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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Playoff Analysis Lion Conference: Round One
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by majech

Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by majech

Excellent post Laggo!!

I don't really care about the predictions and stuff. It is funny and I've tried to add to the humor of it. You seem to like to walk the pedofilia line and that makes me sick. Maybe your a pedi and maybe you're not, but having people joke about that is VERY poor taste in my opinion. Maybe it is b/c I have kids, but that is my 2 cents.

I don't think anyone who sports the ava condones pædophilia at all. It's a running joke from a site called 4 chan and I don't think it was popularized so much as her being 17 as much as her looking 10 years younger than her age.

It is not just the avatar, he has make comments and started forums as well...

Ah, you said avatar. I didn't know about the posts as I've kind of not really liked what I've seen in this forum at all.

I'm rather strongly against taking advantage of anyone for personal gains in any way, shape, or form so I know where you're coming from.

You're not getting on your soapbox are you?

sorry couldn't resist, lol
Originally posted by majech

It is not just the avatar, he has make comments and started forums as well...

I've made comments that I am a registered pedophile?

I think I said I LUV KIDS once in the middle of one of your heated LETS ALL CALL LAGO A PEDO threads for kicks but I havent said anything that could even REMOTELY be taken as serious.
Originally posted by majech

You're not getting on your soapbox are you?

sorry couldn't resist, lol

Tis why I made the name as it is. I pretty much always am.

Edit: Ask RTJ, he's known me for about a year.
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 00:31:50
Yeah, basically. Soap is a gentleman and a scholar.
Originally posted by Laggo
the team I think have the best (and most colorful) logo in the league. Wonderful.

Awesome writeup....Looking forward to reading the next one.
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by Gott

Originally posted by Laggo

I guarantee stuff because it gets this forum all riled up and is funner than just sitting in silence.

I wouldn't be surprised if we lost at any point though.

We already know why you guarantee stuff. You're an attention whore. You've already said any attention is good, even if it's bad. (or something along those lines)

I don't know why you'd backpedal now, unless your teammates are getting pissed about making your team's reputation worse than it already is.

All you talk about in chat is how you're so much better than everyone else, and how you'll win every game, whether you game plan or not.

This is why Laggo acts the way he does. He offers a valid explanation and people reject it and proceed to say whatever the hell they want.

Edit: And I don't really care what everyone thinks of us. We are legit as they come. We don't switch players back and forth for big games. People see us as they do for almost no reason and we just embrace it rather than trying to change your narrow minds. Why should we care? Do we cheat? Nope. Do we break rules? Nope. You guys attacked him and so it's just become our image. That's fine.

We haven't gameplanned since like Cairo btw. I don't even know what the rest of the defense is running lol.

Riddle me this batman...You say you don't cheat, and you don't switch players....Was your team ever fined by Bort?
Originally posted by Gott
Originally posted by Laggo

I guarantee stuff because it gets this forum all riled up and is funner than just sitting in silence.

I wouldn't be surprised if we lost at any point though.

We already know why you guarantee stuff. You're an attention whore. You've already said any attention is good, even if it's bad. (or something along those lines)

I don't know why you'd backpedal now, unless your teammates are getting pissed about making your team's reputation worse than it already is.

All you talk about in chat is how you're so much better than everyone else, and how you'll win every game, whether you game plan or not.

Winner winner chicken dinner....Laggo is back pedaling now, because her players are getting pissed (which I would to) that other members are laughing at the fact they have a pedo-owner....People who state "It's not like we molest kids on a daily basis" are whack jobs.....So RT and soapbox can say all they want how great Laggo is, but some things will never be forgotten by other owners and players in the elephant conference.
Some things will never be forgotten by all of the APL ...
Originally posted by Outlawz
Some things will never be forgotten by all of the APL ...

But maybe... just maybe...

they should be.

Forgive and forget people. That garbage happened over 40 days ago.
Hey Laggo,

Thanks for the post. It was well written and a good analysis... except for the Werewolves losing to Mogadishu! Actually I guess I can't even fault you that one, as I am believing it will be a VERY close game won on a couple odd plays.

Originally posted by atm490
Originally posted by Outlawz

Some things will never be forgotten by all of the APL ...

But maybe... just maybe...

they should be.

Forgive and forget people. That garbage happened over 40 days ago.


This is awesome.
Originally posted by SheVegas

Riddle me this batman...You say you don't cheat, and you don't switch players....Was your team ever fined by Bort?

Not for anything related to cheating or switching players.

Actually nothing related to anything I even did, LOL.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by Gott

Originally posted by Laggo

I guarantee stuff because it gets this forum all riled up and is funner than just sitting in silence.

I wouldn't be surprised if we lost at any point though.

We already know why you guarantee stuff. You're an attention whore. You've already said any attention is good, even if it's bad. (or something along those lines)

I don't know why you'd backpedal now, unless your teammates are getting pissed about making your team's reputation worse than it already is.

All you talk about in chat is how you're so much better than everyone else, and how you'll win every game, whether you game plan or not.

This is why Laggo acts the way he does. He offers a valid explanation and people reject it and proceed to say whatever the hell they want.

Edit: And I don't really care what everyone thinks of us. We are legit as they come. We don't switch players back and forth for big games. People see us as they do for almost no reason and we just embrace it rather than trying to change your narrow minds. Why should we care? Do we cheat? Nope. Do we break rules? Nope. You guys attacked him and so it's just become our image. That's fine.

We haven't gameplanned since like Cairo btw. I don't even know what the rest of the defense is running lol.

Riddle me this batman...You say you don't cheat, and you don't switch players....Was your team ever fined by Bort?

It was because RTJ didn't kick off all of the players before asking Bort to manually do it. Not because he switched players or whatever. Bort just looked at whatever team RTJ GMed and hit the minus button.

Your guys' collective lack of understanding and (even worse) lack of WANTING to understand is the reason none of us really care to try to show you who we really are.
It was mostly because I wasted Bort's time with him having to sort out my old team, but whatever.

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