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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > French Liquors are Dread City's best Friend
Sik Wit It
I somewhat agree

You shouldn't get your team taken away from you...but what is the point of you owning it? Have you even tried to recruit anyone? You don't even have one human player on offense. Other teams in USA A2 west have been gutted AFTER yours and already rebuilt better. It seems like you're just playing to lose badly.
Originally posted by didymus
OK, right. Run your team the way you want. Please get out of my league. Find someplace where you can just play with yourself all day.
Bort alters the code about every day, so he is surely too busy to address this issue.
Buying a ticket to a movie doesn't give you the right to stand and talk and ruin the film for those around you. You get tossed out, ticket and all.
A team that loses intentionally (which you seem to be admitting) cheapens GLB for everyone around you. This is "what you have done" to me.
What am I asking for? I feel you owe your opponents, and the game, your best effort. The Liqours are shamelessly clowning around.
When I buy my flex points I feel that I am paying for a competitive environment. I am being cheated of this.
What points will I cede? First, I don't know you. Maybe you are a nice guy. Maybe we served in the same unit somewhere. I respectfully withdraw all comments not pertaining to the percieved operations of the Liqours.
Second, how much of your team's problems are of the current owner's making? Probably less than half. How much could anyone have really expected of the Liqours? Who's to say.
What is in evidence is every roster move, position decision, play call. It's all there to see. Is it sufficient grounds to have a CPU take over the Liqours? Are your actions detrimental to the future success of GLB? If, of the 16 opponents you face, you disgust enough to deter flex purchases in excess of what you buy yourself, you are then a liability.

tl;dr: QQ
Originally posted by tjking82
Originally posted by didymus

The owner of the Liquors should get his team taken away and be banned from ownership. He is making a joke of this 'hobby' that we are working at and enjoying. Our league's forum is right, he is a total dickbag (sorry for off color remark).

Bort should take away his team on the grounds that he is intentionally losing games, by the most infantile manner he can.

I'd rather lose a game than be subjected to such blatant disrespect for football. It would take 10 minutes to outfit them from the D-leagues with people who at least try.

I'm a nobody, but maybe our bigwigs can petition his removal from the sim. I don't want to see him at any level again.

First, I own the French Liquors not Malachorn, and I have never said or done anything to you. If you have an issue with me personally, please PM me and we can try to work this out. Funny that you prefer to call names first and address issues second. Who's being infantile again?

Second, it's laughable that you think you know better than Bort how he should run his game. Is that really what you think? Did you ever stop to think that maybe Bort is okay with people running teams in the way they choose, and that maybe you're just being a narrow-minded prick in trying to force everyone to operate their team exactly the way you would? If teams are trying to lose, they have to pay the same as everyone else and will quickly get demoted for their troubles. These things work themselves out. What doesn't appear to be working itself out is that stick up your ass - you may want to see a specialist about that.

I can guarantee you that Bort does not want to see people quit the game due to game imbalance and that is exactly what will happen if people like you are allowed to continue down the path you are going. All you are doing is creating a situation that puts the competitive structure we had here in USA A#2 out of balance. You are doing it deliberately and doing it with no intention of improving your team to be competitive.

Now if there is some kind of test you are trying because the game is still in beta then I have no problem with it. If you are just trying to be a douche bag then get the hell out of here.
Originally posted by didymus
OK, right. Run your team the way you want. Please get out of my league. Find someplace where you can just play with yourself all day.
Bort alters the code about every day, so he is surely too busy to address this issue.
Buying a ticket to a movie doesn't give you the right to stand and talk and ruin the film for those around you. You get tossed out, ticket and all.
A team that loses intentionally (which you seem to be admitting) cheapens GLB for everyone around you. This is "what you have done" to me.
What am I asking for? I feel you owe your opponents, and the game, your best effort. The Liqours are shamelessly clowning around.
When I buy my flex points I feel that I am paying for a competitive environment. I am being cheated of this.
What points will I cede? First, I don't know you. Maybe you are a nice guy. Maybe we served in the same unit somewhere. I respectfully withdraw all comments not pertaining to the percieved operations of the Liqours.
Second, how much of your team's problems are of the current owner's making? Probably less than half. How much could anyone have really expected of the Liqours? Who's to say.
What is in evidence is every roster move, position decision, play call. It's all there to see. Is it sufficient grounds to have a CPU take over the Liqours? Are your actions detrimental to the future success of GLB? If, of the 16 opponents you face, you disgust enough to deter flex purchases in excess of what you buy yourself, you are then a liability.

So... anyway that I could convince you to send me some pics of your vagina?
Originally posted by didymus
OK, right. Run your team the way you want. Please get out of my league. Find someplace where you can just play with yourself all day.

I believe "Get out of my league" says it all. This is no more your league than mine, and the fact that you think otherwise speaks volumes about your selfish approach to this game and the arbitrary rules you would have Bort play by.

Originally posted by didymus
Bort alters the code about every day, so he is surely too busy to address this issue.

