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Originally posted by MattyP
Originally posted by soapbox

However, does that site argue against a run-first defense being less important than a pass-first defense? If you look, the Pittsburgh Steelers have been near the top in the league in rush stopping the past few years, and they have also been near the top in total defense (#2/#1 in '07 iirc). I would think making a team have to throw would be a better objective than allowing the run. Look at teams like Denver... when Denver failed to stop the run in '07, that's when EVERYTHING fell apart... even with the league's best CB tandem (or top 2 with GB, but I'd still say, out of credentials, Denver had the best).

Yes it does. All you have to do is look at my favorite team (the Vikings) and you'll see why. They have been first in the league in stopping the run (yds and yds/attempt) for 2-3 years now and really no overall success. Granted, there is probably some misleading information in that stat because teams line up against the Vikes and basically don't really try to run. Why would you need to if you can pass so effectively? But the fact is, stopping the pass is just as important, if not more important.

I don't know if I completely agree with these sites because it's so hard to distill the game down to simple stats like that. But I do think they make a good case for discussion.

The reason I stayed away from the Vikes was for that very reason. When you have NO pass defense, it's pretty hard to have a good overall defense.

I meant like a team with the #1 run defense and #15 pass defense vs #1 pass defense and #15 run defense.

I'd think that might be misleading too though because of the whole "run out the clock" thing as well.

If you look at the Vikes run defense in terms of yards per attempt, it wasn't overly terrific.
This is a good discussion. These stats back up my point. High effeciency passing and more rushing attempts lead to wins.

Let's look at your Vikings example. In 2007 they had poor talent at the major skill positions, except RB, but have still been 0.500. Many people think that will below average QB and WR's they'd be terrible, but instead they were middle of the pack. I say they did as well as they did because of their ability to stop the run and effective run the ball. Look at their passing efficiency. Jackson was 58.2% completion in 07 and threw more int's than TD's. The Vikings were therefore not efficient passing the ball. They were good in one key area, running the ball, but bad in the other key area, pass efficiency, and were therefore AVERAGE at 8-8.
Can't we all just agree that the Vikings stink and move on?
Originally posted by BigCheese
Can't we all just agree that the Vikings stink and move on?

COunt me in. The Minnesota ViQueens - Champions of paper football. Too bad the real games aren't played on cardboard.
The Vikes have broken my heart over and over again...

A lot of people outside of the Midwest have no idea the crap that they have put us poor fans through. It's arguably worse than the Red Sox Curse was ... but since we're in flyover country nobody gives a shit.
Last edited Sep 5, 2008 14:23:12
Maaty, did you not get the memo about STOP derailing threads in the APL forums. Do I need to set up another thread for this discussion?
Originally posted by majech
This is a good discussion. These stats back up my point. High effeciency passing and more rushing attempts lead to wins.

Let's look at your Vikings example. In 2007 they had poor talent at the major skill positions, except RB, but have still been 0.500. Many people think that will below average QB and WR's they'd be terrible, but instead they were middle of the pack. I say they did as well as they did because of their ability to stop the run and effective run the ball. Look at their passing efficiency. Jackson was 58.2% completion in 07 and threw more int's than TD's. The Vikings were therefore not efficient passing the ball. They were good in one key area, running the ball, but bad in the other key area, pass efficiency, and were therefore AVERAGE at 8-8.

Well they had the best RB tandem in the league so I mean...

And their problems were being the 32nd ranked passing defense and having a QB who didn't know what was going on.
why did this topic get turned into serious discussion?
Originally posted by RTJakarta
why did this topic get turned into serious discussion?

Real footbal = srs biz
Originally posted by MattyP
The Vikes have broken my heart over and over again...

A lot of people outside of the Midwest have no idea the crap that they have put us poor fans through. It's arguably worse than the Red Sox Curse was ... but since we're in flyover country nobody gives a shit.

I feel your pain , I have been a vikes fan and have also had my heart broken many times. This Team has had a run of bad owners/coaches / drafts. Owners like red mcombs and drafts like the one we had in 2005 really crippled this team since 2001. I tried to watch the 98 nfc championship on nfl network the other day being that it has been almost ten years and had to change the channel at the half when we took a knee with almost a min left. On the upside , we have an owner that looks like he has no problem spending money to bring in solid football players, One of the leauges riseing star Running backs , And no more will we have to hear about brett farves boy like enthusiasim for playing the game of football twice a year. Go vikes
The Vikes are my NFC favorite this year... and I'll be rooting for them in all of their games unless they play the Steelers. And if they play the Steelers and lose, they still did well to win the NFC Championship

I was in Minneapolis for the Steelers/Queens game a few weeks back, got Chris Hoke's glove out of it

The Vikes defense looks flat out legit with Allen. Allen might not get a ton of sacks but he's pulling a Dwight Freeney in demanding a double team. 100% legit team right now imo.

