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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Season 4: Preseason Top Ten with commentary.
Originally posted by shield.bearer
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam

Originally posted by AAflyboys2

An Alpha team won this league last season. Although, in the championship game the Zeta team was very close. My biggest concern for the new team is how much is the chemistry going to hurt them for the first 8 games of the year. I don't think 17 overall chemistry is going to cut if against teams in the 90's. Even if you out level some of these teams.

Wrong. The Stingers from the Zeta won it all.

Originally posted by shield.bearer

Everyone but Jerry Stegmaier...

Glad to see our impact can still be felt. The fact that we've never played the ASRW and you and some of your players hold this type of grudge against us cracks me up.

Not a grudge. Plain, olf-fashioned dislike. You and your friends have spent the majority of your time here baiting people in any way you could imagine. You've called OAA#4 members stupid (and every variation thereof), you've made racist comments, you've attacked our service members, dead family members, trashed our schools, our homes, and our education.

I don't like you or your friends. My guys attempted some friendly trash talking early in the season. Your guys did all you could do to offend everyone on these boards.

There is very little I can think of that would make me happier than to never see your offensive scribblings in this forum again.

I don't like you.


Go Blue...

This is your post and your opinion... which you are definitely entitled to, but I find it very classless to go ahead and post a PM from someone else who is trying to share their opinion with you. If Nicdolas wanted to create a pissing match with you and verbally badger your opinions in public, he would have done so on this post... but he didn't.

There is nothing wrong with your response to him... but to take a PRIVATE MESSAGE (PM) and respond PUBLICLY, I find classless.

I guess that's what it takes for a winner to show people how big his dick really is... classic Napolean Complex.

Your team had a great season and ran over us TWICE! We respect that... glad you've moved on and good luck...

Originally posted by Go_Blue
I thought I'd share some fan mail with my readers:

nicdolas Date Sent:
Jul 23, 2008 06:32:29 Subject:
personally your rankings are horrible obviously you didnt check what each team did, the condors only allowed 30+ points 3 times the whole season. 2 of them against Suva and 1 vs the Gunners. I dont mind being looked over but to say we have no defense you just dont have a clue.

Apparently our reader, Mr. Nicdolas, does not understand hyperbole. I stated that the Condors play no defense and give up 30 point a game to make a point. The point being that nearly every time you faced a quality opponent, they scored big on you. When the contenders in the division are dropping 50+ points on you, you need to rethink your defense.

Every time a team scored 20 or more points on Suva last season (twice) we lost. You allow 40+ twice and think you can contend?


I don't understand where you are coming from. Do you know what newspapers do when people write in to them? They publish those letters and emails. Once you send something out, it's in the public domain and free game. I didn't post this to create a pissing match. I posted an opinion piece. I tried to be as objective and fair as possible.

I never once said how great our team was. In fact, the only mention of our team was mentioning our LOSSES.

Nicdolas and yourself got your panties in a bunch because I ranked your team lower than you would want or feel you "deserve" when in actuality, it's probably higher than it really should be.

If there was a way to make sigs on this forum, I would add "Any PM you send me is fair game to be posted. I expect the same." Happy?

Last edited Jul 24, 2008 14:18:16
No, Go Blue... you have it wrong. I have no problem with our ranking... all those teams above us legitimately have a right to be there... their performance and seasons dictate that.

I also didn't say you couldn't post his PM... but I was arguing the point that I found it very tactless. Sure... anything, anyone sends out could be public domain... but it is the individual who receives it that makes that decision... and based on your decision, I came to my opinion about your character.

You are also correct in saying that people who send in opinions to newspapers can have those published... but that comes with the understanding that the person sending in the letter/email is doing so to an organization with the purpose of printing such opinions. Until your last post, I didn't realize that you consider yourself in that same realm. I always assumed that if you received a Private Message about something you posted, it was just that, a Private Message... otherwise just post to the post.

It is clear now that, and you made it clear, that anything written to you, publicly or privately, is seen to you as "pubic domain."

On that note... this is my final post on this subject (I've stood on my soap box long enough) Again.. Good Luck next season... you have a solid team and hopefully you will be successful at the next level.

One last thing. I might not have been totally clear. I assume that any PM you send me regarding a publically posted editorial is free game to be posted, that is not to say I will publish all the personal, cyber PMs you sent the other day, those shall remain private.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by dutchboyx9

My philosophy for the scrims is to test new strategies. I think my CB could play WR in this league.

I never really got involved with you Alpha guys, but I can see why everyone else thought you were assholes. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Reported for flaming and name calling.

dude calm yourself. most people use hte scrimmage games to test different strats out anyway.
wth does "reported for flaming and name calling" mean
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
wth does "reported for flaming and name calling" mean

From the rules page on the forums site:

Things that are not acceptable on this forum, or any other forum on GLB, and may result in posting suspensions:

1. Racism. This includes any and all slurs, including those for homosexuals, trans-gendered, etc. We don't need Nazi posts in here either, in any language.

2. Swearing just for the sake of swearing. If you're posting random strings of curse words, just because, you should probably stop and think "Do I really need to post this?"

3. Personal attacks against another user that are not in-character or "playing around." We understand this is a grey area, but if you're just trying to make fun of somebody and it has nothing to do with the game, please don't post it.

Flaming and name calling are personal attacks against another user that are not in-character or "playing around". Much like saying things along the line of "reported for going to the only top 5 school to lose to Apalacian State."

I have been told by the mods to not post that I am reporting people and just report them and it will be dealt with accordingly. So I am now doing that.
Go Blue, I just checked out your profile..and it says:

Suva Hawks
Oceania AAA #2 (Alpha Conference)

I am sure they have a forum as well bro.
Last edited Jul 24, 2008 18:08:43
That forum is not nearly as fun "bro" do you say gnarly and stoked too?
Why cant we be friends?

Why cant we be friends?

Ya know what sucks I got in the GLB 360 NCAA Dynasty, but I had to take over for who ever had Notre Dame. it sucked having to beat Michigan, cuz I love them, but it makes it worse that Claussen sucks so bad.

Oh well.

At least I have season tickets to ND this year in real life. Those will sell for a pretty penny.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla

wth does "reported for flaming and name calling" mean

From the rules page on the forums site:

Things that are not acceptable on this forum, or any other forum on GLB, and may result in posting suspensions:

1. Racism. This includes any and all slurs, including those for homosexuals, trans-gendered, etc. We don't need Nazi posts in here either, in any language.

2. Swearing just for the sake of swearing. If you're posting random strings of curse words, just because, you should probably stop and think "Do I really need to post this?"

3. Personal attacks against another user that are not in-character or "playing around." We understand this is a grey area, but if you're just trying to make fun of somebody and it has nothing to do with the game, please don't post it.

Flaming and name calling are personal attacks against another user that are not in-character or "playing around". Much like saying things along the line of "reported for going to the only top 5 school to lose to Apalacian State."

I have been told by the mods to not post that I am reporting people and just report them and it will be dealt with accordingly. So I am now doing that.
ahahaha thats hilarious. you should report me for having an offensive logo too, since it's the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and that somehow offends short people.
I guess you're do really understand, but there is a difference between offending people and making personal attacks on people. Offending people is ok, making personal attacks that is not GLB related is not.
oh i see. so youre saying it should be a personal attack like "the last time you got laid, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon."
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
oh i see. so youre saying it should be a personal attack like "the last time you got laid, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon."

I guess that might have been funny/insulting back in the 70s or something, but you're on the right track.
Last edited Jul 24, 2008 20:03:51

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