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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by kingjonb
The same thing that happened to the NBA when the Timber Wolves traded away their franchise, life goes on. It could happen every now and then, but if teams don't like losing every season then most normal people would do something to make their team better so they will win. Another reason why buying into one of these leagues should be for lifetime or at least more than 2 seasons and maybe have 2 or 3 different categories for new teams: expert, normal, beginner. There would be a lot more strategy involved, keep trying to win or rebuild for the future. It would be nice to have some kind of a draft or similar to benefit the lower teams but I know that will never happen. Maybe having options each season where you could make your player a locked player so you would know what you're getting into if there was a draft. There would be a lot more details that would need to be ironed out especially the generic financial system, but still something I think is worth a shot and just posting in here about it has held my attention in this game longer than the last 4 months combined.

Finishing 1st gets you more revenue and a trophy while finishing 3rd gets you nothing. League doesn't matter when it comes to anything important unless you consider patting yourself on the back for being in an elite league important.

Of course nothing anybody posts in here matters because the same thing will happen that always happens with every other change in this game. Nobody likes anybody else's opinion so the mods just make changes that are dumb but mean more money to Bort and anybody else getting a dime off this game.

Do you honestly think that is viable in GLB?
Mowie Rad
Honestly, as I try to cool down over another bad season of being outclassed all year. Don't move everyone, go back to matching people by level (add 3 levels if you think someone is waiting to boost), but stop this level 17 guys go to a level 26 league (my guys are level 21 following the season, and you're telling me they have to move up to a level 30 league...why would I keep paying to have a team lose? From season 2 and 3 on, we've wanted to keep our teams together, and keep our rivalries going, and we've completely gone in the wrong direction. I know it's not easy, but there has to be a system that checks team level, and places them appropriately. Only way that fails is bad owners with no offense and defense schemes lose to those that game plan, and they lose anyway, so shouldn't be team owners.

I would request staying where we're at or demotion (as we'd fit in a 22 quite nicely), but you're gonna take our cash and stadium away? Uh...where on planet earth has that ever been done, it's a video game, it's supposed to be fun, and you want to penalize us for playing a long time? You guys aren't looking at things correctly, which could explain why so many of my old friends don't log in anymore.
Originally posted by Vortus

Except there are only a few teams in the NBA compared to GLB. The number and variety of teams, combined with the movement of players across the game, and the added effect of players leaving and coming into the game makes any sort of locked system a temporary thing at best. Soon it would be like BBB was before the cloud. Lvl 1 teams playing lvl 60 teams.

If there are a few level 1 teams playing vs level 60, so be it. Even pro sports has their share of Nets and Lions. It's time to think outside the box. If you're always in the same league then every team will try to find a way to win that league long term. So if a team wants to sacrifice their present for a shot at the future, go for it. It's not like they couldn't have their players on other teams until they're ready tho. If anything I think most locked teams would be used as their final destination spot with their casual and regular teams serving as a farm system.

Think of locked leagues as the NFL, regular as college, and casual as CFL then multiply them by about 20. Having an option to declare players locked league with the option of entering a draft I think would help it and add variety to this game, but if you're happy with the current Groundhog Day version then more power to you. Personally I'm not happy with it tho.

Originally posted by Hagalaz
Do you honestly think that is viable in GLB?

Originally posted by Mowie Rad

I would request staying where we're at or demotion (as we'd fit in a 22 quite nicely), but you're gonna take our cash and stadium away? Uh...where on planet earth has that ever been done, it's a video game, it's supposed to be fun, and you want to penalize us for playing a long time? You guys aren't looking at things correctly, which could explain why so many of my old friends don't log in anymore.

You have to be a team that will throw a season, or even 2 to prevent being over promoted, but only a minority of sad sacks will take that route, but it's effective and pathetic at the same time.

I would say if your team gets over promoted, just take a demotion. I don't think the cash/stadium reset will be all that bad.