Yes, I like the Viqueens over the Cowgirls. I've already heard the lols from Cowboy fans and I don't really care. I really think Tarvaris Jackson is an underrated QB and will surprise people (not by being an elite or even necessarily a very good qb... just like a David Garrard-type QB in that he's nothing electric but he does what he's supposed to [but I'm sure Jackson will have more INTs]). Jackon's 8-4 as a starter so he knows how to win. The only problem is that all of the Vikes failures will be pinned on Jackson.
Originally posted by soapbox
The Vikes are my NFC favorite this year... and I'll be rooting for them in all of their games unless they play the Steelers. And if they play the Steelers and lose, they still did well to win the NFC Championship

I was in Minneapolis for the Steelers/Queens game a few weeks back, got Chris Hoke's glove out of it

The Vikes defense looks flat out legit with Allen. Allen might not get a ton of sacks but he's pulling a Dwight Freeney in demanding a double team. 100% legit team right now imo.

Yes, I like the Viqueens over the Cowgirls. I've already heard the lols from Cowboy fans and I don't really care. I really think Tarvaris Jackson is an underrated QB and will surprise people (not by being an elite or even necessarily a very good qb... just like a David Garrard-type QB in that he's nothing electric but he does what he's supposed to [but I'm sure Jackson will have more INTs]). Jackon's 8-4 as a starter so he knows how to win. The only problem is that all of the Vikes failures will be pinned on Jackson.

Good take on jackson , i totaly agree. The part about being pinned for the vikes failures is spot on. alot of people are saying that its put up or shut up for him because of the talent around him on offense. Besides peterson/ taylor , and the lg guard hutchinson,and maybe matt birk but he is getting alittle long in the tooth, There really isnt any sure fire talent there. Berrian was a nice signing but the guy has never had a 1,000 yard season. He might pan out, IMO he isnt a true #1 WR. Sidney rice also might turn out to be a solid Wr to, but he is young and is still a year or two out.

Shhh , but i think that our o-line might be a little overated. With the loss of bryan mckinne for 4 games for being a nuckle head this offseason puts them in an even tougher spot. But like you said none of this will come into play when its time to throw the blame. Keep on keepin on t-jack
Trendy NFC Pick = not going to the Super Bowl. Haven't we all figured that out yet?
Last edited Sep 5, 2008 20:29:12
Originally posted by jahnko1
Good take on jackson , i totaly agree. The part about being pinned for the vikes failures is spot on. alot of people are saying that its put up or shut up for him because of the talent around him on offense. Besides peterson/ taylor , and the lg guard hutchinson,and maybe matt birk but he is getting alittle long in the tooth, There really isnt any sure fire talent there. Berrian was a nice signing but the guy has never had a 1,000 yard season. He might pan out, IMO he isnt a true #1 WR. Sidney rice also might turn out to be a solid Wr to, but he is young and is still a year or two out.

Shhh , but i think that our o-line might be a little overated. With the loss of bryan mckinne for 4 games for being a nuckle head this offseason puts them in an even tougher spot. But like you said none of this will come into play when its time to throw the blame. Keep on keepin on t-jack

Really? I think Berrian's a legit WR1. He hasn't had a 1,000 yard season because his QBs have been Grossman and Orton. If you watch, he's a speedster with some decent hands. Even if he isn't, I'd say the Vikes have 3 WR2s with him Rice and Wade. All are good.

As I said, if their playoff hopes have a real threat, it's McKinney's 4 game absence. They're going up against Kampman, Peppers, Freeney, and Kearse/Van Den Bosch in those weeks. That's scary and I'd quit if I'd get a resume ready if I were McKinney's backup. Plus, the Vikes Oline have really only been elite in the run game. I doubt we'll be seeing a lot of 5/7-step drops in those 4 weeks. Probably mostly PA rollout, 3 step drops, rollouts, or 1 step drops. Lots of play action and lots of running imo.

If Jackson eliminates lapses where he just seems stupid with the ball (like that jump shot of a pass... come on), he could be a very good game manager and a very valuable piece to the organization.

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