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Originally posted by krwynn
The moron doesn't even realize he's cheating if he sends out pm's like this:

---------- Original message ----------
From: chronic23
Date: May 4, 2008 21:46:44
Subject: (no subject)
To: krwynn

thats considered cheating?

Originally posted by Bort
Heads up to players:

I don't want to see any more "anti-owner" threads from unhappy players that include hate-speech, name calling, and the like.

If you feel you must "go public" with something you're unhappy about, do it in a respectful way by presenting FACTS and facts only.

- DO NOT post private team strategies from team forums or PMs without the consent of the other person.
- DO NOT resort to name calling, slander, libel, or cursing.

Anyone who posts a thread along these lines will have their posting privileges revoked for a few days.

If and when we set up a player commission or the GLBOA or whatever, all issues like this should be taken to them. If you or your team manager are already a member of these groups, take it to them now for a conflict resolution.

Thank you.

dear God, ban this guy. hes posting my pms without my consent. and ban onepeat also because hes also doing the same thing
Last edited May 4, 2008 22:11:48
Originally posted by sbuck143
Chronic - where it crosses the line is in two areas:

1) Big one is that both are in the same system and have a possibility to end up in the same league. What then if the Cougars get slotted to AA4 and they face the Massacre on their schedule? Can you see the inherent conflict of interest there? This is exactly why the developers made it so owners who bought multiple teams could not own more than one in the same region, and had to go to an entirely different region for each additional team.

2) It's upside down, sending the higher talent down to A, instead of vice versa. In no real-life farm system is this acceptable.

I dont call it cheating though, but i won't be surprised if when the devs find out about it they shut it down.

he doesnt own two teams in the same region , so that needs to stop , trades were made between to different owners
Originally posted by chronic23
Originally posted by trauty

Show us all your trades, not just those 3. If this guy is truly only interested in cash then he should post his players on the open market, he'd probably get 2-3 times more than what you are paying. You aren't doing him any favors, only yourselves.

so whos fault is that? my fault?

But you've been crying its fair. Now you're contradicting yourself. Dig that hole deeper boy.
Originally posted by chronic23
Originally posted by krwynn

The moron doesn't even realize he's cheating if he sends out pm's like this:

---------- Original message ----------
From: chronic23
Date: May 4, 2008 21:46:44
Subject: (no subject)
To: krwynn

thats considered cheating?

Originally posted by Bort

Heads up to players:

I don't want to see any more "anti-owner" threads from unhappy players that include hate-speech, name calling, and the like.

If you feel you must "go public" with something you're unhappy about, do it in a respectful way by presenting FACTS and facts only.

- DO NOT post private team strategies from team forums or PMs without the consent of the other person.
- DO NOT resort to name calling, slander, libel, or cursing.

Anyone who posts a thread along these lines will have their posting privileges revoked for a few days.

If and when we set up a player commission or the GLBOA or whatever, all issues like this should be taken to them. If you or your team manager are already a member of these groups, take it to them now for a conflict resolution.

Thank you.

dear God, ban this guy. hes posting my pms without my consent. and ban onepeat also because hes also doing the same thing

seems like you just broke two of those in this thread, posted a private PM ( krywnn) and posting team threads to the public
Originally posted by sf49r09
Originally posted by sbuck143

Chronic - where it crosses the line is in two areas:

1) Big one is that both are in the same system and have a possibility to end up in the same league. What then if the Cougars get slotted to AA4 and they face the Massacre on their schedule? Can you see the inherent conflict of interest there? This is exactly why the developers made it so owners who bought multiple teams could not own more than one in the same region, and had to go to an entirely different region for each additional team.

2) It's upside down, sending the higher talent down to A, instead of vice versa. In no real-life farm system is this acceptable.

I dont call it cheating though, but i won't be surprised if when the devs find out about it they shut it down.

he doesnt own two teams in the same region , so that needs to stop , trades were made between to different owners

The the pm says the "other" owner is giving you free range. Collusion. BAN!

Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by chronic23

Originally posted by trauty

Show us all your trades, not just those 3. If this guy is truly only interested in cash then he should post his players on the open market, he'd probably get 2-3 times more than what you are paying. You aren't doing him any favors, only yourselves.

so whos fault is that? my fault?

But you've been crying its fair. Now you're contradicting yourself. Dig that hole deeper boy.

it is fair according to the trading bar, but hes saying he can get 2-3 times more.

AdminApr 4, 2008 18:47:10Quote


I will be adding an update to trading that will no longer allow you to trade cash between two teams that you own. It will only allow players to be transferred.

This will affect GM's as well - they will not be able to trade cash between two teams if the teams are both owned by the same individual.

