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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Zeta Predictions - Season 8 Game 13
Originally posted by Plankton
If Bort would implement injuries, then broken tackles could carry a higher risk of getting injured.. As it is, at the very least he could make a broken tackle cost energy, so that a play in which you break 3 or 4 tackles would pretty much force you to the sideline for a play or two. That seems fairly realistic, and might create a better balance of power to elusive backs.


and I woudl be fine with energy recouperating on the sideline, even based on VA abilities to increase energy replenished.... if it would fix the problem.

PB runs 5 times on a drive... 5 rushes for 25 yards and broke 4 tackles. He drops down to about 80 energy.. Next drive he comes back in with 93 energy based on sideline time and VAs/stamina, 8 carries this time for 71 yards, broke a 30 yarder on 2 broken tackles (one a LB 1 a FS), goes back to the sideline with only 66 energy this time..... defense makes the other team go 3 and our, so he comes back on the field with only 72 energy... wont be as effective and would be a risk for a team to rely ONLY on that powerback
I have to agree that I'm impressed that no one in this league has "yet", god I hope this doesn't change, gone to the season 8 exploit of choice. I don't want to go into it because it's stupid, cheesy, and complete ruins the game. There are 3 major problems with the PB same 2 plays 3-4 yard guarantee gameplan.

1. Strength is a modifier to stamina. Not really sure where Bort was going with this but it's been there since season 1. Only now with the abuse of powerbacks (PB) do we see just how stupid and dangerous this is. A PB can literally run the ball 10-15 times using the same play the whole way down the field and have his last carry look just like his first. This should not be possible. A powerback if anything should use MORE energy than a scat or combo.

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

3. Offensive line/defensive line interaction. If you are playing a team that is equal to or even slightly better than you, your offensive line gets an almost immediate push of 2-3 yds. No defensive penetration and NEVER a tackle in the backfield. Of course that's if you run a certain 2 plays. So you back having done NOTHING but take a hand off is now in the 2-3ypc range. Add to that the powerback's abilitys of dive for yards, power through, ect and you can see why this has now become unstoppable and rampant.

Finally PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't let this league digress into what's going on in the pro's right now. It's boring, stupid, and 0 fun for anyone involved.
Last edited Mar 25, 2009 13:04:51
Originally posted by gameface25
Originally posted by tttbrian

1. First missed tackle, paddy McMurphy got stiff armed. That doesn't happen? Oh and BTW paddy's build must not be that good as he only has 47 tackles all year. Compare that to my LOLB who has 86 tackles and murphy can to play paddy cake!

2. Second missed tackle by Billywitchdoctor. How many times have you seen a DT or NT get an arm on a power back and he run right through it? Well I can tell you from being a Bengals fan that the Steeler's bus used to do it to us all the time.

dude you have no idea of their builds... if I had shitty built players on my team, do you think I would honestly bitch about this? That is my entire point, that a well built team with 2 losses gets ran over by a team thats at .500, when we knew 100% they would run the ball and did, and it didn't matter..... If we lose that game because you come out and air it out, Id say wow great gameplan, grats big win..... or if I had shitty players I would say wow good game, our weakness is stopping the run and we didnt do a good job of it again.... which I cant because as I said above, was #2 in league in rushing D prior to this game....

My point is a .500 team with a powerback ran all over a 2 loss team which was ranked 2nd in rush D, even tho said team gameplanned for said powerback

I dont care what you argue, there is SOMETHING wrong with that, with this game

and comparing # of tackles means nothing. You guys lost alot of games. We have a top 3 Defense. Our D isnt on the field for anywhere NEAR the # of plays that you are.... thats comparing apples and oranges.... come on... use logic... I have never had any players anywhere near the league lead in tackles, and that is a GOOD thing. Its rare a D player is just so superior that he is all over the field and making tackles on a GOOD team. LBs who lead the league in tackles usually play on mediocre or bad teams on a defense where no one else can make the plays, so he is only one who can get tackles.

Ive had LBs lead in PDs and sacks, which is much better imo. Id rather my tackles be spread around

you also left off a 3rd missed tackle, for what its worth, by the best built DE I have seen on this game (and his #s back that up)...

Its like Im arguing that I hate it when it gets cloudy and rains all the time, and you are arguing back that trees have leaves.... nothing to do with what Im getting across

not sure where you got .500 at but the only losses we have taken were to the top three teams in this league and Devenport. The first game was against a worthy Alpha opponent. Luck of the draw.
Originally posted by saltman241

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

Honestly, this is not that hard to fix, assuming Vision actually has a role in this game (which I think it does). The Defense should get a vision boost every time that a play is run more than once within a 4 or 5 (or 8 or whatever) play period. If a team only uses 2 plays, by the end of the game, the Defense should have 90+ Vision and (once again, assuming Vision matters) get in position to stop the play much quicker.

