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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #14 > We Are Windsor... W I N D S O R.
There is a way to stop it, I know how, but I'll let you all find out case we play you all next year
Sorry, I was being sarcastic You guys at Windsor caught on to the WR screen late in the season and beat it to death, and we knew that was exactly what you would be running the entire game.
Originally posted by jaspirr
Sorry, I was being sarcastic You guys at Windsor caught on to the WR screen late in the season and beat it to death, and we knew that was exactly what you would be running the entire game.

That is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

To be fair, Reading ran the WR Screen exclusively for the first quarter in its first two playoff games and the Strong I OT nearly so in the last quarter of the second playoff.

In any case, good game Reading. I'm pulling for you guys in the league championship.

We had a fun run here in Windsor. We started off simply as a farm team, not gameplanning or expecting to win at all this season. About half way through when we saw a few wins stacking up, we got a bit more serious and actually started to gameplan. Who knew we'd make it to the Conference final?

We. Are. Windsor.
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 09:35:50
No doubt, like I told Redass, your recent game plans have looked a lot like our recently. It's been a good season for sure. I am already working hard on our Super Bowl game plan. Gotta keep mixing it up.

Fantastic job by Windsor, you guys exceeded all expectations in the playoffs. And on top of that you called your shot in the first two games! Very impressive!
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 10:45:22
TBH its kinda sad to see teams exploiting a bugged play over and over.
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by greystone
TBH its kinda sad to see teams exploiting a bugged play over and over.

LMAO... bugged play?!?! It all has to do with player builds, player levels, and game planning. If you do enough home work you will find that the play can be stopped, as Reading showed in this game... but every time you take something away you leave something else exposed.

What is sad is people crying over alleged "bugged plays" because they haven't figured out how to stop something... and once this get's "nerfed" because of the out cry, we will find another way to expose bad builds. What it comes down to is X's and O's, or in this case your dots against mine, and if I find the right dots (built correctly) they will expose your dots... and vice versus when I play a team that has out recruited me (ex., Reading).
Since its the only play that has 3-4 threads about it, AND Bort himself has commented on fixes being put into place for this problem, i call it a bugged play.
mat warrior
i agree completely, when you can run 1 play consistently for a touchdown. and everyone across all of GLB can do it, its a bugged play.
Originally posted by drakeborn

That is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

No it isn't the pot calling the kettle black. At no point did I claim we didn't run the same offense, I just said we caught on pretty quickly(as soon as the playoffs started) that Windsor had figured out the WR screen and we worked on a fix for a few days. Our team wasn't built around the WR screen, we just happened to throw it in for a few games.

If my numbers are correct, only 12 of our 134(9 percent) offensive touchdowns during the regular season came on WR screens, so I wouldn't really say ReadingFC was exploiting a bug.

Its a play thats easily stopped. If you look at the "new" d plays you have many plays to choose from to stop it...its just at these levels the faster wide outs have an advantage, where as in my other higher level leagues its really a non exsistant problem. Infact its gotten to the point where teams are loosing yardage more than gaining on those plays.
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by jomomma2
Its a play thats easily stopped. If you look at the "new" d plays you have many plays to choose from to stop it...its just at these levels the faster wide outs have an advantage, where as in my other higher level leagues its really a non exsistant problem. Infact its gotten to the point where teams are loosing yardage more than gaining on those plays.


and since Bort himself has commented on fixes just consider forfeiting the games we used it in... can't wait until BORT has "fixed" everything within this game, so it is all equal and people who take the time to exploit "bugs" (ie; game plan + recruit better builds) don't have an advantage. They are ways to contain the WR screen even at this level, check our game against Reading, and if I had recruited higher level CB's we would have only lost by 28.

Translation: Reading FC is a better team, with better tactics, better players, better builds and earned their success, but we were lucky and exploited "bugs" thanks for the love... we will see you next season, and the season after, and the season after... you get the point we are not going anywhere, but up.
Now heres a d play that works against the so called bugged play.

pay no attention to the actual play pay more attention to the RE. Notice how he didn't rush the passer?

This is really the only one i can find for those yahoo's that don't pay attention to the new plays. Remember what bort says about creating new OFF plays. "you can not create a new play until you know how to stop it." There fore they don't create new plays with out ways to stop it. QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT...LEARN TO FIX YOUR OWN MISTAKES!!!
I didnt make a mistake, my team beat reading and windsor (i know i know early in the season). I know how to defend against it, i just think the "honor" in it should be different.

Originally posted by
so it is all equal and people who take the time to exploit "bugs" (ie; game plan + recruit better builds)

I will happily let you on our team forums, and you can see the very detail oriented defense and offense layouts we do for each game. the only game we skimped on was Bellingham.

Windsor quickly went from the underdogs that people kinda pulled for to the arrogant annoyance that if you dont get moved up for making final 4, we all will gladly look forward to beating next year.
Originally posted by greystone
I didnt make a mistake, my team beat reading and windsor (i know i know early in the season). I know how to defend against it, i just think the "honor" in it should be different.

Originally posted by

so it is all equal and people who take the time to exploit "bugs" (ie; game plan + recruit better builds)

I will happily let you on our team forums, and you can see the very detail oriented defense and offense layouts we do for each game. the only game we skimped on was Bellingham.

Windsor quickly went from the underdogs that people kinda pulled for to the arrogant annoyance that if you dont get moved up for making final 4, we all will gladly look forward to beating next year.

The honor in any play and in any game is to exploit a teams weakness and beat it to the ground. The honor is not to tell the opposing team they can only run this play x amount of times. The only honor that there should be in anything you do is to honor each other with respect.
Redass Ranch
Greystone, I appreciate where you are going with this and look forward to the battles for seasons to come... that is what makes the GLB successful.

In regards to the "arrogant annoyance" is that we showed up late to the forums here... this team was meant to be a slow build, and if you look at the roster today over 1/3 of them is eligible for cap 13 next season with boost (flex) still remaining for over half the roster. Speaking of team forums, if you came into one of team forums you'd see even more "arrogant annoyance" but that also comes from active people, trying to have fun, no harm is ever meant... and we will be the first to tip our hat when we get beat.
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 17:06:19

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