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Forum > Teams Looking for Players > New S112 Team for New and Returning Users
Kid Cudi
Originally posted by tremele


zz man
Originally posted by Pwned
Let's be real clear here. zzman and I are not affiliated with one another. He is a legend of the game and has nothing to do with the negative post above. Tremele is mad at me. I disagree entirely with what was posted, but let's keep this on track.

Thats very cool of you to say although imo Id be more of a legend if I won a few more Championships lol

On this subject let me just expand it slightly.... I really dont have a problem with anyone on here or some of the other posts theres been recently eg about Tom and/or others etc. Not for me to give my 2 cents worth as I need all the cash I can get lol

Seriously though Ive been on GLB a while. A while too long if you ask the Missus lol. But Im still learning and I wouldnt be here if that wasnt the case with teams I join etc Ive had friends caught up in similar controversies so I try to see both sides etc but my golden rule is to concentrate on what I do or dont do I have sympathy for those teams who may feel theyve been let down but Im a great believer in that old saying IT IS WHAT IT IS and moving forward from the negative is always the best way.. I understand Tremeles point but can honestly say PWNED and PeeJJ have been part of a new and successful direction for GLB and that goes for others such as Playmakers Smithy and others not involved in this

If I had one piece of advice it would be to remember that GLBs just a game although imo if it was it wouldnt hurt so much at times !!!
Edited by zz man on Feb 14, 2025 09:49:13
Edited by zz man on Feb 14, 2025 09:49:13

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