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Originally posted by GMathiasf
Not really much going on last season. Modok did a little early on, but stopped because he hates us. bama did a little as well, but his team is gone so I doubt it will continue. All I contributed was being an ass. So please feel free to do some writeups!

im still on 2 teams here, but not sure if ill be able to do it or not
Originally posted by Club America
and when we come around to you fools again, i promise you'll STFU.


You may indeed beat us, but I doubt we'll STFU.

Originally posted by Kirghiz
Originally posted by Club America

and when we come around to you fools again, i promise you'll STFU.


You may indeed beat us, but I doubt we'll STFU.

You guys won't stfu but im willing to bet i can have your whole team acting like bitches again then add insult to injury when Hatchman attempts to be comedic again but fails because hes the only one "LOLING"...
Goat Father
Brute you never cease to amaze me I LOL because I think of you all those promises you made all the guarantees you made. Then they all came crashing down on you. I respect what club can do but from what I have seen the only thing you are good at is putting your foot in your mouth. Or eating crow or basically whatever people are calling when a person makes really bad prognostications. Hell you guys have a very good team and we never tried to take that from you we have given you guys all the praise we could. We have tried to be respectful to you but you are just basically the east end of a west bound mule. I really enjoy the banter and all the crap of how you were cheated but in the end neither of us will have any hardware this season or we shouldn't have atleast. So if you beat us good for you we are proud of you because see last season we took alot of timwe to try to plan for your team this season you guys are a mid tier team so we do not worry about you as much. But hopefully next season when we will be one of the best in the league we hope you are still here with us it makes for a good rivalry.
Club America
That's a huge paragraph, I'm not reading all of that.
Originally posted by Club America
That's a huge paragraph, I'm not reading all of that.

QFT, Hatchman..Next time get your point across in maybe..smaller increments? or don't post idk whatever one you like.
Goat Father
I love you guys to. I know it is hard for you to read brute so lets sum it up. You are a horse's ass but you have a good team so show some class and stop bitching and whining. and always remember I luv you and your hair looks nice.

Also club I have to say that I cannot crack on you much as you are one of the better OC's I have seen. And the demons are a beast of a team I am not trying to take that away from you guys at all. But hanging around with brute will sort of give folks a misinterpretation of you we know you aren't a horse's ass like brute. I think if I were you I would find a better friend.
Club America
This internet is serious biznexx.
Originally posted by hatchman
I love you guys to. I know it is hard for you to read brute so lets sum it up. You are a horse's ass but you have a good team so show some class and stop bitching and whining. and always remember I luv you and your hair looks nice.

Also club I have to say that I cannot crack on you much as you are one of the better OC's I have seen. And the demons are a beast of a team I am not trying to take that away from you guys at all. But hanging around with brute will sort of give folks a misinterpretation of you we know you aren't a horse's ass like brute. I think if I were you I would find a better friend.

Whoa Hatchmayne. Cool your jets bro, you just called me a horses ass? What a Devil
Goat Father
Sorry brute I didn't know you didn't want me calling you by your pet name. Anyway you got the devil part right I am a shady devil through and through.
wow i didn't think this feud would stir up quite this quickly from only being here like 5 days. but i guess thats what brute is really good at
Originally posted by hatchman
Sorry brute I didn't know you didn't want me calling you by your pet name. Anyway you got the devil part right I am a shady devil through and through.

i said devil on purpose i hope you know im not stupid enough to just let you make a connection like that.. Besides I thought we agreed on mocha bear for my pet name
Goat Father
Horse's ass fits you better you not only look like one but you smell brute man you smell LOL
Goat Father
Brute you and I need to get a player on the same team I would have a kick out of you. I bet your forums are as active as ours are. and everyone knows a active forum is a great thing to have

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