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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
More relegation slots. Don't make the playoffs in the pros, back to AAA. Guts and weak teams move down much quicker. Winners move up quicker.
Originally posted by Gott

Unless that idea has been thoroughly shot down, that's my vote. I suggested it like a year ago, and you said the same thing.

(Back when you used to reply to most threads... Of course, most threads weren't full of the crap they are now.)

With that idea, it would take 3 real life years to get to WL.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
With that idea, it would take 3 real life years to get to WL.

how about eliminating a lot of the teams and make it harder to buy one. Instead of handing them out like candy at the end of the season make the wait list actually mean something. Pick an acceptable number of teams at each level and stick to it. If there are too many players to fill the rosters then make more d-leagues and extend it past level 7. Of course this will never be done either because more teams means more money.

But isn't a giant pyramid the same thing as before with BBB, A, etc? Only now with a world league added and maybe cleanup the leagues a little more.

Originally posted by kingjonb
Pick an acceptable number of teams at each level and stick to it.

Don't do this.

The number of teams has to change to reflect how many players are available at a certain level. If we have enough players to support 128 AAA+ teams now and in two seasons we only have enough to support 72, the number of teams has to adjust to reflect that reality. Otherwise, you end up with gutted teams and no competition. If we have enough players to support 212 teams in two seasons, we'd need more teams at that level to give everyone a place to play.

If the solution isn't flexible in this way, it's going to fail.
Originally posted by AngryDragon

The basic idea is to keep the regions but in a modified manner.

Minors Stage 1 Level 4 cap
Minors Stage 2 Level 14 cap
Minors Stage 3 Level 26 cap
Minors Stage 4 Level 33 cap
Minors Stage 5 Level 40 cap
Minors Stage 6 Level 47 cap
AA Level 55 cap and 35 minimum
AAA uncapped and a level 45 minimum
Pro uncapped and a level 45 minimum
WL uncapped and a level 45 minimum

I have posted something of this manner months ago, I think even the AAA should be capped. Everyone was complaining about SSB, well when you have lvl 65-70+ players playing with lvl 46-52 players in AA , it's produces the same affects as SSB.
The Pro's and beyond should only be un-capped.

League structure should put players at the same level in the same league. Now that SSB has been eliminated, it should produce better completion.
Originally posted by EpsteinsMother
Don't do this.

The number of teams has to change to reflect how many players are available at a certain level. If we have enough players to support 128 AAA+ teams now and in two seasons we only have enough to support 72, the number of teams has to adjust to reflect that reality. Otherwise, you end up with gutted teams and no competition. If we have enough players to support 212 teams in two seasons, we'd need more teams at that level to give everyone a place to play.

If the solution isn't flexible in this way, it's going to fail.

sure, if you really don't want to change league structure, but if you do and go with the pyramid scheme it wouldn't matter how many of each level there are. A level 70 player can play in AA just as easily as he could WL.

Originally posted by kingjonb
how about eliminating a lot of the teams and make it harder to buy one. Instead of handing them out like candy at the end of the season make the wait list actually mean something.

If you limit the # of teams then there would never be a shortage of players available to the level you need. Throw in more D-Leagues and now your crappy players have a place to play when a human team doesn't want them.

tbh if i would change anything it would be to push the cap structure out to AAA or at least AA so you dont have lev 70 players beating up on lev 50s. so AA could be say 56 cap so there could still be a fairly large lev gap but teams moving up from 46 cap wont be getting butchered by lev 60-70s. This would limit the 150-3 games.

IMO there is no real need to remove the caps till the very end esp as recruiting is so difficult in the AAA market as things currently are.
The regions need to be reduced... I'd even say by half. Having 8 different regions at this point in the game is way too many. It made since early on because the demand was super high, but now the AA and even AAA leagues are a complete joke in most regions. Cut down the number of regions to 4 and reorganize the teams in the regions dissolving. That seems like step 1 to me. Also their is a need for a cap system, but I am not sure about the way it is in use now.
Originally posted by Triple_A
I have posted something of this manner months ago, I think even the AAA should be capped. Everyone was complaining about SSB, well when you have lvl 65-70+ players playing with lvl 46-52 players in AA , it's produces the same affects as SSB.
The Pro's and beyond should only be un-capped.

