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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by tautology
Originally posted by jdbolick

Uh ... no. Just because you only want to count four seasons doesn't make that an accurate price at all. I guess it's good news that extra plateau keeps costs relatively the same as they are now, though.

I guess you are more the expert than me on what I think I am paying for?

Wait, so if I think I bought a Ferrari 360 Modena instead of a Mazdaspeed 6, then I have a Ferrari? Sweet! Who wants to race?
Originally posted by Mr. Me2
Wait, so if I think I bought a Ferrari 360 Modena instead of a Mazdaspeed 6, then I have a Ferrari? Sweet! Who wants to race?

Before I had to buy a Mazdaspeed 6, then a Jetta, then I could finally buy the Modena which is the only car I really wanted.

Now I can skip the Jetta. Didn't want it, didn't need it, but i used to have to pay for it. Still have to buy the Mazda, but what the hey?

edit: i don't actually know what a Mazdaspeed 6 is btw
Edited by tautology on Jul 13, 2011 22:03:11
Originally posted by marcello
Psssst, they didn't have one before. And why should mediocrity be rewarded in the first place?

Because the non-elites are the ones who have been quitting, and if the pace continues then we won't be enough to keep supporting the game. As mentioned much earlier in the thread, extended plateau is great for increasing competition at the World League level, but is making Pro more stratified than ever. I don't know, I realize very few agree with me about extended plateau being a bad thing, I'm just thinking about this from a meta perspective instead of just what would personally benefit me and the teams I'm associated with.

Originally posted by tautology
I guess you are more the expert than me on what I think I am paying for?

It's weird how you've developed this overt hostility towards me for all the times I've proven you wrong about things, but come on. Perception doesn't change reality. You're paying X dollars for Y years, no matter how many of those Y years you consider to be "relevant."

edit: And for the record, I still think you're awesome regardless of the enmity and you not being omniscient.
Edited by jdbolick on Jul 13, 2011 22:05:19
Originally posted by jdbolick

It's weird how you've developed this overt hostility towards me for all the times I've proven you wrong about things, but come on. Perception doesn't change reality. You're paying X dollars for Y years, no matter how many of those Y years you consider to be "relevant."

That wasn't hostile, I was laughing at you. Lighten up.

What I want is a WL dot. That dot has a total cost to purchase. That price went down dramatically for me.

If you find a lot of value in the level 1 through level 64 experience, then I agree it is a different calculus, similar to Reddog's.

For me, it just got a hell of a lot cheaper. But I'm sure you'll convince me I'm wrong

edit: look at this way and you'll see- Previously I had to spend 33 boosts to get my level 74 dot. Now I will only need to spend 24 boosts + a little extra for the new Custom upgrades.
Cheaper by a ton.

Edited by tautology on Jul 13, 2011 22:18:28
Edited by tautology on Jul 13, 2011 22:16:39
Originally posted by jdbolick
So what, if anything, is reddog missing here?

Originally posted by reddogrw

for 100 FP positions, the cost goes up 32.2%

for 200 FP positions, the cost goes up 18.8%

for 300 FP positions, the cost goes up 13.6%

feel free to check my math - I would love to find out I made a mistake
seasons til decline...........14.........10
initial cost..........................100......100
boosting seasons.............11.........7
3 boosts / season..............3...........3
total boosts.......................33..........21
flex cost to boost............3300....2100
total flex cost..................4300.....3100
refunded flex..................3040.....2200
spent flex........................1260.......900
net cost/season..............90............90

3 extra boosts................................300
loss after refund...............................90
bonus eq - no refund....................200
added loss.....................................290
new total loss...............1260......1190
new net cost/season......90........119 -----> an increase of 32.2% per season

and before you say "you don't have to spend the extra flex for the new stuff", yeah right - just like you don't "have to buy CE" either

He didn't account for two key factors (which is why if you're going to try and do the math on the decision a business is making you should know that you're making assumptions that don't necessarily follow their calculations).

1) We calculated it on a per real life day basis, not a per season basis. The actual cost for a player and any revenue generated for GLB is based on actual days, not GLB seasons. We used 56 days as our basis (40 day season, 8 day offseason, and 8 day preseason).

2) We made an assumption based upon spending pattern data that the number of people who would do all plateau boosts and CEQ additions would be no more then 80-90%. While the majority of you will probably do the plateau boosts and CEQ additions, we are very comfortable that this will not be the case for all GLB customers. We have to base our calculations on expected gains and losses not dream scenarios (100% of customers doing all plateau boosts and CEQ additions).

