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Originally posted by mikelj
Voltron to the rescue. LOL. There is plenty of places to learn info from outside the BORG, err ORG. Hey I like that.

Exactly, like shevegas's posts. Full of factual content, a must read for anyone.

Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by SheVegas

RT- You have your reasons, so stay true to them...I am more on the side of Majech....Like he said, one of the greatest things I ever saw was when Karl Malone went to the Lakers to try and get an easy ring...and didn't get it. I rather stay with one team and build it up to win that championship, when you win it, it will be that much sweeter....They're a lot of teams that meet your 3 points, and you said you had all these offers, so then why take the easy road and join the Oinks? That is the question.
Tsavo, Babylon,Gunfighters, etc all meet your 3 demands....

Uhhhh....Pretty sure Tsavo and Babylon didn't message me. TLGoT didn't.

Almost did, but I got word that Gruffy (owns Tonga in OPro) was sniffing around your guys, so I held off out of respect.
Originally posted by ib_mr_ed
Please take note and send the ORG guy with the John Goodman from the Big Lebowski avatar over here to look at this because we had a 4 page argument a while back and I think he will fall out of his seat when he sees this.

That is BaconMaker- Yep he is another dandy.
BMore- RT won't join Tsavo until you win a championship or the Org disbands...He is not up for challenges, he is the type of player that needs the easy way...Not that there is anything wrong with that....I also like the Walmart comparison.....Walmart where you get get all your barnyard needs met at affordable prices
Last edited Sep 23, 2008 05:21:58
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Originally posted by SheVegas

Originally posted by Hokiemon

Skirt around what? You were mistaken, I pointed that out. What else do you have legitimate concerns about? You're already looking like a fool (yet again), maybe time to log out?

As far as having fun in the barnyard, we'll see who has fun in a couple of games. And as badly as you want it to be a rivalry, we just can't seem to get excited about playing you guys. Maybe if you can keep it within 3 touchdowns this season we'll change our mind? Nah, probably not...

Hey who did you lose to in APL's first season...Again Einstein you are making the Piglets look bad.

We lost 4 games the first season, mainly because we were the only team unboosted the whole season (until playoffs), idiot. So you were one of 4, congrats. How did last season go for ya? Need a reminder? If so, einstein here would be happy to help ya out.

We we played in season one, although you are correct your team did not boost yet and we did. You are leaving out the fact that your team at the time still outleveled us by an avg of 3.75 a player.

You've been Wilbured-(Charolette's Web)
Originally posted by BMoreAbsurd
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by SheVegas

RT- You have your reasons, so stay true to them...I am more on the side of Majech....Like he said, one of the greatest things I ever saw was when Karl Malone went to the Lakers to try and get an easy ring...and didn't get it. I rather stay with one team and build it up to win that championship, when you win it, it will be that much sweeter....They're a lot of teams that meet your 3 points, and you said you had all these offers, so then why take the easy road and join the Oinks? That is the question.
Tsavo, Babylon,Gunfighters, etc all meet your 3 demands....

Uhhhh....Pretty sure Tsavo and Babylon didn't message me. TLGoT didn't.

Almost did, but I got word that Gruffy (owns Tonga in OPro) was sniffing around your guys, so I held off out of respect.

Yeah, Gruff sent me a PM for one or two of my guys, but it was mostly for ST work, which was less than what I was looking for. Had I gotten a PM from Tsavo, I'd definitely say there would have been good chances I would have wanted to join.
Sure, and I have some cheap swamp land to sell...Enjoy the barnyard kiddo.
Hmm, well I have the most fun WINNING in this game, so for that reason I'm glad I'm on a team that wins. After all this is an internet game, one that is played for entertainment. LOL @ calling RTJ "Karl Malone". w/e

Cue SheVegas response
"OMG Here is Matty Piglet coming from the barnyard. Just as I thought. I can't believe that USAORG rallies around its teammates. That is awful. Oink, pig, farm, oink, farm, piggie-pig, barn..."
Also not that I care what people think, but FWIW RTJ and I exchanged some friendly PMs way back during season 3. When I heard that he was leaving the Coyotes I sent a PM his way. Hokie had already been recruiting him.

The funny thing is, I can pretty much blame SheVegas & followers for starting the e-friendship between RTJ & I. Since SheVegas made his moronic crusade against USAORG and Coyotes it sort of drove us together. LOLz, thanks for that SheVegas I guess.

Now, please make some more fun nicknames based on our screennames. It seems that is your favorite hobby, along with complaining and trolling. I prefer to spend my GLB time winning though.
I am glad I brought together you two...Also that is another reason I see Laggo joining forces in the barnyard....See RT can't win without the Borg, and neither can Laggo, so they will join the Borg....I'm lovin it. Can't beatm join um.
But they're are many owners and players in the APL, who have sent me pm's saying they agree on my stance...So I speak for them...Now back to the barn for you.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Hey guys, want to wish everyone the best of luck.....Org- Matty, Hokie, Pain...I guess we got the best love/hate relationship in the entire APL, and although I brought on my fair share...I do mean it I wish you the best of luck in the championship. Anyways I also want to say I wish everyone the best in the up coming season 5. You guys built your team in a different way then I did, but like you all said it wasn't illegal and obviosly it was the better way....So I will officially bury the hatchet, I know soapbox said he will always hate me, but since I plan on never leaving and you guys will be here for a long time, I thought this would be the best way to go.....Ok enough of the Dr. Phil stuff.....Lets get ready to meet on the field.
PS- Lets have some early predictions......Mine ABD will be in the playoffs season 5.

Originally posted by SheVegas
It is no surprise to anyone here the feud I have with the Coyotes and USAORG...But when I woke this morning, I thought it all over and I am done. I am not sorry for anything I have ever wrote on GLB, I truly have no respect for USAORG or Laggos team...Not because they are not great talents, but because of the way they went about creating a team. The reason I joined Africa Pro is because everyone was starting from scratch...These 2 teams didn't do that....But more importantly is the fact that this consistant bickering is bringing down the APL...So I will stop any further comments about RT, Laggo, and USA Org....It has been a very fun first year, and I wish everyone the best of luck....Laggo and USAOrg we will always have a rivarly, but you won't ever have any trash talk come from me.
Thanks Matty Piglet...You forgot to include the quote stating this is a new season and all gloves are off....Nice try Mr. Piglet.
Found it Captain Spin it the way you want it.....Matty Piglet

Sep 10, 2008 06:04:19Quote | Edit

I will say it was very tough and I had to bite my tongue a lot....I might have let a few barnyard comments slip.....Well gloves are off for season 5.....I hope the Org know that it is just a game, and I am never leaving, so in the words of TO, who always makes Al Harris look like a azz clown...HATE ME ALL YOU WANT, BUT I LOVE ME SOME ME!!!!
Originally posted by SheVegas
I am glad I brought together you two...Also that is another reason I see Laggo joining forces in the barnyard....See RT can't win without the Borg, and neither can Laggo, so they will join the Borg....I'm lovin it. Can't beatm join um.
But they're are many owners and players in the APL, who have sent me pm's saying they agree on my stance...So I speak for them...Now back to the barn for you.

You are aware that Laggo has never had a player in APL, right?

Your idiocy is profound.
Originally posted by SheVegas

But they're are many owners and players in the APL, who have sent me pm's saying they agree on my stance...So I speak for them...Now back to the barn for you.

I would LOVE to see this proven, for real.


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