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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Whistler Warriors (9-1)--------at-----------Northern Demons (9-1)
Why was he 2nd string?
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

Damn - someone's a bit nervous -

level 42 OT, Level 39 TE, & level 39 DE in 3 days...

What are you stalking us now? lmao I heard of a man crush but c'mon already, ease up! If you want to see nervous look at all the "GM's" the pitbulls have added lately.

Nervous? Nope.
I recruit every day all season long. I have guys waiting in the wings to join us next season once their contract expires.

I also recruit for my Longhorns and Knights team on a daily basis.

The bold above just really confuses me on your first sentence.... isn't that what some people call the exact same thing?

btw - the GM thing is the expansion of what you knew of the old Roamers / Rangers circle -

You said we were "nervous" yet you went out and hired a handful of GM's to help you out. lol I can GUARANTEE that at least 2 of your boys are scouting the Demons every day. Wait until you see the AI's we have for your team, we've been waiting to try it out for some time now. hehehe

Dude are you an idiot?

The Demons are going to beat the Pitbulls by at least 40 points.

Your too an egotistical yet truly low confident to stop at nothing. We are already aware your going to use a temp boost against us to prove a point. Your going to say your not going, but you will. You will stop at nothing to "prove" yourself to everyone in GLB that your team is the best.

Truthfully though you couldn't game plan yourself out of a paper bag if you needed to. You resort to having superior levels, much higher across the board than the league your in. Good for you - People respect you - Your awesome.

But yes, I am looking over your team on a frequent basis as I would like to try and put up a fight. Your going to win - we all know that.

Demon's Average Level: 37.57

Pitbulls Average Level: 29.79

So yes, you will win - and with your +5 boost your going to win by at least 40 as I said before. it won't be a surprise....

BUT - the thing that is great - is if all the stars can align & we keep it relatively close than what - ? - Well it'll be just as good at least for us.

and the GM's they don't even do anything - only 2 people truly do work for the Pit bulls in terms of game planning - it's more a respect thing
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 09:54:14
Joe Buck
Actually - if you go here <deleted> , some guys have come up with a flash application to predict (with pretty good accuracy I might add) the outcome of any game, by just inputting the team ID's. It analyzes tendencies, position levels and tries to approximate AI patterns using a Grey Walter construct type of virtual intelligence model.

They also (as of 5 minutes ago) were file-hosting that massive game scout GM script everyone was clamoring for a little while back. Get it while you can!!

(edit for checking GM script availability)
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 23:35:38

All I can say is: WOW ~
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 22:00:13
BRG, quit stalking me! Youre a freak, go away! Youre a boy obsessed with me and my team, whats next, you going to look over my pee wee team? lmao! Tell me something seeing how you're such a great owner, what has your team done in the past 5 seasons? You're not even in Pros, haven't won a title and you're talking shit about a 3 season old team thats 10-1? Wow.

Every post I go to in every thread and even a thread about my team and another he has the need to come stalking me, it's really creeping me out. Now run along and go play with your pals. What a man crush he has. He's already making excuses for the game, wow. You had your chance to express your feelings to me when I met you but you backed down. Now that time has passed so go crawl back under the rock you came from.

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 23:00:08
Originally posted by sbuck143
Actually - if you go here <deleted>, some guys have come up with a flash application to predict (with pretty good accuracy I might add) the outcome of any game, by just inputting the team ID's. It analyzes tendencies, position levels and tries to approximate AI patterns using a Grey Walter construct type of virtual intelligence model.

They also (as of 5 minutes ago) were file-hosting that massive game scout GM script everyone was clamoring for a little while back. Get it while you can!!

(edit for checking GM script availability)

Dont click the above link.
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 23:35:59
Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?

Another stalker from the same Pitbulls team with a man crush...Wow! What are you guys doing there, circle jerking?

And yet all my players like me on all my teams! Ha! Would you like me to add your name to that list and bash you? I can do it in about 5 minutes, host it on the Range and allow anyone from GLB to use it, say the word and we'll get it done.
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 06:55:37
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?

Did you realize youre 200# over weight?

Did he seriously pull personal appearance into this thread??


I know I didn't just read that -


& Then He changed it~~~~ LMAO
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 06:56:46
Did you just get done circle jerking?
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?

Another stalker from the same Pitbulls team with a man crush...Wow! What are you guys doing there, circle jerking?

And yet all my players like me on all my teams! Ha! Would you like me to add your name to that list and bash you? I can do it in about 5 minutes, host it on the Range and allow anyone from GLB to use it, say the word and we'll get it done.

That would be pretty silly since I don't own a team.
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?

Another stalker from the same Pitbulls team with a man crush...Wow! What are you guys doing there, circle jerking?

And yet all my players like me on all my teams! Ha! Would you like me to add your name to that list and bash you? I can do it in about 5 minutes, host it on the Range and allow anyone from GLB to use it, say the word and we'll get it done.

That would be pretty silly since I don't own a team.

And in the link BRG, the boy stalker, posted I wasn't an owner either. Hmmmm.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

Oh and the link I lolz at it, is that the same Billsman that helps and is associated with the GLBPA and the Owners/GM forums in a list created by a nobody, not even on GLB and posted anonymously and by the looks of it, the same person, you. Try a credible one next time stalker

Aside from the fact that this is not a coherent sentence, did you really just link a spreadsheet you made with 6 names on it as a "credible source"?

Another stalker from the same Pitbulls team with a man crush...Wow! What are you guys doing there, circle jerking?

And yet all my players like me on all my teams! Ha! Would you like me to add your name to that list and bash you? I can do it in about 5 minutes, host it on the Range and allow anyone from GLB to use it, say the word and we'll get it done.

That would be pretty silly since I don't own a team.

And in the link BRG, the boy stalker, posted I wasn't an owner either. Hmmmm.

Right, but his link specifically said player agents, and yours says owners.
At least we know you can read. Care to get on the thread topic or do you want a10x12 glossy of me?
Originally posted by Billsman
At least we know you can read. Care to get on the thread topic or do you want a10x12 glossy of me?

No, it would need to be wallet-sized.

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