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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by Warlock
Teams can change drastically from season to season (actually day to day), this is why simply adding a rivalry system is a failure waiting to happen.

There has to be something that keeps teams together for more than one season. The biggest killer of league forums was that you never saw the same guys season to season.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
See my signature. Easy to implement. Basically polices itself. and everyone gets what they want. Players build however they want, while still having competition.

Competition throughout a players career.
Encourages boosting.
Helps recruiting at the higher levels.
Turns AA and above competitive again.

My suggestion would be to make a separate league each season to replace the current cap system. These separate leagues would last 7 seasons, after which the highest rated teams would fill in guts in the *Pro Pyramid. All remaining players would get picked up by teams in the *Pro Pyramid. All current systems for making, signing, trading, cutting, etc would remain the exact same.

Here is how it would work. I will use season 16 as an example:

Teams would be handed out as usual, except they would have the designation Season 16 Team. There would be no caps, or boosting limitations involved (other than the 3 boosts per season currently in place), instead, this league would be for players made between day 41 season 15, and day 40 season 16.

These leagues would slowly replace the current cap leagues. After season 7, the best teams(teams with the best records weighted on league level) would be promoted into the *Pro Pyramid, to fill in sell backs and CPUs.

The first season would start out with all the teams on the same level, randomly assigned to there respective League #. After the first season, the teams would be sorted into a **True Pyramid, based on current tie-breaker rules. Teams would promote demote based on the current League wide system in place now. As teams are sold back Players will retire as well. The way to handle this would be to slowly eliminate the bottom level of the pyramid.

From my calculations 30,000 to 50,000 players have been made this season alone. This is more than enough to fill out a pyramid style league, and be able to sustain teams folding, and players retiring.

All build styles would filter together and move up and down around the same times, thus have competition and rivalries:

No one seems to like this idea... It has it all and the best part is it is simple. Everyone can understand it, and it is not exploitable what so ever.
How about making keeper leagues. Something like it's been discussed before and had a lot of interest. Have leagues where the teams always stay the same then at the end of each season maybe have another playoffs where the winner of each keeper league of the same level and region plays each other. If an owner decides to sell his team then either that team is replaced by another owner, new franchise, or just removed from the league. Maybe make a discount to buy a team in one of these leagues so that people are tempted to stay for more than just 1 season. Something like 5,000 or 10,000 flex for lifetime ownership.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
See my signature. Easy to implement. Basically polices itself. and everyone gets what they want. Players build however they want, while still having competition.

Competition throughout a players career.
Encourages boosting.
Helps recruiting at the higher levels.
Turns AA and above competitive again.

My suggestion would be to make a separate league each season to replace the current cap system. These separate leagues would last 7 seasons, after which the highest rated teams would fill in guts in the *Pro Pyramid. All remaining players would get picked up by teams in the *Pro Pyramid. All current systems for making, signing, trading, cutting, etc would remain the exact same.

Here is how it would work. I will use season 16 as an example:

Teams would be handed out as usual, except they would have the designation Season 16 Team. There would be no caps, or boosting limitations involved (other than the 3 boosts per season currently in place), instead, this league would be for players made between day 41 season 15, and day 40 season 16.

These leagues would slowly replace the current cap leagues. After season 7, the best teams(teams with the best records weighted on league level) would be promoted into the *Pro Pyramid, to fill in sell backs and CPUs.

The first season would start out with all the teams on the same level, randomly assigned to there respective League #. After the first season, the teams would be sorted into a **True Pyramid, based on current tie-breaker rules. Teams would promote demote based on the current League wide system in place now. As teams are sold back Players will retire as well. The way to handle this would be to slowly eliminate the bottom level of the pyramid.

From my calculations 30,000 to 50,000 players have been made this season alone. This is more than enough to fill out a pyramid style league, and be able to sustain teams folding, and players retiring.

All build styles would filter together and move up and down around the same times, thus have competition and rivalries:

The first problem I see is players being attached to teams. So when a team goes down so do the players? Do not like that at all
Second is it's going to strangle the leagues above the new system until they wither away. Alot of guys will leave the game. The system needs to be able to be used all at once and incorporate all levels and leagues.
Third is it seems complicated. A new league has to be formed each season, and it will take 7 seasons to phase in the full idea. Simply takes to long. We have dealt with the problems to this point, this stretches them out even longer.

Originally posted by kingjonb
How about making keeper leagues. Something like it's been discussed before and had a lot of interest. Have leagues where the teams always stay the same then at the end of each season maybe have another playoffs where the winner of each keeper league of the same level and region plays each other. If an owner decides to sell his team then either that team is replaced by another owner, new franchise, or just removed from the league. Maybe make a discount to buy a team in one of these leagues so that people are tempted to stay for more than just 1 season. Something like 5,000 or 10,000 flex for lifetime ownership.

Locked leagues will not work. Small scale, yes. LU has had some success. But large scale throughout GLB, no. To many variables, to many teams being made, to many going up or down, or gutting.