Yes, because if he really believed an aspect of the game was deterring people from purchasing flex points, and thereby throwing the entire financial structure of the game into jeopardy, surely he would allow the fix to languish at the bottom of his list of priorities while he works on, say, making minor tweaks to energy or something.

Originally posted by didymus
Buying a ticket to a movie doesn't give you the right to stand and talk and ruin the film for those around you. You get tossed out, ticket and all.
A team that loses intentionally (which you seem to be admitting) cheapens GLB for everyone around you. This is "what you have done" to me.

If bort decided to arbitrarily kick me out of team ownership and refund my flex, I would not complain. Further, if he decided to change the rules and require everyone to play 40 players, and I broke that rule, he could kick me out w/o a refund and again, I would not complain. I recognize this is only a license to play. Still, until bort says otherwise, it is a license to play as I would like. If, on the other hand, you think that the operation of my team in the way most pleasing to me impairs your GLB experience and entitles you to demand removal of my team ownership, then I say that having to read your drivel on this board impairs my GLB experience (it does) and that you should be kicked out as well.

Oh and by the way I defy you to show me where I "seem to admit" I'm intentionally losing. Reading comprehension test here.

Originally posted by didymus
What am I asking for? I feel you owe your opponents, and the game, your best effort. The Liqours are shamelessly clowning around.
When I buy my flex points I feel that I am paying for a competitive environment. I am being cheated of this.

Again, this is (a) attempted imposition of your own playing philosophy on others despite the fact that they paid flex every bit as good as yours, and (b) a curiously misguided belief in what you purchase with your flex points. You buy the right to make your player better and/or to run a team. Your purchase of flex entitles you to nothing more than this, and Bort would say so to your face if you ask for a refund. Consequently, you are only being cheated of something to which you have no right.

Originally posted by didymus
What points will I cede? First, I don't know you. Maybe you are a nice guy. Maybe we served in the same unit somewhere. I respectfully withdraw all comments not pertaining to the percieved operations of the Liqours.
Second, how much of your team's problems are of the current owner's making? Probably less than half. How much could anyone have really expected of the Liqours? Who's to say.
What is in evidence is every roster move, position decision, play call. It's all there to see. Is it sufficient grounds to have a CPU take over the Liqours? Are your actions detrimental to the future success of GLB? If, of the 16 opponents you face, you disgust enough to deter flex purchases in excess of what you buy yourself, you are then a liability.

I suspect my individual actions have not deterred anyone, not even you, from purchasing flex. Threats will be made and self-righteous chests will be thrust out, but in the end you will continue to buy flex. This is the case for the vast majority of complainers in this game. Still, even if you were being intellectually honest and really believed that my actions may deter flex purchasers in excess of what I paid, it is far from obvious that the right economic decision would be to force sale of my team. You have failed to look at the chilling effect on team ownership implementation of draconian rules and/or known arbitrary removal of teams would cause. If I were thinking about getting a new team and saw a bunch of tightlaced rules, or heard that bort was pulling people's team ownership because others didn't like them even though they broke no rules, I would not buy a team in the first place. Consequently, it seems highly likely that your shortsighted view of the economic interests of the game is not the right one; people are far more likely NOT to take on team ownership than to QUIT team ownership once they have it, and so the economically inferior decision would almost certainly be the one you're advocating. your jets. It appears I will be gone in under a season, and then you can put all your self-righteous airs to use somewhere else.
Last edited Aug 21, 2008 21:57:53
Originally posted by IHasUsername

wai!!1!1 ur sorite!!1!1
Last edited Aug 21, 2008 22:07:11
I'll just have it be known that tjking82, based on my experience, is vastly more intelligent and sensical than any of the rest of you could ever hope to be.

And just the idea that any of you would try and believe you might know better than him about ANYTHING is terribly funny to me.
I know more about the Bengals than him.
Originally posted by IHasUsername
I know more about the Bengals than him.

You might have more general knowledge on such subjects... I would still argue that you don't know "better."
I do, however, know "butter". It tastes good.
Sik Wit It
But what's the deal with not trying to improve the team?
Maybe I should hit the books, get a 4 year academic scholarship, a B. S. in Economics, then maybe a military commission in the Army, spend over 14 years in the Infantry, command an Infantry company for more than 5 years. Then test out at the 99th percentile for my Master's Degree program.
Maybe then I could match wits with the brain trusts with whom I have had the poor judgement to debate here.

I'm done. Anything more would be running in circles.
Oh, I forgot my coursework emphasis in Quantitative Business Analysis. Other than that I don't know anything.
Originally posted by didymus
Maybe I should hit the books, get a 4 year academic scholarship, a B. S. in Economics, then maybe a military commission in the Army, spend over 14 years in the Infantry, command an Infantry company for more than 5 years. Then test out at the 99th percentile for my Master's Degree program.
Maybe then I could match wits with the brain trusts with whom I have had the poor judgement to debate here.

I'm done. Anything more would be running in circles.

Are you suggesting that you were a Captain for 5 years?

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