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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > A blast from the BBB #9 past
Originally posted by quzur
Yeah he is not welcome in our league forum anymore. I wish there was a way we could block him entirely.

Lol. I did not start this thread and you PMed me first which is the only reason I actually came to this thread! All I did here was post honestly with no BS, I've only ever been civil to people so I don't see why everyone feels the need to attack me.

Anyway, don't worry after this post I'll never post here again. I've temporarily opened The Athlete's build so that you can tell me how bad it is:

The Athlete was never supposed to be my pure speed WR, Usain Bolt is:
Last edited Jan 14, 2009 21:12:30
Yeah I pm'd you, but I never mentioned anything about this thread nor did I ever say people were talking about you in a thread here. If you dispute that I can post the pm. All I said was if my teams were interested in you would you join us? I also said I know you have a tendency to drop passes etc. You came to this thread on your own curiosity I guess. I certainly said nothing to make you think you were being discussed.
Although I said I'd no longer post here I thought I'd clear this up. In one of your PMs you said "your reputation precedes you" concerning my WR, and since we have never played in a league together I assumed that you must be playing with someone who has previously played against my WR. So I thought to check the league forum of your team and thus found this thread.
I started this thread. Last season we were in BBB 9 together. I went back to the BBB9 thread to see what was going on and I found your thread. I remembered all the hype from last season about you playing for a pro team. I opened up your player and found that he is not playing in the pros and he is performing about the same as last season.

Why anyone would build a player just to get the forum sparked is beyond me. I do recall you saying that your player's stats were directly related to the QB that you had last season. You also did a lot of smack talking in the early part of the season and just faded away when your player didn't live up to the hype.
That build reminding me of an Olympic sprinter trying to be a WR. He can't see the ball and if he has the ball in his hands it will soon be separated from him.
Yeah I would have to agree don't think that your build is that special. I got WRs who are 8 levels lower than you that I would take over your build. You might be fast in the 100 but I don't think you are that fast off the line and I don't think you will catch the ball that often.
After thinking about it. This post was too harsh. So here goes the 2nd shot.

Vis I hope someday Zeus strikes you down with a bolt of lightning.
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 08:42:37
So I wasn't in #9, but I'm really tired of thinking ya'll are actually talking about something relevant to football or upcoming games when I see this forum has a new post and then seeing that it is more BS about this guy's swollen ego and ya'll reveling in stomping on it.

Lets move on as if he were dead, because he may as well be for all that most of us care.
Will you sign with us just so you can be a part of this forum?

I love what you're doing to this place. Burn the fucking roof down.
Somebody leaked this back to him obviously.

I vote for a full investigation as to who the culprit was and a forthwith snub from the forum.

We should be free to talk shit about people behind their backs without fear of having to actually confront that person in a man to man style.

kidding btw

I love a good clip from "The Athlete". I tried to recruit him too.
The mole has been revealed in this thread!
Mine was completely in jest, as lonewolf said he didn't like his build.

I would pay him lots of dollas to piss off the Westies, though
Originally posted by BleedsOrangeAndBlue
Mine was completely in jest, as lonewolf said he didn't like his build.

I would pay him lots of dollas to piss off the Westies, though

It would eventually turn on you and the monster you released would eat at your team as he blamed every player on your team for his WR not preforming until your team imploded...
Originally posted by Viscount
Originally posted by quzur

Yeah he is not welcome in our league forum anymore. I wish there was a way we could block him entirely.

Lol. I did not start this thread and you PMed me first which is the only reason I actually came to this thread! All I did here was post honestly with no BS, I've only ever been civil to people so I don't see why everyone feels the need to attack me.

Anyway, don't worry after this post I'll never post here again. I've temporarily opened The Athlete's build so that you can tell me how bad it is:

The Athlete was never supposed to be my pure speed WR, Usain Bolt is:

I just wanted to point, for being such a badass, you still haven't put up a 1000 yard season. (I've got a WR...feel free to check his stats if you wish, build is closed however, and I've been a 2 WR for about 75% of my Career...was the #1 WR last season, hence the break out year...where's yours Athlete?) PS..I also played in Western Europe A for my first and AA for my 2nd and 3rd seasons.

Good luck to you man, when you get to the pros, you'll need it.
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 10:24:40
Anyone else find it hilarious the athlete's avatar has him wearing an Aces uniform?


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