With the two additional seasons of extended plateau, I feel very comfortable in saying that GLB will be taking a loss (albeit a small one) from these changes.

Originally posted by tautology
That wasn't hostile, I was laughing at you. Lighten up. What I want is a WL dot. That dot has a total cost to purchase. That price went down dramatically for me. If you find a lot of value in the level 1 through level 64 experience, then I agree it is a different calculus, similar to Reddog's. For me, it just got a hell of a lot cheaper. But I'm sure you'll convince me I'm wrong

You never admit to being wrong about anything, even when it is proven. Regardless:
Originally posted by jdbolick
Perception doesn't change reality. You're paying X dollars for Y years, no matter how many of those Y years you consider to be "relevant."
Originally posted by Catch22
He didn't account for two key factors (which is why if you're going to try and do the math on the decision a business is making you should know that you're making assumptions that don't necessarily follow their calculations).

1) We calculated it on a per real life day basis, not a per season basis. The actual cost for a player and any revenue generated for GLB is based on actual days, not GLB seasons. We used 56 days as our basis (40 day season, 8 day offseason, and 8 day preseason).

2) We made an assumption based upon spending pattern data that the number of people who would do all plateau boosts and CEQ additions would be no more then 80-90%. While the majority of you will probably do the plateau boosts and CEQ additions, we are very comfortable that this will not be the case for all GLB customers. We have to base our calculations on expected gains and losses not dream scenarios (100% of customers doing all plateau boosts and CEQ additions).

With the two additional seasons of extended plateau, I feel very comfortable in saying that GLB will be taking a loss (albeit a small one) from these changes.

Fair enough.

Originally posted by jdbolick

Perception doesn't change reality. You're paying X dollars for Y years, no matter how many of those Y years you consider to be "relevant."

I won't try to argue you out of your perception of reality, but I suggest you steer clear of a career in business

Edited by tautology on Jul 13, 2011 22:18:00
favorite prism
While you guys are making changes go ahead and announce the reduction of WR costs as well. Maybe people will want to make them again...
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
While you guys are making changes go ahead and announce the reduction of WR costs as well. Maybe people will want to make them again...
no title
Originally posted by Catch22
He didn't account for two key factors (which is why if you're going to try and do the math on the decision a business is making you should know that you're making assumptions that don't necessarily follow their calculations).

1) We calculated it on a per real life day basis, not a per season basis. The actual cost for a player and any revenue generated for GLB is based on actual days, not GLB seasons. We used 56 days as our basis (40 day season, 8 day offseason, and 8 day preseason).

2) We made an assumption based upon spending pattern data that the number of people who would do all plateau boosts and CEQ additions would be no more then 80-90%. While the majority of you will probably do the plateau boosts and CEQ additions, we are very comfortable that this will not be the case for all GLB customers. We have to base our calculations on expected gains and losses not dream scenarios (100% of customers doing all plateau boosts and CEQ additions).

With the two additional seasons of extended plateau, I feel very comfortable in saying that GLB will be taking a loss (albeit a small one) from these changes.

Not if you look long term projected numbers... as a business guy I can say with all honesty that this may be the first time I agree with your business plan for longevity... I will leave those numbers to you guys, but given 6 months you will see the fruits of this labor imho
no title
Originally posted by Catch22

I miss JED
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by tautology
Originally posted by Mr. Me2

Wait, so if I think I bought a Ferrari 360 Modena instead of a Mazdaspeed 6, then I have a Ferrari? Sweet! Who wants to race?

Before I had to buy a Mazdaspeed 6, then a Jetta, then I could finally buy the Modena which is the only car I really wanted.

Now I can skip the Jetta. Didn't want it, didn't need it, but i used to have to pay for it. Still have to buy the Mazda, but what the hey?

edit: i don't actually know what a Mazdaspeed 6 is btw

Just because you think you are not paying for something, that does not make it true. But anyways...Take out the speed in the name, then add a turbo and awd to the 4 cylinder version and poof.
favorite prism
Originally posted by Catch22

Make them worth a damn again please
Originally posted by Catch22
With the two additional seasons of extended plateau, I feel very comfortable in saying that GLB will be taking a loss (albeit a small one) from these changes.

Bort needs to renegotiate the your raise in flexies and GLB could turn that small loss into a small profit.


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