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Originally posted by AMANN
Sorry for the bashing but..... I was born in the 60's .....Have the Aggies ever won a championship? LOL (1939) A Big 12 title? Anything of importance? It has been awhile and in no way are they considered a dynasty or even the upper tier of division 1 football. They are not even the best team in your state...Sorry, I do not hate the Aggies but sometimes the truth hurts. So to say you should know a defense because of your Aggies is so far from the truth. If you were to say I love the Aggies, I am a big fan and I try to follow the path of their defense in the 90's I might go for that.....sorry for the ramble, but to hear a comment like that from say a Ohio State, USC, Florida, Michigan,or even a Texas (god forgive me for saying that)fan, I could at least understand. Good luck to your team and I hope the Aggies take down the Longhorns and Raiders this year!

I'm guessing that upper level reading skills escape Oklahomans for the most part but I'll try and help you out.

I said that we know what defense "should" be. Never in my statement did I bring up anything about being a "dynasty". Nor did I mention being an "upper tier" Program at the moment.

If you care to do some research into what A&M's defensive national rankings were in the late 80s and early 90s you'll find they were extremely high. Only an inbred Okie would fail to realize that they did in fact have some very good defenses during that time period.

And only someone with half of his brain cooked out from breathing in meth fumes all day at his lab (Oklahoma's #3 gross domestic product behind oil and Indian trinkets) would fail to realize that I had only stated that having graduated from A&M during the mid 90s we were around to watch those defenses on the field and that nowhere in that statement did I make claims of grandeur for the overall A&M program but merely stated that the defenses during this time period were highly ranked and that is what we strive for.

I realize there are some very big words in the above paragraphs so I might suggest you go check out The Dictionary from the OU library, unless one of those "per capita" Merit Scholars has it checked out for his thesis on the molecular chemistry of C10H15N.

Good day sir.
HCDDTCN: Ok, we finally have Chris Whaley, the RB from Houston, here for an interview. How come it took so long for you to sit down with us?

Whaley: Well, I’m kind of a private person and I don’t like the limelight. I decided to sit down with you guys to let my fans know that I appreciate all the well wishes and letters that they send.

HCDDTCN: So you’re 2-0 to start of the season, how does that feel?

Whaley: I don’t know…I can’t put too much stock in it I guess, cause last year we were undefeated and still didn’t bring home the trophy. It’s better that 0-2, that’s for sure.

HCDDTCN: Many experts have said that you are one of the most under rated players in the league, do you agree with that assessment?

Whaley: I don’t think so…sure, I don’t get as much pub as say an Iowa Jones or anything, but I feel like that I have the respect of the guys that play with me and against me and that’s all I care about.

HCDDTCN: I’ve noticed you’ve beefed up quite a bit since last season, what kind of things did you do to get so pumped up?

Whaley: I don’t know what you’re talking about? J/K…Buddyhorn told me to get some shots of HGH to add a little muscle mass. It’s slowed me down a bit, but I can bench press a car.

HCDDTCN: Any predictions for this season? Will anything but a championship be a disappointment?

Whaley: I don’t do predictions, but I can tell you that we will be ready for any and all takers this year. We’re pissed that we let a great season like last year end up short of our goal. Of course we will look at another year without the trophy as a disappointment…that’s what we play for, that’s what all the blood, sweat, and tears are for.

HCDDTCN: Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us and let us get a glimpse of Chris Whaley off the field.

Whaley: No problem…this was for all the fans of Houston and GLB.
Lawdawg, your one funny chick. You can tell you have had plenty of practice defending your team.
Originally posted by Badshot
Lawdawg, your one funny chick. You can tell you have had plenty of practice defending your team.

When you grow up in the People's Republik of Austin you kinda get a lot of experience debating football
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
Jimmy Turner

DMNTHDO: On this the eve of season 4 of glb, we would like to welcome Jimmy Turner.
JT: Thank you. It definitely is an honor for you to be in the presence of Jimmy.

Observer: You have set the bar pretty high for yourself, what steps have you taken to continue to improve?
JT: Practiced the new endzone dance that will be revealed shortly, sat around and talked shit about Evil Deon. You know he spiked my drink before our playoff game. That dude is downright wrong. He had to resort to that kind of tactic to win a game. It's alright, I got something for him later.

Observer: Last season you were the most dangerous offensive weapon. Can you continue to dominate in the ever improving West conference?
JT: Why not? Who is going to stop me? There is noone that can play me one on one and contain me. I am the best receiver and when the career is done, Jimmy Turner will be considered the greatest receiver to ever play the game. Is it cockiness? No. You are never cocky when you speak the truth.
Observer: Which DB do you most look forward to facing?
JT: Evil Deon would be the first because of the dirty tactics that he uses. Other than that, I could care less who tries to cover me. I enjoy being out there and seeing the opposing CB shaking and trembling in fear when they see that they are having to go up against the great #12. While they are shaking, I just look at them and say, "After I score this TD, who do you want me to make the autograph out to. And yes, I will make it out to them when they ask." I will say that Sticky and his son better watch out. I may take there legs out. I am winning the MVP this year!

Observer: Do you have a specific team you are looking forward to squaring off against? Why?
JT: Any of the top teams. I have never been afraid to take on anyone and I always like the challenge. I have been questioned about the playoff performance and if I can step up in big situations. I answered earlier why I was not able to step up in that game. It is a downright shame that someone has to put Exlax in your drink the night before the game. I couldn't get open because I was looking for the bathroom, not the football.
Why aren't you going to thank me for allowing you to be in the same room as me?

LMAO... I just don;t think Mr. Turner has what it takes to shine vs Houston at all... His words didnt help either as it set the entire secondary in headhunt mode for him... 2 catches for 16 yards, no TD's......
Originally posted by
A Big 12 title? Anything of importance?

lately? w/ Franchione?? no... but have we?

yea- 1998 Big XII Championship.
high times in the late 80's / early 90's included shutting down a couple of Heismann trophy winners
Now THIS is what defense should be. . . .

Last edited Aug 8, 2008 21:20:36
Stafford. . . . . what a puss.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Now THIS is what defense should be. . . .

Cool. Anything after I was born?
Originally posted by fooch

Cool. Anything after I was born?
seeing J-train - i heard he showed up on campus at like 296# - that's a big 'ol boy... trainers are working him down to 275# for the season - that or he'll be on the o-line instead of behind it

AND mad props to Detmer- played til we separated both of his shoulders in that bowl game - prolly why he went to byu and not tu, they wouldn't have wanted a qb that could take that much abuse
Last edited Aug 8, 2008 22:41:03
Side note. . . . how in the HELL can J-Train be that big? He has access to all of the best sports nutritionists and weight room personnel. I love him, but my God that's just lazy.

Originally posted by lawdawg95
Side note. . . . how in the HELL can J-Train be that big? He has access to all of the best sports nutritionists and weight room personnel. I love him, but my God that's just lazy.

cuz he's a fatass. as for his future, see Toombs, Ja'Mar.
Unfortunately for him, I believe you are correct. But as long as he continues to lay people the hell out in the Big 12 I won't complain.

His future is up to him. He has all the tools and resources..... what he does with it is up to him.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by fooch

Cool. Anything after I was born?

THIS is how you play defense:

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