In fact, you could make the Vision increase modified by the "General" ranking of the various Defensive "Generals". Thus, a team using an NT with only 3 in D-Line General might only get a 2 point Vision boost per repeat play, while a team with a 10 point D-Line General would get a 4 point Vision boost. Same for MLB and that General SA.

Just saw that it is in the Epic Suggestion, so it has some legs to it. Help might be on the way:
Last edited Mar 25, 2009 14:20:16
Originally posted by Plankton
Originally posted by saltman241

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

Honestly, this is not that hard to fix, assuming Vision actually has a role in this game (which I think it does). The Defense should get a vision boost every time that a play is run more than once within a 4 or 5 (or 8 or whatever) play period. If a team only uses 2 plays, by the end of the game, the Defense should have 90+ Vision and (once again, assuming Vision matters) get in position to stop the play much quicker.

In fact, you could make the Vision increase modified by the "General" ranking of the various Defensive "Generals". Thus, a team using an NT with only 3 in D-Line General might only get a 2 point Vision boost per repeat play, while a team with a 10 point D-Line General would get a 4 point Vision boost. Same for MLB and that General SA.

Just saw that it is in the Epic Suggestion, so it has some legs to it. Help might be on the way:

I've also seen a suggestion that the defense should also get a penalty for keying in on the same play too much where if the offense suddenly runs a different play out of the same formation they stand a chance of fooling the defense.
Originally posted by cosmoxl
Originally posted by Plankton

Originally posted by saltman241

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

Honestly, this is not that hard to fix, assuming Vision actually has a role in this game (which I think it does). The Defense should get a vision boost every time that a play is run more than once within a 4 or 5 (or 8 or whatever) play period. If a team only uses 2 plays, by the end of the game, the Defense should have 90+ Vision and (once again, assuming Vision matters) get in position to stop the play much quicker.

In fact, you could make the Vision increase modified by the "General" ranking of the various Defensive "Generals". Thus, a team using an NT with only 3 in D-Line General might only get a 2 point Vision boost per repeat play, while a team with a 10 point D-Line General would get a 4 point Vision boost. Same for MLB and that General SA.

Just saw that it is in the Epic Suggestion, so it has some legs to it. Help might be on the way:

I've also seen a suggestion that the defense should also get a penalty for keying in on the same play too much where if the offense suddenly runs a different play out of the same formation they stand a chance of fooling the defense.

It could definitely go both ways. I think the most obvious need though is it would help to stop the overpowered plays (notice I said help, not completely) from taking over the gameplans.
eesh dont let it go too far otherwise ppl will just run plays over and over with a 10% chance for a long bomb, eventually the defense would get totally hosed. - have to be careful with this sort of AI thing
Originally posted by saltman241
I have to agree that I'm impressed that no one in this league has "yet", god I hope this doesn't change, gone to the season 8 exploit of choice. I don't want to go into it because it's stupid, cheesy, and complete ruins the game. There are 3 major problems with the PB same 2 plays 3-4 yard guarantee gameplan.

1. Strength is a modifier to stamina. Not really sure where Bort was going with this but it's been there since season 1. Only now with the abuse of powerbacks (PB) do we see just how stupid and dangerous this is. A PB can literally run the ball 10-15 times using the same play the whole way down the field and have his last carry look just like his first. This should not be possible. A powerback if anything should use MORE energy than a scat or combo.

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

3. Offensive line/defensive line interaction. If you are playing a team that is equal to or even slightly better than you, your offensive line gets an almost immediate push of 2-3 yds. No defensive penetration and NEVER a tackle in the backfield. Of course that's if you run a certain 2 plays. So you back having done NOTHING but take a hand off is now in the 2-3ypc range. Add to that the powerback's abilitys of dive for yards, power through, ect and you can see why this has now become unstoppable and rampant.

Finally PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't let this league digress into what's going on in the pro's right now. It's boring, stupid, and 0 fun for anyone involved.

I hope that people here have a little more class then to do this!
Last edited Mar 25, 2009 15:56:38
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
Originally posted by saltman241

I have to agree that I'm impressed that no one in this league has "yet", god I hope this doesn't change, gone to the season 8 exploit of choice. I don't want to go into it because it's stupid, cheesy, and complete ruins the game. There are 3 major problems with the PB same 2 plays 3-4 yard guarantee gameplan.