Originally posted by Vortus
Locked leagues will not work. Small scale, yes. LU has had some success. But large scale throughout GLB, no. To many variables, to many teams being made, to many going up or down, or gutting.

actually there would be no variables. you pick a team and try to win vs the same competition each season. Pretty simple imo. There would be no going up or down and why would teams gut if they're going to be in the same league? If there were some, and I'm not suggesting a total revamp of the current league structure to these, but some leagues like this then this game might actually get my attention again.

As it is now there's not really any benefit to winning a league. Sure you get a pretty trophy, but then it's done and you have to start all over in a different league and cap with the final goal of hopefully making the world league before your players decline. With keeper leagues you're already playing for all the marbles. Plus, the way it is now a team who finishes 1st in a regular minor league is in better shape than a team who finishes 3rd in an elite league. Why even try if I know things are going to change every 2 seconds and I can either put in hours of time and effort and maybe squeeze a trophy in elite leagues here and there or put in absolutely no effort and get a gold trophy every other season.
Originally posted by kingjonb
actually there would be no variables. you pick a team and try to win vs the same competition each season. Pretty simple imo. There would be no going up or down and why would teams gut if they're going to be in the same league? If there were some, and I'm not suggesting a total revamp of the current league structure to these, but some leagues like this then this game might actually get my attention again.

As it is now there's not really any benefit to winning a league. Sure you get a pretty trophy, but then it's done and you have to start all over in a different league and cap with the final goal of hopefully making the world league before your players decline. With keeper leagues you're already playing for all the marbles. Plus, the way it is now a team who finishes 1st in a regular minor league is in better shape than a team who finishes 3rd in an elite league. Why even try if I know things are going to change every 2 seconds and I can either put in hours of time and effort and maybe squeeze a trophy in elite leagues here and there or put in absolutely no effort and get a gold trophy every other season.

And what happens when the first team guts. Then the second? Or the teams that simply are not that good? There are teams that are head and shoulders better than the others in a league. If you one of the average teams or sub par teams and are locked into a league like that season after season after season, would you stay? The variable is the assorted skill levels of the teams at different parts of the game. Player building, AI building, scouting, finance, there are teams with it all, teams with a couple of them down, and some with none of these skills.

And I do not see how a team that finishes 3rd in an Elite league is worse off than a team that finishes first in a regular league. The Elite league team likely had a very competitive season, where the regular league team likely had iffy competition at best. And both will be moving up to the Elite leagues if still capped, or if high enough then AA under the current system. So how so are they better off? If all you want is a trohpy, then maybe. But, I am not just after the trophy, I am after one that means something to me and my team. If it was a walk in the park, then it deserves to be called a loltrophy. But, if it was earned in a tough league, then to me at least, it matters.
Originally posted by Vortus
The first problem I see is players being attached to teams. So when a team goes down so do the players? Do not like that at all

Players and teams are not locked. Bort would have to decide how many teams to release based on the numbers he has. As teams fold other playrs will retire creating room for all to play.

Originally posted by Vortus
Second is it's going to strangle the leagues above the new system until they wither away. Alot of guys will leave the game. The system needs to be able to be used all at once and incorporate all levels and leagues.

Your right on with this. Some sort of restructure would have to happen immediately to save the uncapped leagues. I'd like to contract from 4 to 8 Pro leagues and shuffle within each league.

Originally posted by Vortus
Third is it seems complicated. A new league has to be formed each season, and it will take 7 seasons to phase in the full idea. Simply takes to long. We have dealt with the problems to this point, this stretches them out even longer.

I do not see it being more complicated than what Bort and co have to deal with each season. Think about this, you make a new player next season, and you have ever chance to be the best team for 7 seasons while getting the team you are on a pro berth. Each season everyone will have this opportunity. The 7 seasons is not written in stone, I picked it due to build round out, and to allow for 4 seasons in the "pros".

As you can tell I just cut and pasted my idea to try and get some more input. I have not read over yours yet, but I am looking forward to it.
Originally posted by kingjonb
How about making keeper leagues. Something like it's been discussed before and had a lot of interest. Have leagues where the teams always stay the same then at the end of each season maybe have another playoffs where the winner of each keeper league of the same level and region plays each other. If an owner decides to sell his team then either that team is replaced by another owner, new franchise, or just removed from the league. Maybe make a discount to buy a team in one of these leagues so that people are tempted to stay for more than just 1 season. Something like 5,000 or 10,000 flex for lifetime ownership.

Sounds good on paper, but with no endgame there is no reason to keep sucky teams around.
I was thinking about this. I guess it all depends on where the plateau or player decline discussion is going but the same idea can be adjusted to what the end result of that discussion is.

The basic idea is to keep the regions but in a modified manner.

Minors Stage 1 Level 4 cap
Minors Stage 2 Level 14 cap
Minors Stage 3 Level 26 cap
Minors Stage 4 Level 33 cap
Minors Stage 5 Level 40 cap
Minors Stage 6 Level 47 cap
AA Level 55 cap and 35 minimum
AAA uncapped and a level 45 minimum
Pro uncapped and a level 45 minimum
WL uncapped and a level 45 minimum

Ok, the way this should work is that all teams promote at all levels up to the Pros, regardless of their record. If double the size of the WL then more teams can stay and more teams can promote to it. The Pros should be full since entire AAA leagues will promote into them.