Originally posted by Mowie Rad
Honestly, as I try to cool down over another bad season of being outclassed all year. Don't move everyone, go back to matching people by level (add 3 levels if you think someone is waiting to boost), but stop this level 17 guys go to a level 26 league (my guys are level 21 following the season, and you're telling me they have to move up to a level 30 league...why would I keep paying to have a team lose? From season 2 and 3 on, we've wanted to keep our teams together, and keep our rivalries going, and we've completely gone in the wrong direction. I know it's not easy, but there has to be a system that checks team level, and places them appropriately. Only way that fails is bad owners with no offense and defense schemes lose to those that game plan, and they lose anyway, so shouldn't be team owners.

I would request staying where we're at or demotion (as we'd fit in a 22 quite nicely), but you're gonna take our cash and stadium away? Uh...where on planet earth has that ever been done, it's a video game, it's supposed to be fun, and you want to penalize us for playing a long time? You guys aren't looking at things correctly, which could explain why so many of my old friends don't log in anymore.

tell me about it. Last season my casual team went 6-10 and had to be promoted to level 22 even tho no player was higher than level 18 so I requested to stay in level 18 thinking the consequences wouldn't apply. I was wrong, not only was my stadium demolished including the upgrades I had put in for disappeared, but somehow just about every other team in the league managed to have over $50 million. How the fuck does that happen in a level 18? If I had lost every game on purpose everything would have been fine.
Mowie Rad
You know, it wouldn't bother me to do it, I just don't understand why I should have to. They messed up last season (or added a level cap going into this one...) and it was already a waste of my flex points spent on owning a team this season. Now they want me to pay with what I spent my time getting, and all my hard work to stop their broken system from wasting another season for me. I'd demote in a heart beat, but I shouldn't lose what we spent over 10 seasons or more, the time, money and effort building up. Our team made it, they should be allowed to keep it.

Does my having 80 million in team funds hurt my competition when my players are the same levels as theirs? Now I could see if teams would save the cash, then bring in a bunch of super high level guys to dominate the crappy low level cap league, but that can be avoided by not letting people sign with levels higher then the cap league....oh wait, I thought that system was already in place.
oops on this one.
Edited by Vortus on May 10, 2010 14:10:33
Originally posted by kingjonb
tell me about it. Last season my casual team went 6-10 and had to be promoted to level 22 even tho no player was higher than level 18 so I requested to stay in level 18 thinking the consequences wouldn't apply. I was wrong, not only was my stadium demolished including the upgrades I had put in for disappeared, but somehow just about every other team in the league managed to have over $50 million. How the fuck does that happen in a level 18? If I had lost every game on purpose everything would have been fine.

It depends on when you applied. Some were grandfathered in. Won't matter this season since pretty much all lower teams are getting the stadiums and cash evened out.

Originally posted by Mowie Rad
You know, it wouldn't bother me to do it, I just don't understand why I should have to. They messed up last season (or added a level cap going into this one...) and it was already a waste of my flex points spent on owning a team this season. Now they want me to pay with what I spent my time getting, and all my hard work to stop their broken system from wasting another season for me. I'd demote in a heart beat, but I shouldn't lose what we spent over 10 seasons or more, the time, money and effort building up. Our team made it, they should be allowed to keep it.

Does my having 80 million in team funds hurt my competition when my players are the same levels as theirs? Now I could see if teams would save the cash, then bring in a bunch of super high level guys to dominate the crappy low level cap league, but that can be avoided by not letting people sign with levels higher then the cap league....oh wait, I thought that system was already in place.

You are already going to lose the stadium, and the extra cash will be put into a fund. And yes, that cash will hurt the other teams, you will have BIG advantage as you will still be able to afford the extra's that the cash it to be used for next season that the others cannot.

Originally posted by kingjonb

If there are a few level 1 teams playing vs level 60, so be it. Even pro sports has their share of Nets and Lions. It's time to think outside the box. If you're always in the same league then every team will try to find a way to win that league long term. So if a team wants to sacrifice their present for a shot at the future, go for it. It's not like they couldn't have their players on other teams until they're ready tho. If anything I think most locked teams would be used as their final destination spot with their casual and regular teams serving as a farm system.