1. Strength is a modifier to stamina. Not really sure where Bort was going with this but it's been there since season 1. Only now with the abuse of powerbacks (PB) do we see just how stupid and dangerous this is. A PB can literally run the ball 10-15 times using the same play the whole way down the field and have his last carry look just like his first. This should not be possible. A powerback if anything should use MORE energy than a scat or combo.

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

3. Offensive line/defensive line interaction. If you are playing a team that is equal to or even slightly better than you, your offensive line gets an almost immediate push of 2-3 yds. No defensive penetration and NEVER a tackle in the backfield. Of course that's if you run a certain 2 plays. So you back having done NOTHING but take a hand off is now in the 2-3ypc range. Add to that the powerback's abilitys of dive for yards, power through, ect and you can see why this has now become unstoppable and rampant.

Finally PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't let this league digress into what's going on in the pro's right now. It's boring, stupid, and 0 fun for anyone involved.

I hope that people here have a little more class then to do this!

I'm familiar which exploit's being talking about, I think. There are ways to counter it, if it's the one I'm thinking of, but it does seem kinda stupid and cheesy to have to draw up a specific counter for one play, especially since we can't really feasibly create a Defensive playbook yet. Drawing up a gameplan to counter a team's offensive scheme and the various things they do in each formation is one thing, but having to defend against one play, over and over is...ugh. I'm not sure the D-Play creator is the answer, either, since...frankly? I'm 100% certain there will be exploits found to be used out of that, no matter how much "testing" they supposedly do, just like every other new feature they decide to add in. I still think they need to buckle down, back off all the damn additions and just fix the core of the gameplay, AI, etc. Get THAT running streamlined and balanced before continually adding shit like D-Play creator, endorsements, MVPs, et al. Stuff like making the Powerback human, Fullback stuff, making vision more relevant on Defense, instead of just offense, etc. in addition to whole slews of other glitches need to come first.
With you on that, and I think that the "cheeseball plays" should be taken out, why would anyone disagree, if your offense is only successful by using a cheat, then you are an idiot, and you deserve to lose, I vote for them to take it out, our Offense rarely, if ever uses it, and for damn sure I don't have any AI written to exploit it, another sad day in GLB's History. Oh, and I called this shit back in like week 3-6, can't remember which one, but regardless, it is junk! -Naka
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
With you on that, and I think that the "cheeseball plays" should be taken out, why would anyone disagree, if your offense is only successful by using a cheat, then you are an idiot, and you deserve to lose, I vote for them to take it out, our Offense rarely, if ever uses it, and for damn sure I don't have any AI written to exploit it, another sad day in GLB's History. Oh, and I called this shit back in like week 3-6, can't remember which one, but regardless, it is junk! -Naka

Originally posted by Plankton
Originally posted by saltman241

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

Honestly, this is not that hard to fix, assuming Vision actually has a role in this game (which I think it does). The Defense should get a vision boost every time that a play is run more than once within a 4 or 5 (or 8 or whatever) play period. If a team only uses 2 plays, by the end of the game, the Defense should have 90+ Vision and (once again, assuming Vision matters) get in position to stop the play much quicker.

In fact, you could make the Vision increase modified by the "General" ranking of the various Defensive "Generals". Thus, a team using an NT with only 3 in D-Line General might only get a 2 point Vision boost per repeat play, while a team with a 10 point D-Line General would get a 4 point Vision boost. Same for MLB and that General SA.

Just saw that it is in the Epic Suggestion, so it has some legs to it. Help might be on the way:

Originally posted by Plankton
Originally posted by saltman241

2. Defenses don't react to formations/plays. Yes again you can run the same play for 80 plays a game and get the same 3-4 ypc for the WHOLE game. Not even close to realism. Even a coachless 6 year old pop warner team wouldn't fail to realize they are running the same damn play!

Honestly, this is not that hard to fix, assuming Vision actually has a role in this game (which I think it does). The Defense should get a vision boost every time that a play is run more than once within a 4 or 5 (or 8 or whatever) play period. If a team only uses 2 plays, by the end of the game, the Defense should have 90+ Vision and (once again, assuming Vision matters) get in position to stop the play much quicker.

In fact, you could make the Vision increase modified by the "General" ranking of the various Defensive "Generals". Thus, a team using an NT with only 3 in D-Line General might only get a 2 point Vision boost per repeat play, while a team with a 10 point D-Line General would get a 4 point Vision boost. Same for MLB and that General SA.

Just saw that it is in the Epic Suggestion, so it has some legs to it. Help might be on the way:

Makes great sense to me.

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