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Originally posted by RTJakarta
u a h8r, brah.

Oh come on... they don't annoy the hell out of you?
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 20:13:36
Nah. Probably because I haven't really been around that forum with any great level of activity in a while (hence my like... 5.x ppd.) No one there really bothers me, except like...adrew35.
A thread derailed in the fourth post? I think you guys can keep up with AAA#1 at that pace.

Glad to (finally) be here.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 20:28:44
Originally posted by WeatherMatt
A thread derailed in the fourth post? I think you guys can keep up with AAA#1 at that pace.

Glad to (finally) be here.

An unfortunate trend is that whenever you see that avatar next to a post is that the post will be OT.
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by WeatherMatt

A thread derailed in the fourth post? I think you guys can keep up with AAA#1 at that pace.

Glad to (finally) be here.

An unfortunate trend is that whenever you see that avatar next to a post is that the post will be OT.

Jesus. Baseball forum is pretty insane right now YOU KNOW WHERE.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by WeatherMatt

A thread derailed in the fourth post? I think you guys can keep up with AAA#1 at that pace.

Glad to (finally) be here.

An unfortunate trend is that whenever you see that avatar next to a post is that the post will be OT.

Jesus. Baseball forum is pretty insane right now YOU KNOW WHERE.

I'm guessing the first two pages will be all but maybe 5 posts about the Phillies or the World Series.

Eh, if it keeps them out of the NFL forum...
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by WeatherMatt

A thread derailed in the fourth post? I think you guys can keep up with AAA#1 at that pace.

Glad to (finally) be here.

An unfortunate trend is that whenever you see that avatar next to a post is that the post will be OT.

Jesus. Baseball forum is pretty insane right now YOU KNOW WHERE.

I'm guessing the first two pages will be all but maybe 5 posts about the Phillies or the World Series.

Eh, if it keeps them out of the NFL forum...

re: that last bit

Too late. :-x
itt: inside jokes btw RTJ and soap

Fuck you guys.
Originally posted by wms02a
Originally posted by MattyP

tl; dr

Contrary to what some will have you think, we welcome competition here in APL.

I would suggest the new guys spend their time working on their builds and gameplans rather than whining like Vegas. But to each his own...

Because they really do not want to end up turning out like Vegas too.. Ohh soo close to the playoffs

How about this - you create a team from scratch with no players or farm system to simply hand them to you see how you do. The entire org family likes to talk a bunch of crap, but when it comes down to it, there is no way they could accomplish anything near what they have done if it hadn't been handed to them in the beginning. At least teams like Babylon and ABD can say we have been building from the ground up. That gives you much more of a sense of gratification on accomplishments. Nothing in life comes free, but I am sure you are already aware of that and your championships are not all that sweet.
Originally posted by MattyP
itt: inside jokes btw RTJ and soap

Fuck you guys.

Haha. Mostly just talking about this forum where myself/Soapbox/InuDan came from.
OK let's address how the team was put together. The following are two quotes from Hokie and me from an earlier thread.

Originally posted by Hokiemon
Majech u really have no clue what you are talking about.

Everyone keeps talking about it wasn't a level playing field. I was #26 on the waiting list. I only had Africa as my region selected. I knew 2 weeks b4 I got my team it would be a PRO league team (confirmed by a PM sent to Bort actually). In case you missed it, we had recruiting posts in every forum in GLB, literally. So we recruited the highest lvl we could, since we were going to be in a PRO league, and the thinking was everyone else would do likewise. We had a grand total of 5 people recruiting. So because we had 5 people recruiting for us, it wasn't a level playing field? Or do you believe what those that don't have a clue say, and that is we stocked our team with USAORG vets? Because at he beginning of S3 we had 2 (that's TWO) USAORG players on the team. They were both backups on their team and wanted to be starters here. After that, we had a team fold in mid-season, and we brought in 4 more from that team. So for S3 we were up to 6 players from USAORG teams. That's 6 out of 46. If you want to be like the rest and say those 6 players gave us an unfair advantage, keep using that excuse.

As far as S4 goes, we had 0 (that's ZERO) players brought in from other USAORG teams. Again, if you want to continue saying those original 6 players are the reason for our play, have at it.

Try looking at at the team before you believe what others have posted, and proven wrong over and over, before you assume so much. It makes you look bad, truly. So thru S4, 40 of the 46 players had never played ONE game on a USAORG team before they got here, yet somehow we have this huge advantage? Do you really believe that? Our advantage is in a name. It's no different than Cape Town had drawing from the Orange Blood base. No different than you with your Nebraska logo (and yes, I expect a lot of shit this weekend after the game ). Same with the Gunfighters, etc. There are many teams, including those in the APL, that have "alliances" with other teams and groups of players. If you think we are the only ones, you are as naive as those posting the crap you believe. The difference in us and them is we advertise it in our name, nothing for us to be ashamed about.