Think of locked leagues as the NFL, regular as college, and casual as CFL then multiply them by about 20. Having an option to declare players locked league with the option of entering a draft I think would help it and add variety to this game, but if you're happy with the current Groundhog Day version then more power to you. Personally I'm not happy with it tho.

Easy to so be it till you are one of the level one teams stuck in a league of level 60's with no hope of gaining ground, ever. This isn't the NFL, nor is it the NBA. There will not be an official GLB draft, NGTH list. You are saying think outside the box, yet you are trying to lock teams into one. Teams can try all they want. However, some are simply better at this game than others, and for the most part they always will be. Your method has no allowance for change or movement. So the good teams would get bored, and bad ones would get frustrated. They have already said that the current system will likely stay for season 16, with all of the changes coming, it was deemed better to wait by the admin. And no idea what you mean about Groundhog version. And as to what I would be happy with, I suggest you take some time and read the thread before you say what I want. The current system is not it, thought there are some similarities. Version 2 is my current, though version 3 will prob be finished this weekend.
Originally posted by kingjonb
If there are a few level 1 teams playing vs level 60, so be it.

Originally posted by kingjonb

You're delusional if you think sacrificing the few for the many is better than not having to sacrifice anyone.
Originally posted by Hagalaz
You're delusional if you think sacrificing the few for the many is better than not having to sacrifice anyone.

Heheh esp if you are one of the few.
LOL, ok guys, I can tell you take this game way more seriously than I do. If you're talking about the elite Pros you posted on page 1, then how is that any different than the current version? The only way a level 1 team would play a level 60 team in a locked league is if the level 1 team wanted to so they wouldn't really have any business complaining about being outleveled.

You seem to think that every locked league would have 1 team with a 100 game win streak and the rest level 1s, but I really doubt that would happen. It would be possible, but there are a lot of leagues that's happening in now anyway. A t least if everybody is in the same league every season it would give the teams something to shoot for and create more of a rivalry and competition. Like I said tho, an option to choose if you;re an expert, normal, or beginner in this game should make the leagues a little closer.

Oooh, drafts are on the NGTH list? Oh no! Guess what, things change, this game is changing constantly so having the same rules made on season 1 are a little outdated. You guys are thinking of locked leagues as a replacement to the current system while I'm thinking of them as a compliment to it.

and by groundhog day version I mean it's all the same, no matter what changes they make to it, the league structure stays the same. You play in a league and if you're good enough to win a pretty trophy then one gets added to you and your team profile then you move to a different league and do it again. This game is losing its replay fun factor with me. My original goal was to take a team to the world league but ended up getting bored with it after 2 seasons. I cannot come up with a good reason to spend hours game planning and making the team better when it's all for nothing until 8 seasons later when I get to the goal.
We have leagues for everything in this game..... Then tell me why can 't we solve the biggest competitive problem this game has in slow leveling(Call it what you want, SB, SSB, cap levling,etc...).
How hard would it be to code on birth date/seasons to fill teams into a league for them? Wondering here, because I can't see a reason how teams in the lower leagues can compete v. these teams who's effective levels are 2x the amount, of opposing teams.
I mean when you throw the ball 62 times and have 10 completions, for 35 yds or run it 35 times for -12 yds, on a OAI that is run by everyone. How is that a sim that is realistic?
Need moar skillz.
Ok, I can't read through all of this, especially with so many guys saying the same thing over an over again.

Can we get a cliff's notes version?

Originally posted by Bort
How bout looking at the "one big pyramid" idea, combined with some of the other ideas?

Only problem is it kills the regions that a lot of people seem to like.

Unless that idea has been thoroughly shot down, that's my vote. I suggested it like a year ago, and you said the same thing.

(Back when you used to reply to most threads... Of course, most threads weren't full of the crap they are now.)


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