY CRAP!!!! F U Masterminds!!!
Originally posted by Btownjay
Originally posted by byrongame21

And I don't know if you are some teenager trying to bully me around or something, but it's getting kind of old at this point.

lmao... we will take turns skull F'king you... you old retard.

For a 30 year old your posts are rather pathetic. I would have thought you were a pre-pubescent tween that just liked to act out thanks to the anonymity of the internet.
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 07:25:10
just stopping in to post since this may turn into an epic thread now that the myspace link is up, rofl!
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Btownjay

Originally posted by byrongame21

And I don't know if you are some teenager trying to bully me around or something, but it's getting kind of old at this point.

lmao... we will take turns skull F'king you... you old retard.

For a 30 year old your posts are rather pathetic. I would have thought you were a pre-pubescent tween that just liked to act out thanks to the anonymity of the internet.

you sir, have done went and screwed up. remove & apologize please.

No Posting "real life" information of any member, including pictures, without their permission. This includes images and info taken from the member's MySpace, Facebook, or blog page.

although it is cute that you got yourself so worked up imagining a pubescent teen (your words) that you just had to google him to find pictures.
HAHA!! Thats awesome.

It is rather cute you took the time to google me. I'm having a blast, no need to be mature all the time.

Originally posted by Kolpaz

you sir, have done went and screwed up. remove & apologize please.

No Posting "real life" information of any member, including pictures, without their permission. This includes images and info taken from the member's MySpace, Facebook, or blog page.

Actually I have no clue if that is really him or not, though reactions may confirm it. I did nothing other then put the user name in google, and took the 2nd link and put it here. I did not share any information at all....for all you, me or anyone knows that a Rick Roll link...
Originally posted by Kolpaz
although it is cute that you got yourself so worked up imagining a pubescent teen (your words) that you just had to google him to find pictures.

What's the matter....afraid someone will do that to you as well? Maybe you twits will learn to protect yourselves a little better on the internets if someone does point out a very foolish mistake.
haha, i don't give a shit, probably have the same luck with my name, just pathetic and sad that you'd make the effort
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Kolpaz

although it is cute that you got yourself so worked up imagining a pubescent teen (your words) that you just had to google him to find pictures.

What's the matter....afraid someone will do that to you as well? Maybe you twits will learn to protect yourselves a little better on the internets if someone does point out a very foolish mistake.

and don't backpedal, you thought you were cute, and now are a bit shook because you took a shady route in your desperation....
Maybe everyone could just not be asshats that get people so worked up they feel like they need to google you to see what the hell is wrong with you.

....NAAAAH!!!!! It would never work.
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 13:24:49
Originally posted by bighoppa67
Maybe everyone could just not be asshats that get people so worked up they feel like they need to google you to see what the hell is wrong with you.

....NAAAAH!!!!! It would never work.

or, a certain someone could deal with their inability to communicate at an 8th grade level and stick with the topic at hand rather than immediatly jump to desperation and begin furiously typing in google..... no word better describes that than pathetic.

"ooooooh, i'll put personal stuff up there of the guy and his family oooooooh, i'll show him" go cry into the toilet you waste of oxygen.
We've became a very popular team to hate since owning the Bootleggerz, still a hot topic to debate.

As the owner of my favorite team would say, "We welcome any and all publicity, good or bad. It's just free advertisement for us."

That isn't a direct quote, because I don't feel like digging up the exact words. But that was Jerry Jones on the TO/Romo/Witten saga a few months back...
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 15:12:16
Originally posted by SSlayton10
We've became a very popular team to hate since owning the Bootleggerz, still a hot topic to debate.

As the owner of my favorite team would say, "We welcome any and all publicity, good or bad. It's just free advertisement for us."

That isn't a direct quote, because I don't feel like digging up the exact words. But that was Jerry Jones on the TO/Romo/Witten saga a few months back...

and we all know how well that worked out for them,
Originally posted by Kolpaz
and don't backpedal, you thought you were cute, and now are a bit shook because you took a shady route in your desperation....

What backpedal? How am I "shook"? My post is there after your pleas for me to alter it. Get your facts in order, skippy. I'm not furious, you buffoons aren't smart enough to get me upset.

Yes I googled his user what? The sad part about it is that I found out far too much information about the guy in less then 3 minutes. And yes Kolpaz, I did it for you too...

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