Yes, there are still ways around it by colluding with other players, but you will run the risk of losing your teams.
here is no cheating here are the trades players were involved in all the trades

With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:34:34 PENDING
My Players
Francis O'HoulighanLv. 11 DE
Lloyd SteeleLv. 11 WR
For Their Players
Grey DuckLv. 7 WR
JeJerad AllenLv. 3 DT
Matt WallisLv. 1 G
+ $100000 in cash considerations


With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:27:23 PENDING
My Players
Christopher HollandLv. 11 WR
Timothy VierdLv. 15 C
Terrance SaylorLv. 11 HB
For Their Players
Sam De ClercqLv. 9 WR
Jeff JoeLv. 11 C
Cougar JonesLv. 7 HB
+ $500000 in cash considerations


With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:17:17 PENDING
My Players
Timothy HollandLv. 12 FB
For Their Players
Jeff SparksLv. 8 DT
Thomas Dean RathmanLv. 4 FB
+ $2000 in cash considerations

Originally posted by sf49r09
Originally posted by chronic23

Originally posted by krwynn

The moron doesn't even realize he's cheating if he sends out pm's like this:

---------- Original message ----------
From: chronic23
Date: May 4, 2008 21:46:44
Subject: (no subject)
To: krwynn

thats considered cheating?

Originally posted by Bort

Heads up to players:

I don't want to see any more "anti-owner" threads from unhappy players that include hate-speech, name calling, and the like.

If you feel you must "go public" with something you're unhappy about, do it in a respectful way by presenting FACTS and facts only.

- DO NOT post private team strategies from team forums or PMs without the consent of the other person.
- DO NOT resort to name calling, slander, libel, or cursing.

Anyone who posts a thread along these lines will have their posting privileges revoked for a few days.

If and when we set up a player commission or the GLBOA or whatever, all issues like this should be taken to them. If you or your team manager are already a member of these groups, take it to them now for a conflict resolution.

Thank you.

dear God, ban this guy. hes posting my pms without my consent. and ban onepeat also because hes also doing the same thing

seems like you just broke two of those in this thread, posted a private PM ( krywnn) and posting team threads to the public

Trust me. In regards to CHEATING. They wont mind.

Originally posted by johnbarber

AdminApr 4, 2008 18:47:10Quote


I will be adding an update to trading that will no longer allow you to trade cash between two teams that you own. It will only allow players to be transferred.

This will affect GM's as well - they will not be able to trade cash between two teams if the teams are both owned by the same individual.

Yes, there are still ways around it by colluding with other players, but you will run the risk of losing your teams.

once again chronic doesnt own two teams
Seriously though. If you've worked out a deal with another team to take all of their talent, that's pretty tainto. I've moved players from the team that I own to the team that I GM (and I didn't approve the trades, the actual owner did) - but those are one-way tickets to get friends of mine into situations where they can start and thrive. It's never been to raid that team for talent. And those players aren't coming back to the PAIN.

Is there something that I'm missing about this game? Are there secret prizes that are being given out that make this kind of childish "cheating" something people should be doing? Are your lives that awful that you need to try and game an online football MMO to "win" in order to make them better?

Why can't you just make and manage a team like a normal human being and let the chips fall where they may?
Last edited May 4, 2008 22:15:44
dude, best come clean now and turn yourselves in and tell the admins you THOUGHT it was ok, then for them to come in after you. Think about your players.
Originally posted by johnbarber

AdminApr 4, 2008 18:47:10Quote


I will be adding an update to trading that will no longer allow you to trade cash between two teams that you own. It will only allow players to be transferred.

This will affect GM's as well - they will not be able to trade cash between two teams if the teams are both owned by the same individual.

Yes, there are still ways around it by colluding with other players, but you will run the risk of losing your teams.

Do I own both of these teams?no
and by trading cash he means like signing CPU players and trading them a bunch of money for these players
here is no cheating here are the trades players were involved in all the trades

With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:34:34 PENDING
My Players
Francis O'HoulighanLv. 11 DE
Lloyd SteeleLv. 11 WR
For Their Players
Grey DuckLv. 7 WR
JeJerad AllenLv. 3 DT
Matt WallisLv. 1 G
+ $100000 in cash considerations


With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:27:23 PENDING
My Players
Christopher HollandLv. 11 WR
Timothy VierdLv. 15 C
Terrance SaylorLv. 11 HB
For Their Players
Sam De ClercqLv. 9 WR
Jeff JoeLv. 11 C
Cougar JonesLv. 7 HB
+ $500000 in cash considerations


With Compton Cougars on 2008-05-04 15:17:17 PENDING
My Players
Timothy HollandLv. 12 FB
For Their Players
Jeff SparksLv. 8 DT
Thomas Dean RathmanLv. 4 FB
+ $2000 in cash considerations

Yes, there are still ways around it by colluding with other players

says it all right there buddy

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