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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I hope you guys are hungry...
Great post jt. Don't worry about the haters. Hope to see you guys in the 2nd round of the playoffs.
RT, I really haven't had too many issues with you or the others on your team... however, I reserve a special level of contempt for people who crow about how great they are when they have an obvious advantage over everyone else.

The screams to me someone who has no desire to participate in good-natured competition, rather to validate their own self-worth by lording over others. I highly doubt that Laggo would be nearly as obnoxious (notice the presence of the word NOXIOUS) if the Yotes were on a level playing field and I guarantee that he wouldn't be posting the crap he has this season.

For members of the Coyotes keep in mind that we are not "picking on you". Most of us couldn't identify half the members of your team, personally I haven't the time to go perusing a team's roster to identify all their posters. We are calling Laggo on his BS childish crap that detracts from our enjoyment of the game and community.
I appreciate the honesty, but from what I can tell, you gutted one team and moved the players to another team. Not only that, but you brought the players into a new league that would be compised of new teams and new owners. To me that is crap. To me that is collusion. To me GLB should ban people that are involved in that. I'm not trying to be snide, but there are LOTS of teams in this league that have busted their hump to build a team and to have teams that collude irritates me.

The USA Org guys say, we just wanted to help our players out. Well, possible being on a bad team is part of the deal with GLB. If you get stuck on a crap team, you find a new team or you get your own team. To say you're going to collude so they stay on a good team just screws all the players and GM's on the other teams in the colluded teams conference.

That is my 2 cents.
Originally posted by majech
I appreciate the honesty, but from what I can tell, you gutted one team and moved the players to another team. Not only that, but you brought the players into a new league that would be compised of new teams and new owners. To me that is crap. To me that is collusion. To me GLB should ban people that are involved in that. I'm not trying to be snide, but there are LOTS of teams in this league that have busted their hump to build a team and to have teams that collude irritates me.

The USA Org guys say, we just wanted to help our players out. Well, possible being on a bad team is part of the deal with GLB. If you get stuck on a crap team, you find a new team or you get your own team. To say you're going to collude so they stay on a good team just screws all the players and GM's on the other teams in the colluded teams conference.

That is my 2 cents.

If he didn't kick us all out it would have been worse for the next owner, I promise. All of us would have bitched and moaned until we got our release so then the owner would have come in thinking he'd be getting something good then he'd realize NO ONE wanted to play on the team without everyone there.

It was a team for a forum. Once RTJ realized it wasn't in him to deal with everything, the team was done. His action meant nothing. He's a scapegoat for something that was inevitable unless he stayed the owner.

And Hawks - We are only the way we are in reaction to people bitching about us in the first place. I know it creates more hate, but it's just a vicious circle. We got ostracized, so we embraced it. Then, people that come in later think we're just bragging dicks. It's something we accept when we stop caring about this place.
Nvm, I'm better then that.
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 17:58:50
Oh please. Give me a break. You don't have to explain anything to anyone. You were fined for a reason, and people are fined for cheating. Don't give me this BS about being interested in another team. You brought most of your players over because you knew you had a better chance winning in this league than in the other. Don't give us this BS about how nice laggo was and that was the reason you sold your other team. You gutted your last team... brought your players over... signed 5 kickers and a bunch of low levels and f*cked the people that you left on your old team... not to mention the players you signed who actually thought they were joining a real team. And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar. I will always root for teams that recruit and build their teams right way. Bort doesn't fine people for no reason. There is a reason the entire conference dislikes your team. It's not because you're good, it's because people like you ruin the game for others.
Originally posted by victory88
Oh please. Give me a break. You don't have to explain anything to anyone. You were fined for a reason, and people are fined for cheating. Don't give me this BS about being interested in another team. You brought most of your players over because you knew you had a better chance winning in this league than in the other. Don't give us this BS about how nice laggo was and that was the reason you sold your other team. You gutted your last team... brought your players over... signed 5 kickers and a bunch of low levels and f*cked the people that you left on your old team... not to mention the players you signed who actually thought they were joining a real team. And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar. I will always root for teams that recruit and build their teams right way. Bort doesn't fine people for no reason. There is a reason the entire conference dislikes your team. It's not because you're good, it's because people like you ruin the game for others.


I got to "cheat" and stopped.

Bort fined him because Bort had to move some players himself. Not cheating.

Chet Avery
Nice post jt, but HawksFanNorth said it the best. We all, by that i mean "most" started with a clean slate here, and hoping for an even playing field, and for the most part we have it. The constant drivel spewed by laggo is what's ruining this league, and making people dispise him/her.
Maybe he/she (i only say that, because i don't know what gender laggo is) would show some respect to the other teams that worked their asses off recruiting, and building a team. Possibly some respect at some level would be returned. Honestly do you really think if my team were 16-0 i'd be spouting off the way laggo does? Not no, but hell no! Neither would any other owner in our league.

Just my .02.
Chet Avery
Originally posted by Voltron
Nvm, I'm better then that.

Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by victory88

Oh please. Give me a break. You don't have to explain anything to anyone. You were fined for a reason, and people are fined for cheating. Don't give me this BS about being interested in another team. You brought most of your players over because you knew you had a better chance winning in this league than in the other. Don't give us this BS about how nice laggo was and that was the reason you sold your other team. You gutted your last team... brought your players over... signed 5 kickers and a bunch of low levels and f*cked the people that you left on your old team... not to mention the players you signed who actually thought they were joining a real team. And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar. I will always root for teams that recruit and build their teams right way. Bort doesn't fine people for no reason. There is a reason the entire conference dislikes your team. It's not because you're good, it's because people like you ruin the game for others.


