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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Good game all have a very solid team...
Originally posted by Fish.SR
Originally posted by Big McLargehuge


Everyone made nice.


onepeat is a marsupial lover.

But do you respect him for serving, even though he bangs kangaroos?


Hey Fish,

Sign your own post.

Oddly, yeah I'll respect him for serving. I still think he is an ass, I know a couple guys that didn't come back from over there, so maybe he has a right to be an ass, who knows.

Doesn't mean though that I won't defend myself or my teammates on this silly bulletin board.

The Real PinTBC
No one's going to complain about you defending your teammates if they're actually being attacked. Being hypersensitive ala the Atlanta Hitmen after a harmless comment directed more at someone else than your own teammate just makes you look like a thin-skinned little brat.

There should be a warning on these forums: This isn't a PTA meeting. Grow some skin, or go home crying.

As you can tell, Peat isn't the asshole on the team, I am. I have a black belt in internet nerdfighting. So, grow a pair and dry those tears, princess, or you'll end up exiling yourself from these forums like the little girls that came before you.


Damn, I really wish they would put my name under my avatar so I wouldn't have to do that.
Last edited Aug 4, 2008 23:23:40
Originally posted by Fish.SR
No one's going to complain about you defending your teammates if they're actually being attacked. Being hypersensitive ala the Atlanta Hitmen after a harmless comment directed more at someone else than your own teammate just makes you look like a thin-skinned little brat.

chuckle, it looks to me that we've had over a page now of people trying to explain why Peat is such an ass. Who exactly is hypersensitive? Also.. I'd say thanks for the compliment, but no-one's called me a brat in at least 40 years.

Originally posted by

There should be a warning on these forums: This isn't a PTA meeting. Grow some skin, or go home crying.

As you can tell, Peat isn't the asshole on the team, I am. I have a black belt in internet nerdfighting. So, grow a pair and dry those tears, princess, or you'll end up exiling yourself from these forums like the little girls that came before you.

I didn't realize this was the home for the "internet Nerd fighters anonymous" Funniest things about people who like to pretend they're tough on the internet, if you actually get the chance to meet them, they are usually short skinny little bastards that enjoy being asses on the internet because in real life if they opened their mouth someone would stuff something in it and make them their bitch. Not accusing you of that of course, but if the foo shits.

By the way, I haven't seen anyone leave here crying.

Originally posted by


Damn, I really wish they would put my name under my avatar so I wouldn't have to do that.

The request that you sign your own damned post was to keep my name out of your drivel. If you notice on the post I quoted, you had my tag in what would normally be a signoff, and while imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I'd rather you keep away from me, I don't need another stalker.

I've got no problem with Da Nola and VT going back and forth trying to see who has the bigger slash, every league needs some form of comedy.

Originally posted by Fish.SR
Dear Lord baby Jesus, lyin' there in your ghost manger, just lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' 'bout shapes and colors. I would like to thank you for bringin' me and my mama together, and also that my kids no longer sound like retarded gang-bangers.


That had me laughin.....oh dear lord baby jebus.
Yeh..well..even though I think the world of you Peat...

Today...Im gonna beat the shit oughta Griz on the way to our game...stuff that sill little hat up your arse...and ride that damn car all the way to the end zone...

And no...when the game is done I will not give you a turn.

Tomorrow when you are no longer my opponent..I will let you ride the car...but youll have to give it back to Griz when your done. I only needed it for the day.
Originally posted by avalon touch my la la la.....

game on...
Wrong person... it's supposed to be Gunther
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick

jack bauer in this biyotch!!!
i may be AWOL for the game (that will suck) but if not, I will enjoy beating dat azz!!!
Originally posted by JRoy15
Wrong person... it's supposed to be Gunther

The Koreans took it to the next level, Gunther has no chance to survive make his time. Ha ha ha ha.
Originally posted by vt_dolfan
Yeh..well..even though I think the world of you Peat...

Today...Im gonna beat the shit oughta Griz on the way to our game...stuff that sill little hat up your arse...and ride that damn car all the way to the end zone...

And no...when the game is done I will not give you a turn.

Tomorrow when you are no longer my opponent..I will let you ride the car...but youll have to give it back to Griz when your done. I only needed it for the day.

I have disabled the GPS in the car. GOod luck finding the field mother fucker.
Holy shit, PinTBC, you are dense. OK, here goes:

Originally posted by PinheadTBC
chuckle, it looks to me that we've had over a page now of people trying to explain why Peat is such an ass. Who exactly is hypersensitive? Also.. I'd say thanks for the compliment, but no-one's called me a brat in at least 40 years.

You really must be new to the internet. Those are jokes and friendly jawing. You obviously have sand in your vag and can't discern what's smack talk and what's a real personal attack. You don't see myself or Peat dogging the guys who said that, do you? Nope, because we know it's harmless smack talk that really doesn't matter. We're dogging you because you're too dense or uptight to grasp that. If what you write is true, then you're a grown man. Time to start acting like one. Right now, you're a little kid throwing a tantrum, so the "brat" moniker fits.

Originally posted by Princess.TBC

I didn't realize this was the home for the "internet Nerd fighters anonymous" Funniest things about people who like to pretend they're tough on the internet, if you actually get the chance to meet them, they are usually short skinny little bastards that enjoy being asses on the internet because in real life if they opened their mouth someone would stuff something in it and make them their bitch. Not accusing you of that of course, but if the foo shits.

By the way, I haven't seen anyone leave here crying.

That's a tired old cliche that, in my experience, is usually not true. I could say the same thing about middle-aged men who haven't been to the gym in a decade wanting to shoot their mouths off on the internet because they can't do that in real life. Would that be accurate? It's pointless to resort to making assumptions about one's personal life based on what we've posted so far. If anyone's trying to play the role of "interenet tough-guy" it's guys like you who get offended easily and turn a joke into a reason to have their faces textually owned.

Originally posted by PinkTBC

The request that you sign your own damned post was to keep my name out of your drivel. If you notice on the post I quoted, you had my tag in what would normally be a signoff, and while imitation is the biggest form of flattery, I'd rather you keep away from me, I don't need another stalker.

Yeah dude, I noticed. I put it there to mock you, because I think it's dumb. Your handle is right underneath your avatar. Are your posts so boring that you think people will forget who you are by the time they're done reading? I honestly can't believe someone your age is so fucking stupid. Again, that was the most benign jab I made in my post, and you started a reply based on it. This is what I mean by hypersensitive.

Originally posted by PinTBC
I've got no problem with Da Nola and VT going back and forth trying to see who has the bigger slash, every league needs some form of comedy.PinTBC

Thanks, I'll sleep so much better knowing that you don't have a problem with it. Damn, I can't even remember who wrote this damn post ... oh wait, there it is. Thanks for the signoff, sir!

By the way, contrary to your beliefs, I don't enjoy generally being an ass on the internet. I do enjoy, however, specifically being an ass. That is, guys like you need to be "jumped in" repeatedly until they can calm down and take a joke need special attention.
Last edited Aug 5, 2008 16:17:09
Originally posted by Fish.SR
I do enjoy, however, specifically being an ass.

And obviously you're quite good at it.
Originally posted by Merc85
Originally posted by Fish.SR

I do enjoy, however, specifically being an ass.

And obviously you're quite good at it.

Yeah, as I said, I have a black belt in nerdfighting. Yo must have missed that since I didn't sign my post.

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