League structure should put players at the same level in the same league. Now that SSB has been eliminated, it should produce better completion.

SSB has not been eliminated, only new SSB players. There are still plenty of SSB players running around (I have a few for instance) who would love the change you are suggesting because it would allow them to keep on gaming leagues through the pyramid.

There needs to be a few leagues that are uncapped because of the relative differences in the skill level of different builders. Crappy level 72 builds should be in AA, decent but not great builds should be in AAA and top notch builds should make up the Pros/WL. Unfortunately that means that some users will send their great level 72 builds to AA to win easy championships but that is a necessary evil.
Originally posted by merenoise
Crappy level 72 builds should be in AA, decent but not great builds should be in AAA and top notch builds should make up the Pros/WL. Unfortunately that means that some users will send their great level 72 builds to AA to win easy championships but that is a necessary evil.

Seems kinda backwards to me. I think I'd much rather a few crappy 72 builds be out of luck than an entire AA or AAA league.
Mowie Rad
Okay, I'm not sure why we keep having difficulty figuring out how to make things better, quite simply you need to quit putting players in a league they don't belong in, cause you're forcing them to endure paying to be miserable. There's nothing that can be done about gutting, as it's a teams choice, and they have every right to drop out if they so choose. But why not make a system, that takes into account a teams level (or effective playing level, whatever), and start at the top with top 32 teams, league 1, next 32 league 2, etc. All that this would require is examining the teams, and having a rating for them. Maybe it's easier in my head then programming it would be, but I think with player levels being available, a script could sort it out pretty easy.

The flaw in this system would be if there was a huge gap, say a level 27 team was pushed down to the next tier, and there wasn't any teams higher then 21, but you're gonna have that sort of failure under any system. I just think over the long haul you'd get more balance to the leagues then what we currently have.

As I stated before you can't just keep moving everyone every season, cause when you get trapped into a league you can't compete in, you're paying to lose, and then getting promoted to lose again. I don't walk into the grocery store, hand them a check for 200 bucks and then let them decide what I get for it. I don't want to dominate lesser teams then me, or play against teams I don't have a chance against, quite simply I want to play vs teams my own strength. Overall I think that's what everyone wants at the end of the day, and a pre-determined league structure that assumes over reacts will fail to come up with the best quality possible. I'm not looking to make things more difficult, just more even. I don't think regions, or AAA's or pro's or anything else is important, just that the leagues regardless of names are even on the playing field.
Just bumping this thread, in case anyone missed it.
My suggestion: working in the current system...severely slow or ideally stop growth at age 400. Play up to age 600 in this peak/no growth period before mandatory retirement (get rid of decline). Maybe a minor SP reset (15-30) in offseasons to allow players to adjust to sim/fix mistakes (similar to how VA resets are handled now). No boosts...maybe a season maintenance fee for the player. What this does is load Pro/WLs with top players. Makes Pro/WL leagues competitive, makes a lot more recruitable players, brings excitement back to GLB. Right now it is so hard to recruit in Pros that most teams fold after their players decline. If you stop growth at age 400, age 400 players steps right in with the same opportunity as an age one is dominating anyone else. The younger players should be even better because their agents likely learned to build better. Bottom line is having 5 generations of equal peak level players makes the top level loaded with players and competitive teams.
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Days old Cap or bust imo!

Age 0 - 40

Age 41 - 80

Age 81 - 120

Age 121 - 160

Age 161 - 200

Age 201 - 240

Age 241 - 280

Age 281 - 320 (AA)

Age 321 - unlimited (AAA, Pro, WL)

This would keep ALL like builds in their proper competition, regardless of level. It would keep SSB's honest, non-boosters honest, etc, etc.


Make the change

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