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Repubs were more outraged when Obama tried to give us decent, affordable healthcare. Just think how bad they would be if he did any of this stuff Trump is doing.
Originally posted by number51
What? He owned Trump U, literally all the power, and it was a scam. How is that not corrupt? If you would prefer not to use that example, he has an entire career filled with corruption. If you are actually interested in the subject, have at it:

Not all scandals are corruption, but that list is loaded with examples of corruption. You don't have to be President to be corrupt. If only politicians were corrupt there would be no one to bribe them.

How was it a scam?

Reading through this article, the claims are pretty lackluster.

The Beauty Pageant Scandals

Where and when: Various, 1992-present

The dirt: The Boston Globe’s Matt Viser reports on the mess of the American Dream pageant in 1992. After years of attending beauty pageants—Trump seems to have always enjoyed the company of beautiful, scantily clad women—he decided he wanted to get in on the business himself, meeting with George Houraney and Jill Harth, a couple that ran the American Dream pageant. It was an ill-fated effort. Harth and Houraney alleged that Trump started making passes at her almost immediately. On one occasion, Trump allegedly asked them to bring some models to a party. Harth alleges Trump groped her at the party. In a limo afterward, another model said she heard him say that “all women are bimbos” and most “gold diggers.” Trump reportedly joined another model in bed, uninvited, late at night. On other occasions, he forced Harth into bedrooms and made passes at her, she said. But after the contest, Trump broke off dealings. Harth sued Trump, alleging sexual misbehavior, while the couple together sued him for breach of contract. In the suit, they also alleged that Trump had kept black women out of the pageant.

The upshot: The couple settled with Trump for an unannounced sum, and Harth dropped her suit. Trump has denied all the allegations. But it wasn’t Trump’s last turn in the pageant business. A few years later, he bought the Miss Universe pageant, which also includes Miss USA and Miss Teen USA. “Honestly, when I bought [Miss Universe], the bathing suits got smaller and the heels got higher and the ratings went up,” he boasted to Vanity Fair later. In 2012, he won a $5 million suit against a former contestant who claimed the contest was rigged. By 2015, he operated Miss Universe as a joint venture with NBC, but after he slurred Mexican immigrants at his campaign launch, Univision and NBC both announced they would not air the pageant. Trump bought out NBC’s share, then promptly sold the company. He sued Univision but settled in February. The terms were undisclosed.

Where is the corruption in that? He likes pussy? This article's primary concern is making him look bad, not pointing out actual corruption.
In 2005, the Trump announced an eponymous “university” to teach his real-estate development secrets. Students ponied up as much as $35,000—some after being suckered in by slick free “seminars” (marketing?)—to learn how to get rich. One ad promised they would “learn from Donald Trump’s handpicked instructors, and that participants would have access to Trump’s real estate ‘secrets.’” In fact, Trump had little to do with the curriculum or the instructors.(citation needed) Many of the “students” have since complained that Trump U. was a scam. At one time, it had some prestigious instructors, but over time the “faculty” became a motley bunch of misfits. (It was also never really a “university” by any definition, and it changed its name to the “Trump Entrepreneur Initiative,” because as it happened, the school was violating New York law by operating without an educational license.)

So the corruption is that people were sold some shit they ended up not wanting after the fact? lol?
Originally posted by Catullus16
clean slate, guys. never doubt the cleansing effect of newfound power.

My comment had nothing to do with a clean slate. Learn how to read.
Originally posted by Djinnt

So the corruption is that people were sold some shit they ended up not wanting after the fact? lol?

yeah, seriously. I mean, if someone is trying to sell me a Ferrari, they market it as a Ferrari, and I'm told I'm buying a Ferrari, it's totally my fault when, after the fact, I don't want the Feiro they actually gave me.
Originally posted by reddogrw
depends on which actions

obviously I did not read his travel ban executive order but that appears to be a clusterfuck

ban refugees until they can properly be vetted? I agree with that

ban people from certain countries from entering regardless of their status? dumb

secure the Mexican border (like Bill Clinton was cheered for stating we should do back in the 90's)? yes - until you do any immigration policy is a waste

Can you explain in detail our current refugee vetting process?
Originally posted by Djinnt
My comment had nothing to do with a clean slate. Learn how to read.

my comment had nothing to do with your comment. learn how to not be such a child molester all the time.
clean slate, guys. we can't judge a person by their past once they've changed jobs.
Originally posted by Djinnt
How was it a scam?

Where is the corruption in that? He likes pussy?

Wow this is amazing, you think Trump is not corrupt. I could see accepting and preferring his many and varied forms of corruption over Hillary's track record, I don't agree, but I could understand some dimwits using that false equivalence to justify their vote.

Claiming that Trump is not corrupt is next level willful ignorance.
Originally posted by Lurchy
Repubs were more outraged when Obama tried to give us decent, affordable healthcare. Just think how bad they would be if he did any of this stuff Trump is doing.

do or do not, there is no try
Originally posted by number51
Wow this is amazing, you think Trump is not corrupt. I could see accepting and preferring his many and varied forms of corruption over Hillary's track record, I don't agree, but I could understand some dimwits using that false equivalence to justify their vote.

Claiming that Trump is not corrupt is next level willful ignorance.

Didn't say I don't think he's corrupt. I said I don't think Trump U demonstrates any corruption.
Originally posted by Venkman
yeah, seriously. I mean, if someone is trying to sell me a Ferrari, they market it as a Ferrari, and I'm told I'm buying a Ferrari, it's totally my fault when, after the fact, I don't want the Feiro they actually gave me.

That's not really what happened.
The claim was that you would be taught about real estate development. I don't see anywhere in the complaints that the consumers of the product didn't receive that.
Originally posted by Djinnt
That's not really what happened.
The claim was that you would be taught about real estate development. I don't see anywhere in the complaints that the consumers of the product didn't receive that.

The 'problem' is that Donald folded and paid $25M in hush money to get the class action suit dropped, so I guess we'll never know if The Donald did anything wrong.
Originally posted by Lurchy
The 'problem' is that Donald folded and paid $25M in hush money to get the class action suit dropped, so I guess we'll never know if The Donald did anything wrong.

Trump was innocent, he paid the $25M in hush money, just to be done with it. That is such a Trump move, give away money to avoid the publicity of being vindicated publicly.

Originally posted by Djinnt
Trump U is corruption? He wasn't even in power then.


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