I got to "cheat" and stopped.

Bort fined him because Bort had to move some players himself. Not cheating.


really... borts done plenty of favors for people. But he fines people who make him do unnecessary work that should never have happened in the first place. Seriously, the coyotes bragging about being 16-0 is like a pathetic normal kid winning the special olympics. You can "LOL" all you want, but it doesn't take away from the fact that noone in this league respects your team. It's stupid when the same people are always trying to start up crap on this forum. Seriously, was this thread even necessary? We all know you gutted. You started this thread for more attention. The last thing we want to hear is your justification for "CHEATING".... yes .... you "CHEATED"... and that's why you were fined.
Originally posted by soapbox

If he didn't kick us all out it would have been worse for the next owner, I promise. All of us would have bitched and moaned until we got our release so then the owner would have come in thinking he'd be getting something good then he'd realize NO ONE wanted to play on the team without everyone there.

Seriously? I am now assuming you are not grown men or women, but children who throw a temper tantrum to try and get your way. I was reading and not going to post, but after reading that statement, I was like, what the f*ck!, this is what is wrong with GLB, hell the world. This sense of entitlement that people have. Babies cryin trying to get their way, and the only reason you did is because your team owner gutted a team to go to another team in a brand new lower division much less. This makes me freakin sick, you guys/gals would your asses hand to you in real sports, because you're quitters, cheaters and have no heart. (pukes in his mouth a little) F*ckin pathetic.

Last edited Jul 14, 2008 18:51:28
Originally posted by tramiken
Originally posted by soapbox

If he didn't kick us all out it would have been worse for the next owner, I promise. All of us would have bitched and moaned until we got our release so then the owner would have come in thinking he'd be getting something good then he'd realize NO ONE wanted to play on the team without everyone there.

Seriously? I am now assuming you are not grown men or women, but children who throw a temper tantrum to try and get your way. I was reading and not going to post, but after reading that statement, I was like, what the f*ck!, this is what is wrong with GLB, hell the world. This sense of entitlement that people have. Babies cryin trying to get their way, and the only reason you did is because your team owner gutted a team to go to another team in a brand new lower division much less. This makes me freakin sick, you guys/gals would your asses hand to you in real sports, because you're quitters, cheaters and have no heart. (pukes in his mouth a little) F*ckin pathetic.

I could actually hear/see the Chin actually saying that!
I try to stay out of all this drama queen stuff but one thing I want to add is that in real life I find people who tend to lie more often or are getting called out on a lie will usually qualify statements with words like "honestly" and "to tell the truth" or try to go into a lot of detail to convince people. Sometimes it works with less experienced people.

I felt the urge to look up that QB that seemed to be having shots tossed at him and it was someone whose forum posts I have come across before but never have spoken to. He carried himself pretty well for a "dick" or a non dick in posts and seems to be doing decent as an owner. I have no clue why people are being petty enough to take shots at him for unnecessary reasons when he didn't need to be mentioned at all. Out of sight out of mind.

My favorite line from Remember the Titans: Attitude reflects Leadership.
Originally posted by Chet Avery
Nice post jt, but HawksFanNorth said it the best. We all, by that i mean "most" started with a clean slate here, and hoping for an even playing field, and for the most part we have it. The constant drivel spewed by laggo is what's ruining this league, and making people dispise him/her.
Maybe he/she (i only say that, because i don't know what gender laggo is) would show some respect to the other teams that worked their asses off recruiting, and building a team. Possibly some respect at some level would be returned. Honestly do you really think if my team were 16-0 i'd be spouting off the way laggo does? Not no, but hell no! Neither would any other owner in our league.

Just my .02.

I agree, I don't think there is really much "Laggo Hate" as much as there is just absolutely no respect for his team. We all know that they cheated to put the team together & for everyone else who worked their ass off (& some that are still working a full season later) to put together a competitive team, it's a slap in the face to watch another team obviously cheat to get a good team, then go 16-0 with that team & brag about it on a constant basis.
Your team will never be repected because of the way you guys went about putting it together & the more you try to explain yourselves, the more people will continue to blast you guys.
Originally posted by alifornia
I try to stay out of all this drama queen stuff but one thing I want to add is that in real life I find people who tend to lie more often or are getting called out on a lie will usually qualify statements with words like "honestly" and "to tell the truth" or try to go into a lot of detail to convince people. Sometimes it works with less experienced people.

I felt the urge to look up that QB that seemed to be having shots tossed at him and it was someone whose forum posts I have come across before but never have spoken to. He carried himself pretty well for a "dick" or a non dick in posts and seems to be doing decent as an owner. I have no clue why people are being petty enough to take shots at him for unnecessary reasons when he didn't need to be mentioned at all. Out of sight out of mind.

My favorite line from Remember the Titans: Attitude reflects Leadership.

First paragraph just makes me laugh. If I lied about anything, then typing the whole post up was a huge waste of time. I'm not for that.

Second paragraph, you obviously didn't look very far into his posts. His team is in a conference that one of my players is in, and when I came over there and made a few posts, he really acted towards me the same way Vegas and Chet act towards Laggo and I. Abrasively and unnecessarily rude. Sure, I would attack him too, but after a while I just let it go because it's not worth it.

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