Of course this will create bottlenecks at some points. Most likely the Pros since less teams will promote out of the Pros. So simply add more Pro leagues as needed until the system is completed. There is no need for a pyramid. So basically everything moves towards the Pros.

When teams gut or go CPU drop them to the bottom. Fill the holes by not promoting the worst non gutted or CPU teams. If a team does not promote and they end up in the top 4 the following season, they will be promoted 2 leagues to prevent gaming the system.

The idea would need some tweaking but the basic idea is to ensure that teams progress on time. I see too many AAA teams either promote early to the Pros to fill holes and the next season some teams miss promotion because there are not enough openings in the Pros. These teams tend to miss their one or two season window of top performance. If teams simply promoted every season that would fix the problem of timing. This is a major reason for teams gutting or going CPU. imo

Locked leagues would be horrid imo.

Leagues need to move the winners out to go play with other winners or the bottom 28 teams in every league would gut once they figured out the were never going to have a shot.

What happens to the league with 31 decent teams and the Saigon Whores?

31 teams gut after 2 seasons.
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
Locked leagues would be horrid imo.

Leagues need to move the winners out to go play with other winners or the bottom 28 teams in every league would gut once they figured out the were never going to have a shot.

What happens to the league with 31 decent teams and the Saigon Whores?

31 teams gut after 2 seasons.

Some are gluttons for punishment, so 3 seasons and they'd be gone.
whole thread is tl;zero cares
then why did you bother posting?
Originally posted by Vortus
And what happens when the first team guts. Then the second? Or the teams that simply are not that good? There are teams that are head and shoulders better than the others in a league. If you one of the average teams or sub par teams and are locked into a league like that season after season after season, would you stay? The variable is the assorted skill levels of the teams at different parts of the game. Player building, AI building, scouting, finance, there are teams with it all, teams with a couple of them down, and some with none of these skills.

And I do not see how a team that finishes 3rd in an Elite league is worse off than a team that finishes first in a regular league. The Elite league team likely had a very competitive season, where the regular league team likely had iffy competition at best. And both will be moving up to the Elite leagues if still capped, or if high enough then AA under the current system. So how so are they better off? If all you want is a trohpy, then maybe. But, I am not just after the trophy, I am after one that means something to me and my team. If it was a walk in the park, then it deserves to be called a loltrophy. But, if it was earned in a tough league, then to me at least, it matters.

The same thing that happened to the NBA when the Timber Wolves traded away their franchise, life goes on. It could happen every now and then, but if teams don't like losing every season then most normal people would do something to make their team better so they will win. Another reason why buying into one of these leagues should be for lifetime or at least more than 2 seasons and maybe have 2 or 3 different categories for new teams: expert, normal, beginner. There would be a lot more strategy involved, keep trying to win or rebuild for the future. It would be nice to have some kind of a draft or similar to benefit the lower teams but I know that will never happen. Maybe having options each season where you could make your player a locked player so you would know what you're getting into if there was a draft. There would be a lot more details that would need to be ironed out especially the generic financial system, but still something I think is worth a shot and just posting in here about it has held my attention in this game longer than the last 4 months combined.

Finishing 1st gets you more revenue and a trophy while finishing 3rd gets you nothing. League doesn't matter when it comes to anything important unless you consider patting yourself on the back for being in an elite league important.

Of course nothing anybody posts in here matters because the same thing will happen that always happens with every other change in this game. Nobody likes anybody else's opinion so the mods just make changes that are dumb but mean more money to Bort and anybody else getting a dime off this game.
Originally posted by kingjonb
The same thing that happened to the NBA when the Timber Wolves traded away their franchise, life goes on. It could happen every now and then, but if teams don't like losing every season then most normal people would do something to make their team better so they will win. Another reason why buying into one of these leagues should be for lifetime or at least more than 2 seasons and maybe have 2 or 3 different categories for new teams: expert, normal, beginner. There would be a lot more strategy involved, keep trying to win or rebuild for the future. It would be nice to have some kind of a draft or similar to benefit the lower teams but I know that will never happen. Maybe having options each season where you could make your player a locked player so you would know what you're getting into if there was a draft. There would be a lot more details that would need to be ironed out especially the generic financial system, but still something I think is worth a shot and just posting in here about it has held my attention in this game longer than the last 4 months combined.

Finishing 1st gets you more revenue and a trophy while finishing 3rd gets you nothing. League doesn't matter when it comes to anything important unless you consider patting yourself on the back for being in an elite league important.

Of course nothing anybody posts in here matters because the same thing will happen that always happens with every other change in this game. Nobody likes anybody else's opinion so the mods just make changes that are dumb but mean more money to Bort and anybody else getting a dime off this game.

Except there are only a few teams in the NBA compared to GLB. The number and variety of teams, combined with the movement of players across the game, and the added effect of players leaving and coming into the game makes any sort of locked system a temporary thing at best. Soon it would be like BBB was before the cloud. Lvl 1 teams playing lvl 60 teams.

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