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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Allen Zephyrs: Hangin it up
Originally posted by Kendog
Originally posted by hoax

Originally posted by Kendog

It is right now, however, after hosting all of the playoff games this season, we will be making massive improvements to the stadium so that will make it more level with everyone else. Besides, who cares how your stadium looks if you can't win it all.

well, im guessing that all those 40s you got on your team care, because i cant see how you can even come close to affording all their upgrades. which, frankly, is a disservice to them, because your stadium is very weak considering the time austin has been in existence.

also, we have 'won it all' so i guess right now we have you in that and stadium capacity. lets hope you get all those home playoff games, because you definitely need the money more than us.

you guys seem to be pretty confident that we will pose you no problems.. i guess we'll see.

Actually, I have everyone's equipment pretty much covered. I had put a lot of money into stadium construction at the beginning of the season so when people hit 40, I could move the money over and then give that to them. Then when the playoff money comes in that can go to the stadium upgrade. You may think that there is a disservice to them, but they know everything that goes on and, if you go and look at who has just recently signed contracts to stay with the team, some for the next seasons, you would see that they don't have any problems. I thnk you are just trying to make more out of something than it is. We still brought in more than 15 million to start the season and we had only sold out 2 games at that point. We have continually received money from ticket sales each night. I looked at a lot of the teams in this league at the start of the season and we had about as much cash as they did. I am not sure if we just have higher ticket prices that work for our fans or what, but we have been generating close to the same money in ticket sales when compared to this league.

I totally agree with getting player buyin. Personally I did that in season 2 before signing any of my guys and promised them paybacks later. To put it into perspective - we have sold $45,429,600 in ticket sales this year and are averaging 2mil in concessions per game. With that its easy to see that lvl 40 upgrades wont impact my team at all (net profit of $61 mil give or take) this season alone BEFORE playoffs. I always try to keep about 20-30 mil in my equipment fund, you never know when the game is going to change and you have to react to it.

Will this impact you negatively in the long run? No. You will get there in a few seasons and there will be no difference, it just makes things a little nicer. Obviously with your stadium the way it is you haven't been negatively impacted by your players! It just may make it a bit tighter on you as they hit 40 (1.2 mil per player for upgrades) then it will on those that have finished the stadium
Originally posted by Kendog
Originally posted by hoax

Originally posted by Kendog

Besides, we will bring you the championship.

funny, i gave him the same pitch

But I mean it. LOL

there wont be any shit talking on our end, just glad to get it done, but i promised myself that if things happened to go right, id bump this

so did we
Last edited Dec 19, 2008 18:44:11
You definitely earned the right to be able to say that. I just wish we would have been able to play you guys to determine the champions, but I don't want to take any credit away from what the Bears did.
I salute you guys for sticking it out for 6 entire seasons.
Originally posted by silverandblackattack
I salute you guys for sticking it out for 6 entire seasons.

well apologies for everyone I did not respond to via the PMs I received, but it would have taken hours to write up friendly rejection letters, so I'll just accept the title of "rude asshole" and move on from there. Someone was kind enough to send a "fuck you for not responding" PM to me which I found charming. Really made me regret not joining that team. Who doesn't love melodrama and tantrums from a potential boss?

I appreciate all the interest. Overall I moved to the Sonics because I happen to have plotted the death of the owner at various times on another forum. The other teams I joined were more or less decided upon by random decision when I got tired of comparing things, heh.

Originally posted by kraegor
well apologies for everyone I did not respond to via the PMs I received, but it would have taken hours to write up friendly rejection letters, so I'll just accept the title of "rude asshole" and move on from there. Someone was kind enough to send a "fuck you for not responding" PM to me which I found charming. Really made me regret not joining that team. Who doesn't love melodrama and tantrums from a potential boss?

I appreciate all the interest. Overall I moved to the Sonics because I happen to have plotted the death of the owner at various times on another forum. The other teams I joined were more or less decided upon by random decision when I got tired of comparing things, heh.

I spite your DT. May he strain a groin while using a snowblower.
Other than that, good luck.
Isn't that an unwritten man law? No shots to the groin, esp while doing manly things.

Heheh and it is entirely possible to do the aforementioned painful injury while using a snowblower in slick boots on a driveway with a downgrade...
Originally posted by Vortus
Isn't that an unwritten man law? No shots to the groin, esp while doing manly things.

Not sure that rule applies to yellow dots. If it does, I retract my earlier wish of ill will.
well, maybe thats what turns them blue......

Originally posted by kraegor
well apologies for everyone I did not respond to via the PMs I received, but it would have taken hours to write up friendly rejection letters, so I'll just accept the title of "rude asshole" and move on from there. Someone was kind enough to send a "fuck you for not responding" PM to me which I found charming. Really made me regret not joining that team. Who doesn't love melodrama and tantrums from a potential boss?

I appreciate all the interest. Overall I moved to the Sonics because I happen to have plotted the death of the owner at various times on another forum. The other teams I joined were more or less decided upon by random decision when I got tired of comparing things, heh.
Well, frankly, I'm happy to have you aboard, no matter how many times you have plotted my death. And for the record, I have been innocent victim every time!

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