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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by ricksta1975
I was just about to post this.

We need a VPB built into the game, so we can see actions and future actions. Everyone gets their hands on them anyway, and one prior to the changes rolling in would be nice so we can make the learning mistakes on a pretend dot other than one we are paying for live.

yup...assuming these changes are set in stone, lets get a VBP going right now for season 24+. Especially because it would help identify maybe some inequities in the system that can be fixed before rollout and not once we've started doing things with live players.
Catch, Ive been around since the beginning and I've usually enjoyed the changes to the game as it has progressed through BETA. I really do love these accelerated player development changes as I don't particularly care about the first 5 seasons of a players career.

With this in mind, we do spend a lot of time and $ developing these players and teams, and once they reach the plateau it seems like both team owners and player creators have minimal tweaking options to keep the game and players fresh. Player changes through training, equipment, and VA's are really minimal once the player reaches the plateau. Since players will be at their plateau earlier and play there longer, i can see losing interest in players season over season. Can you guys explore various ways to open up some additional player changes between seasons. Currently we only have 15 Vet reset points.

Possible Suggestions:
Allowable player equipment changes
Additional bonus tokens during off season.. (maybe driven by team owners in form of bonuses)
Additional vet point resets

Edited by ehrso11 on Jul 14, 2011 11:14:03
SikoraP13 DTD
Will currently held bonus tokens be multiplied as well?
Originally posted by Catch22
Player conversion:

Existing players will be converted to a new age equivalent. Whatever your age is in the current system will be compared to an equivalent age based on what estimated XP values between the two systems. For example, a 350 day old player in the old system would become a 205 day old player in the new system. A 120 day old player in the old system would become a 72 day old player in the new system.

could find an answer in the text above.

What happens to dots created on day 41 ?
In the old system they get an extra off-season (since age changes only during the season). Will the new calculated age will keep them as day 41 created players ? or do they miss 16 training days ?

(slightly corrected to avoid confusion)
Edited by tragula on Jul 14, 2011 14:30:31
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by tragula
could find an answer in the text above.

What happens to dots created on day 41 ?
In the old system they get an extra off-season (since age changes only during the season). Will the new calculated age will keep them as day 40 created players ? or do they miss 16 training days ?

day 40 created dots get to train through the off season as well

The difference was day 41 dots gett to train on day 1. Day 40 dots only get to train up to day 0.
Rage Kinard
I'm just wondering - is there a max to number of BT that can be stored? I haven't gone over 255 in the current system so I wouldn't know. In the new system players will easily go over 255.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
I'm just wondering - is there a max to number of BT that can be stored? I haven't gone over 255 in the current system so I wouldn't know. In the new system players will easily go over 255.

I've gone over 800, so I suspect it's 65k.

Originally posted by Catch22
You can save as many bonus tokens as you want, we are removing the database requirement that limits it at 255.
good job coach
Originally posted by jdbolick
5 season plateau? Jesus. Non-elite teams will never have a chance to reach the WL now.

they shouldnt ever have a chance of getting to the w/l, the w/l is for the god damn elite, not the average.
when will this go into effect? this upcoming season?
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by RaginAsian23
when will this go into effect? this upcoming season?
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by tragula

could find an answer in the text above.

What happens to dots created on day 41 ?
In the old system they get an extra off-season (since age changes only during the season). Will the new calculated age will keep them as day 40 created players ? or do they miss 16 training days ?

day 40 created dots get to train through the off season as well

The difference was day 41 dots gett to train on day 1. Day 40 dots only get to train up to day 0.

It is not about the day 40 or day 41. My question was will any dot lose it's extra off-season and it's extra set of boosts due to the age change.
Originally posted by jdbolick
5 season plateau? Jesus. Non-elite teams will never have a chance to reach the WL now.

Non-Elite teams shouldn't be in the WL...
Originally posted by blazzinken
Originally posted by jdbolick

5 season plateau? Jesus. Non-elite teams will never have a chance to reach the WL now.

Non-Elite teams shouldn't be in the WL...

Short term you get more good dots available. Long term is somewhere in the winter of 2012/3.

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