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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > WTF USA A#8.....
I think Bort should banish the Chesapeake Gutwagon (or whatever they're calling themselves that week) to the D league where they'll have lots of fun winning against CPU teams. Players will all go free agency and justice will be served without too much pain for the players stuck in the middle. Sucks for the players, but so does holding up a tainted trophy at the end of this season. It's a win for all- Chesapeake only cares about winning, which they'll get plenty of, Eastern Conf will be back to level playing field, and players will still get XP to level up for their contracts come off season.
fuck dem cheaters
I'm a new member of the Chesapeake Roadrunners; I took the best financial offer I got & signed on knowing nothing of the situation beforehand.

Could someone link the threads for me that detail the issue at hand, including the declaration from Bort indicating this was against the rules as well as the threads/links to show when & where players came from/to the team? I'd like to investigate this situation myself.

If possible could someone also show me the tab to the rules? I can't seem to find it & it should be handy (maybe I'm blind).
I think the best way to find these posts, Zahun, is to:

go to search, then search forums and then type into keyword "cheaters, gutting, dual accounts, two teams one account, collusion" etc. You'll be bombarded by posts on your formerly named team.
Last edited May 9, 2008 13:09:15
If you want to beat these cheaters then dont say it with words, although its fun doing it but lets do it on the field. Speak with action on the field and that means game planning really well against these fucks.
Boxwrench, the first thing I did upon learning of this was to search the forums. The only threads I can find using the keywords you suggested are from May 6 or later, and not one contains anything from Bort admonishing the team or owner directly. The thread everyone keeps referencing is apparently older than this (before I joined the team), can anyone link it for me or at least tell me what heading it's under so I can narrow my search?

I'm also still looking for a link to the rules if there is one.

Last edited May 9, 2008 16:37:45
I'm not saying you don't have the right to your own opinion Boxwrench but you should try and temper your hate with some understanding, not everything is as black and white as you see it, and not everyone your bad mouthing would be in any way connected to the situation by any other way then a contract(Which we are required to fulfill just as you are with yours).

Originally posted by Deanimator
I'm not saying you don't have the right to your own opinion Boxwrench but you should try and temper your hate with some understanding, not everything is as black and white as you see it, and not everyone your bad mouthing would be in any way connected to the situation by any other way then a contract(Which we are required to fulfill just as you are with yours).

Where do you see in my posts that I said I hate anything? I simply suggested a punishment for a crime that has yet to be addressed properly, while at the same time considers the victims in the middle of this. Obviously, if it had been addressed properly and with satisfaction, there wouldn't be so many posts on this topic.

I do have understanding and I feel bad for the players stuck on that team - if you win, it's tainted. If you lose, a lot feel justice will be served. Your owners seem to think changing the name of the team will make this go away. On the contrary, it only fans the flames.

My second post is an instructional reference to show Zahun where to find posts because he asked. No hate in that one either.

Your owners are like rookie wide receivers entering the NFL; they hate press coverage.
Search my user name and see what you can come up with Zahun(good luck, im a posting fiend). If you cant find what you are looking for, im sure one or two of your team mates can verify for you that i have presented them with evidence of what happened and i did it rationally, and as unbiased as possible.

As far as Bort or DD saying anything publically, they wont, other than DD saying he was dealing with csjezek's multiple accounts when he first found the topic. I received a PM from DD about the issue, telling me that they are putting measures in place to prevent exactly what happened here(gutting, not multiple accounts) from happening again. Obviously if nothing was wrong with what they did, the admins wouldnt be trying to prevent it from happening again. There was a big run of people gutting teams all at the same time and i think they were just too overwhelmed to deal with all of it, so they just started trying to figure out a way to stop it, and put the rest off on the fact that its beta.
Originally posted by BoxwrencH
Originally posted by Deanimator

I'm not saying you don't have the right to your own opinion Boxwrench but you should try and temper your hate with some understanding, not everything is as black and white as you see it, and not everyone your bad mouthing would be in any way connected to the situation by any other way then a contract(Which we are required to fulfill just as you are with yours).

Where do you see in my posts that I said I hate anything? I simply suggested a punishment for a crime that has yet to be addressed properly, while at the same time considers the victims in the middle of this. Obviously, if it had been addressed properly and with satisfaction, there wouldn't be so many posts on this topic.

I do have understanding and I feel bad for the players stuck on that team - if you win, it's tainted. If you lose, a lot feel justice will be served. Your owners seem to think changing the name of the team will make this go away. On the contrary, it only fans the flames.

My second post is an instructional reference to show Zahun where to find posts because he asked. No hate in that one either.

Your owners are like rookie wide receivers entering the NFL; they hate press coverage.

Ok, lets get something straight. Bort changed our name so we can try and forget and move past this. We then changed the newly given name because we did not like it. We never chose to change our team name.

Also, to tell you the truth, I don't really care what all you people think. We'll be done with this league after this season, and then i won't have to read every single post saying how we "cheated" and nothing we do means anything.
Originally posted by packers0491
Originally posted by BoxwrencH

Originally posted by Deanimator

I'm not saying you don't have the right to your own opinion Boxwrench but you should try and temper your hate with some understanding, not everything is as black and white as you see it, and not everyone your bad mouthing would be in any way connected to the situation by any other way then a contract(Which we are required to fulfill just as you are with yours).

Where do you see in my posts that I said I hate anything? I simply suggested a punishment for a crime that has yet to be addressed properly, while at the same time considers the victims in the middle of this. Obviously, if it had been addressed properly and with satisfaction, there wouldn't be so many posts on this topic.

I do have understanding and I feel bad for the players stuck on that team - if you win, it's tainted. If you lose, a lot feel justice will be served. Your owners seem to think changing the name of the team will make this go away. On the contrary, it only fans the flames.

My second post is an instructional reference to show Zahun where to find posts because he asked. No hate in that one either.

Your owners are like rookie wide receivers entering the NFL; they hate press coverage.

Ok, lets get something straight. Bort changed our name so we can try and forget and move past this. We then changed the newly given name because we did not like it. We never chose to change our team name.

Also, to tell you the truth, I don't really care what all you people think. We'll be done with this league after this season, and then i won't have to read every single post saying how we "cheated" and nothing we do means anything.

Naw like i said earlier we will just follow you to your other league and let them know that they are dealing with cheaters.

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