And to answer your question before about being defensive, all of this stuff has been beaten to death honestly. I have no idea why I am going over it yet again. Maybe you weren't here in the forums in S3 to see it, maybe you did and formed your opinions anyway. This is the last time I address any of it. I appreciate your kind words about the class of the team, as I agree with you 100%. They have a tremendous amount of class and prove it over and over, something I am proud to be associated with (wish I could take lessons from them actually).

Best of luck to you guys in the Lion conference, looks to be another great season in the APL!

Originally posted by MattyP
Originally posted by SheVegas

Matty Piglet-The Org did not have a draft?

Yes the ORG did have a draft.

When the draft was assembling, hundreds of players put themselves up for it. Why? because they thought that the owners & GMs inside USAORG were going to create quality teams with fun atmospheres.

I was on Lefty Wall's South American team which joined the ORG right before the draft (now known as USAORG Cartel). I basically owe all of my "success" in GLB to Lefty. He found me and helped to correct my moronic builds. Lefty is a GLB genius as far as player builds go. He is a good guy and was a great owner.

When I started learning more about USAORG, I had a center that was going to be available so I thought I would put him into the draft. I did this because Lefty was a quality owner compared to the other owners I had experienced, and if he was vouching for the new ORG teams I would take his word. Also I thought it would eliminate a lot of the headache of openly putting my player on the free agent market. Luckily I was drafted by Hokie, who really assembled a quality roster, and IMO had the best foresight, planning, and yes, luck with the agents he drafted for his team.

You have insinuated that all of these players were "waiting" and teams were already assembled and just moved to APL or something. I guess you could say that but that's not really what happened IMO.

Now, did the draft give the USAORG teams an unfair advantage? I guess you have made your mind up on this already. Here's what happened though: the USAORG teams were able to get quality players line up to join because of the reputations of the people involved with USAORG. I see this as part of the game... people like me are going to gravitate towards success. I don't know how you can stop this from happening SheVegas. Look at the new Africa A leagues .. the best teams there are assembled by guys with known reputations (MonkeyMan, Drew Ryan, etc.).

When you start as an new owner with no reputation, I'll concede you have to work a little harder to convince guys to join your team. THIS IS PART OF THE GAME. Accept it, work hard to build your rep, make your team better, and move on. I don't know what you want us to do. You complain and want us to leave APL... I say make your team better. Lowering the level of competition to win? Not something I would want to do, but it's your team.

IMO Legionnaires have conducted ourselves pretty fairly on the forums considering how hated it appears we are. We could have went the Cobra Kai (or Laggo lol) route but we have never started any trash talk to my knowledge, we have only responded. The fact that you somehow negatively portray our public support of our teammates is laughable ... that's exactly the type of team that I want to be on personally.

And as for Coyotes and "gutting", I said from the start (you can look back in the forums) that I would take their side. Yes "gutting" is unfortunate for competition, but you have to allow friends to stay together in an internet networking type game. If you don't then this game loses a lot IMO. I never will fault anyone for wanting to stick together with their friends. Laggo is a goof and never really bothered me either, especially since he pushed so many people's buttons effectively. I usually find that stuff harmless and funny but that's my opinion and I can see why he upset some people. We were fortunate to land a lot of the Coyotes but it took a lot of work on Hokie's behalf to do so. This is why I love playing on his team, he is a tireless worker. Anyway I digress...

So there's my manifesto about a lot of USAORG/APL stuff. I know it won't make a lot of people change their minds but I hope it helps to explain where we are coming from. Hopefully it wasn't a complete waste of time.

You guys will enjoy the rest of the Corsairs shit talking crew when they get here, I'm sure. If anything, our shit talkers will take some of the heat off Lake Opeta. You can thank us now
Originally posted by MrMoose
You guys will enjoy the rest of the Corsairs shit talking crew when they get here, I'm sure. If anything, our shit talkers will take some of the heat off Lake Opeta. You can thank us now

Oh hell, a fellow Dryden Blue! You'll love our GM list then

And welcome aboard. Can't wait to hear the shit talking tbh. We need something to liven the board up some, it's so dead in here LOL.
Originally posted by Hokiemon

Oh hell, a fellow Dryden Blue! You'll love our GM list then

And welcome aboard. Can't wait to hear the shit talking tbh. We need something to liven the board up some, it's so dead in here LOL.

Yup. I know you all have a quality list of GMs, and I'm looking forward to the battles to come. We know how it feels to have the majority of the league hate us, though.
What's up you stupid bastards. I can't wait for the idiots that run Tractor to start up with all the broken english and what not.
Last edited Oct 30, 2008 12:59:11

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